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What a nightmare of a day! We had the most almighty storm here yesterday evening and I got to work today to find the place flooded!! Six of us have spent the morning baling out, mopping and drying.

Fortunately we haven't lost any equipment-goodness knows how as the place was awash! I just hope it doesn't rain again tonight. Keep everything crossed for me!! :o



It must have moved over to you from here Linda. I was covering in the CC yesterday pm when the heavens opened, thunder, lightening, hail and tropical-type rain. The entrance was flooded and a river was running thought the outdoor play area. Amazing. No doubt we will all have to have yet another policy in place now.


Oh Linda I'm so sorry to hear that!

Amazing that we hardly had any rain here at all and we're only about 10 minutes away!


That was what was so bizarre Nichola. My mum lives in Brooklands and not one rain drop fell, and that is about a 12-15 minute drive from here. You are even closer still! Burnage was on the news this morning apparently because they had such bad flooding.

Sounds like we had the same storm Jacquie. It was one of the worst downpours I have ever seen and lasted about an hour and a half.



:o There's nothing worse than having to clear up something out of the blue. Look on the bright side though - it won't need doing so thoroughly again for a while!


These storms seem very localised. We have heard of a few cases where one person has had the most dreadful storm yet nearby there has been sunshine. Luckily we have just had sunshine here so far.


We caught the edge of the one that hit Leeds. A member of staff keeps horses and struggled to get te frightened animals to safety amid the lightening. Luckily she doesn't work Mondays so was at hand.


It was Fairy rain as we call it!!! :o It's the clue we use to dash out in heavy rain with bottle of Fairy to watch the bubbles the force makes.Heay rain is forecast today but its not arrived...yet


It's finally arrived and it came from the west so hope things are ok


Thanks everybody! Just about dried out this morning-mind you I set the heating to be on overnight to make sure! It's rained again this afternoon but not as heavily. Called in on my way home earlier and all seems well. Phew! :o

We did take the opportunity to give everywhere a good clean so I suppose I will get away with a quick wipe around in the summer holidays.


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