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Full And Relevant Qualifications


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Could someone please clarify for me the timeframe for the CWDC "Full and Relevant Qualification"


My understanding is that from 2015 full day settings must be led by a graduate - hence the need to gain a foundation degree or similar - do you then also have to have EYPS to lead a setting ?


Also, do all early years staff have to have a relevant qualification by September 2009 ? And can they have enrolled on a relevant course so be working towards ?


I've looked at the CWDC site but it was not clear about the timeframe.....(or I wasn't able to get it!)


It's the timeframe I'm especially interested in.


Thanks in anticipation !



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I agree with you that the CWDC aim to have an EYP in every full daycare setting by 2015. My understanding is that this is their 'aim' and I cannot find anything to say that all settings have to have an EYP by then.


I am unaware of any legislation stating that all staff have to have a relevant qualification by September this year. Mangers and supervisors must have a 'full and relevant' level 3 qualification and half of the remaining staff must be qualified to level 2. What constitutes 'full and relevant' is defined by the CWDC and their qualifications list has all relevant qualifications - this list is updated now and again!


As for timeframe I don't think (happy to be corrected if I am wrong!) we have anything specific to adhere to timewise. If you are in a position to have/or be able to get an EYP then great but if not I don't think it is a huge cause for concern at this point in time. I think that in 2015 there will be many, many settings who do not have an EYP and maybe the Government will move the goalposts . I think it is important to remember that this a target set by the Government and not a statutory requirement.


There have been a few discussions about staff who are 'working towards' a qualification. In my setting we have a level 2 who is working towards level 3 and she is currently counted in the 'half of other staff must be qualified to level 2'. If you have an unqualified member of staff who is working towards level 3 as far as I am aware it doesn't count until she has completed her study.


The only 'timeframe' change I am aware of is that currently there are two lists of qualifications available on the CWDC but from September 2009 only one will be used.


From September 2009, the Early Years and Playwork Qualifications Database will be superseded by the Qualifications List, and from this date local authorities, employers, practitioners and Ofsted inspectors must use the Qualifications List exclusively.


The above is taken from the CWDC website here: http://www.cwdcouncil.org.uk/qualifications-list


Not sure I have helped you much! I think it is clear that we are all working towards achieving a better qualified workforce but in terms of rules of what me must achieve by when I am not aware of any timeframes. (Other than the 'aim' of the Government to have EYPs by 2015)

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What a co-incidence, I've just spoken to the CWDC. This may answer some of what you wanted to know...(or not)


Practitioners that have qualifications that, according to the list, do not match the criteria will be classed as unqualfiied as of September 2009. If they are working towards another qualification to become re-qualified, they have until 2012 to complete it.


They're very helpful, give them a ring if you're unsure.



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hi could someone clarify qualifications needed for sessional preschools, I am getting really confused (dont take much). We have two members of staff who are only level 2 but with years of experience, the rest are level 3's but taken at different times and through different examination bodies ie DPP, NVQ level 3. Hope I am making some sort of sense to someone, because I'm not to myself

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hi could someone clarify qualifications needed for sessional preschools, I am getting really confused (dont take much). We have two members of staff who are only level 2 but with years of experience, the rest are level 3's but taken at different times and through different examination bodies ie DPP, NVQ level 3. Hope I am making some sort of sense to someone, because I'm not to myself



My understanding is that managers/supervisors must have a full and relevant level 3. You will need to check that your level 3's qualifications are on the CWDC list. From September this year only qualifications listed will be considered suitable. Some level 3's will be required to update their training. You need to know the awarding body and title of the qualification and then you can check the list. There seems no rhyme or reason to the list to me but hey ho maybe that's just me!

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Could I just ask, and I know this may sound a stupid question, but when they talk about 'early years staff' does that include staff working with foundation stage children all through their foundation year, or just early years foundation.


Told you it was a stupid question :o



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aaarrrgh! My degree is not on the list still....I have contacted the CWDC and been told they are 'mapping' it - anyone else in the same boat?

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Yes Shirel I'm in the same boat. The CWDC have contacted the Uni for me and are waiting for them to get back to them with clarification.


I dont care what the CWDC say I know I've got a degree cos it was $%&$$^& Hard Work!!!!!


Hopefully though the Uni will clarify soon!!

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I'm in the same boat, too. I contacted CWDC ages ago, the uni too, and have heard nothing since. The uni seem to have lost interest since they stopped offering the course!

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It's so bloody frustrating...I work with someone who has struggled to get a level 3 qualification only to find it is no longer relevant.....I am now worried that after 3 years hard slog and that might happen to me...it is all so convoluted...I find myself having to fight my corner at work to justify the studying I have done and attempt to implement the 'stuff' I have learnt only to be met with barriers, I have to fight to prove that CPD is worthwhile....my colleagues think I am just raving bonkers as 'none of it will be recognised' xD:(:(:o My manager told me she has found a 6-week EYP course today!!!!!!!!!!! I know she has her facts wrong but cannot say as I appear not to be heard....def need to move on ........rather than thinking about what we offer for the children we have become a setting that wants to tick boxes for the government....funny I thought it was all about the children and offering the best quality opportunities for their early experiences to enhance their development and fulfil their potential, giving them the best possible start to life...I must of missed the point somewhere along the line.



Sorry ...bit stressed and hormonal and stressed a bit more this morning...therapeutic though typing this...thank you forum friends I know you won't mind hearing my rant! xxx


Should edit the line above but when I re-read I thought it was funny how I repeated myself..so I will leave it in as I appear to of made myself smile with my admission of stress!

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Shirel you may not have noticed with everything you have to contend with but I think there's a possibility you might be a little bit stressed at the moment. :o


You know in your heart that CPD is not a waste of time, and all these issues with the degree not being recognised will be ironed out when the CWDC is able to look closely at the syllabus assignment criteria etc and it is fully mapped. In the meantime, forget about all of that and try to concentrate on what you're clearly good at - making children's early years count!



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aaaaw thank you....I have had a lovely afternoon with the children and that makes up for all of my moans, the children are fabulous - it's the adults that are not so great!... :oxD

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