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Pay Rise


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Have pay rises for staff on our agenda for tomorrow's committee meeting. Would anyone be willing to give me a feel as to how much we should offer to show our appreciation for everything they do?


Also, do you get pay rises as a percentage of your wage or is some other formula used?



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Well done you! I have been an assistant over a year, was supposed to have review Dec...but nothing! Supervisor asked for one after she found out cleaner at school was on more than she was....got told to see what results her appraisal said...she is still waiting..in fact a friend of mine did my job for the year before me and she was on my wage...so that makes it at least 2 years!!

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I had a pay rise last January and was given the standard 3% rise. I wasn't happy with it so asked for more and to show their appreciation I got a 10% pay rise.



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goodness - well done you. But as my husband says, 10% of nothing is still nothing :o


As a manager, I'm just starting to do the sums for pay rises next year we already pay more holiday entitlement than staff are entitled to, to appreciate the work that staff do in their own time

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goodness - well done you. But as my husband says, 10% of nothing is still nothing :o


Oh Cait you did make me laugh out loud - that's just what my husband would say too.


I'm not having the best of weeks at the moment at work anyway, so that was had kept a smile of my face.


To return to the original question - my staff receive increases in October in line with minimum wage - those on minimum wage get whatever the new statutory pay is, and those above it also get a rise to protect the gap! We have very good adult:child ratios, the only way I could pay anyone a lot more is if we cut back on a member of staff and then shared their wages out amongst the others, not really prepared to do that. I pay them an extra hour per week for maintaining their children's folders etc. and they have statutory holiday pay.

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I think our wages went up by 6.something% this year - although I stll haven't resolved what the difference in pay should be for an unqualified, level2 and level 3 practitioner - anyone care to share (either by saying they get xp more per hour or x% more?)



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Maz I think you are right...there should be some sort of recognition that gaining that qualification should get you...never heard of it for my setting tho xD Might be somthing else to query the committee with given that my job share will be NVQ2 qualified by end of july and myself level 3 by dec. Surely that must be worth a payrise or why else would we do it (apart from personal gain of course :o )

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In fact adding on to this im not sure how we compare with others?


we are midlands based and our wages are as follows:


assistant (unqualified/qualified) £6p/h

deputy £7.25p/h

supervisor £7.50p/h


Supervisor doing cover at the after school club as manager £9p/h

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Ours is performance related along with what qualifications you have completed... it gives the staff something to work towards...

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our pay increases arn't done yearly, I think the last one was Oct 2007, so was hoping to suggest one in Oct this year (will have been 2 years) but as I'll be on maternity leave think it will be left till next year!! We don't increase by a % it will just go up by 25 or 50pence an hour depending on what the committee say!


We pay the same per position regardless of level of qualifications - but this is mainly beacuse one assistant is not qualified but has been with us for 15 years so her experience is amazing!

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Thanks to everyone who has responded, that's really helpful.


I'd also like to give our new SENCo an allowance for that job as it's a big one. Does this happen in any other settings?

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ours was done annually in September same percentage as minimum wage increase for all, this was a guide and could be more dependant on income...


we had different rates for qualified staff depending on their level , and responsibility..our Senco did not get an enhanced rate, but did get paid fro any extra hours if needed to cover workload, as often there was very little, and then we had loads for her to do..


and Marley your rates for manager are lower than ours were when I left..



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Have pay rises for staff on our agenda for tomorrow's committee meeting. Would anyone be willing to give me a feel as to how much we should offer to show our appreciation for everything they do?


Also, do you get pay rises as a percentage of your wage or is some other formula used?






Whats a pay rise??? lol

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I'm Midlands based and our staff received a pay rise in January. After completing their level 2 quals they went from £5.75 to £6.20 and our manager was given the same increase in monetary terms (45 pence) so she went from £7.50 to £7.95. Unqualfied get minimum wage.


Pay increases are always based on amounts rather then %s so that the differentiation between grades doesn't become distorted.


All staff get an extra hour each week for paperwork plus the statutory amount of holiday pay (which as gone up from 4.8wks to 5.6 wks pro rata).


They also get paid for any hours attending training regardless of whether they were due to work that day or not. This acutally works out quite expensive as I have to put other staff in to cover so end up paying twice for the same time period plus any additional hours the training covers. But, I feel that as the setting is benefitting from trained staff then we sould at least pay them for the time they put in.


