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Staff Rotas


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Ive got a bee in my bonnett at the moment about reviewing the 'teamwork' rota as I think it has become and bit too rigid with the staff........and the importance for them seems to have switched from the children to the 'jobs' i.e. putting rubbish out, cleaning up etc which I have reminded them that the children are our priority, and yes cleaning is also important it needs to be fitted in with the children not the children fitting in with the cleaning!!!! phew!!! does that make sense.


Also, after receiving back staff appraisals in which I asked them to comment on their dislikes and likes about team work there is a general agreement on the fact that team work is 'ok' but only if your other team member is pulling their weight !!! staff !!!


We have 4/5 members of staff each day (inc me) and we run free flow most of the session. Do you set up your staff rota:




working in pairs ?

I want it to be fair so that staff all get a chance to meet and greet parents/register/outside play/snacktime/adult led

any suggestions or samples would be great :o

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our roat is over four weeks - as we have four areas in the room-although there is now the outside to cover.our rota covers who should go outside and when so all staff go outside over a session - it also covers who should be where. at the end of the session we all tidy together - we dont have a rota -everyone knows what has to be done and usually it gets done. hope thats a help x

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Here is our rota. As for tidying. Its those membrs of staff that arent doing the story so i suppose it is taken in turns (just not on the rota!). We have found this rota really useful as it aids our own individual planning for our key children also. I know what days I am to do what and have planned with my key children in mind but aso know that others will join in. Hope this hlps!


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Hi, Just for an alternative, we often discuss having a rota but have decided against as it can become very rigid. Staff do alternate roles such as greeting parents, but this is done in a more informal way. Mind you half the staff are part time so this does make a difference.

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we did similar, no rota for jobs but done as noticed or in cooperation during the day, meet and greet we ensured as may were available as possible at this time, parents often wanted a chat, otherwise it was who id free does it... never found a need to have a rota for jobs..



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We are kind of somewhere in between - not really a formal rota but named person for outside and helping children to prepare snack, otherwise just all help together.



Hi we have rota each staff members as set day for planning an activity with key children and anyone else who wishes to join in is welcome on this day that staff member will do the story / sing sack at the end of the session . Other staff then tidy away , oh dear silly me should help tidy away one seems thing lifting few chairs is all she can do the other stuff below her level she may injury herself lol. They is rota for each staff member to prepare snack and clean the bathroom at the end of the session bins always seem go miss its left to me as i set up pre school each morning . I only wish they put things away in the correct place make my life easier when setting up in the morning most my hour spent looking for dam toys not putting the tables /chairs/ bookcases/sand /water cushions etc out . Oh well its going mention at thursday meeting we'll see who listens. does anyone else have these problems .

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