Hope that's of use.



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All our staff had increase of £1 per morning this year, salares are increased each year in April.

We are paid as follows:


Manager = 10.93 per hr (since April have now started to get one extra session per month for paperwork )

D/Manager = 9.60 per hr ( ditto but gets 6 mths extra )

Level 3 = 8.40 per hour

Level 2 = 7.20 per hr

We also have two unqualified staff that are paid the same as L3 as they have been with us for over 15 yrs each and apart from NVQ's have as much training if not more then my NVQ's. All staff are paid full holiday entitlement (at the moment) which compensates a little for hours worked at home, although apart from Dep & myself very little is done by others at home. We also get paid for 6 staff meetings & 9 sessions each per year, although as we really dont need a Manager or qualifacations for these we all agreed a few years ago to be paid at the lowest salary rate, which helps a little.

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I've just seen a job advertised in my local paper for a level 3 nursery nurse within a private girls' school, and they say the salary "follows the NNEB salary scale".


I didn't know such a thing existed - does anyone know what the scale is? :o



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NNEB scale - never heard of one and i was never on one!!!!! :o

Your salary was probably off the scale though, hali!




PS I can see you fitting well into the private school environment hali - perhaps you should ring them up and ask about it?

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  • 3 weeks later...
All our staff had increase of £1 per morning this year, salares are increased each year in April.

We are paid as follows:


Manager = 10.93 per hr (since April have now started to get one extra session per month for paperwork )

D/Manager = 9.60 per hr ( ditto but gets 6 mths extra )

Level 3 = 8.40 per hour

Level 2 = 7.20 per hr

We also have two unqualified staff that are paid the same as L3 as they have been with us for over 15 yrs each and apart from NVQ's have as much training if not more then my NVQ's. All staff are paid full holiday entitlement (at the moment) which compensates a little for hours worked at home, although apart from Dep & myself very little is done by others at home. We also get paid for 6 staff meetings & 9 sessions each per year, although as we really dont need a Manager or qualifacations for these we all agreed a few years ago to be paid at the lowest salary rate, which helps a little.


Hi - would you mind saying if you are in a Day Nursery or Pe-school Playgroup?


We are struggling to recruit staff and if these rates of pay are anything to go by, now I know why! Even our Leader (if we had one!) doesn't get what your Level 2 does!


many thanks

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Thumperabbit, we are in a sessional Pre-school open 3 hours per day (staff are paid for 3.75 hrs per session), five sessions er week. I'm not sure what part of the country you are in as that would make a difference, also depneds on how much your NEG/fees are. We're just outside London, our NEG is 8.68 for 2.5 hrs & our fees will be £10 for 3 hrs from Sept.

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Thumperabbit, we are in a sessional Pre-school open 3 hours per day (staff are paid for 3.75 hrs per session), five sessions er week. I'm not sure what part of the country you are in as that would make a difference, also depneds on how much your NEG/fees are. We're just outside London, our NEG is 8.68 for 2.5 hrs & our fees will be £10 for 3 hrs from Sept.


thank you so much for the info Lynned55

We too are sessional doing 2 1/2 hours per day - 4 sessions a week - our NEG funding is £8.36 per session BUT we only have 6 funded children the other 18 are all non funded 2 year olds who will be paying £6.50 per session this September (which is 50p above the going rate for the area)

It's the 2 year olds which take up the money, because of the ratios, but without them we wouldn't be open.

Even by summer term only 12 of our 24 children will be funded, and then they will all go off to the local school nursery bar a few and we will be back in the same situation with hardly any funding again - wish they would hurry up and put funding in for the 2 year olds.


No win situation for us I think - but does explain our poor pay.

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I work at our local village pre-school playgroup where i am the leader, i get the same as the other 2 members of staff that are just working towards NVQ level 2 and that is minimum wage.

We don't get paid any extra for doing paperwork or going on courses, I get paid for working 16 hours a week but at the moment with all the work that needs doing it's like i'm working full time. At committee meetings I joke about getting a bonus/rise but they all just laugh. If I were to leave, the playgroup would have to shut down, i may get peanuts for all the work i do and get no support from the committee but i don't want people blaming me for the playgroup closing and our village has nothing else for the children.

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