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Drop In Confidence


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Is it just me, or does this happen to anybody else? I frequently get a real drop in confidence concerning Nursery.


There has been a lot of 'in house politics' this year to do with Surestart....I wont go intot he details, but basically a Surestart worker is working alongside the school nursery team now. Luckily I get on really well with the head, and she has supported me, and let me blow off steam, but I sometimes have problems with some of the staff.


I have a Nursery nurse who I have worked with for a while, but who i feel constantly undermines me and my decisions. the other adult working in Nursery is excellent, but is good friends with the NN.


Not only that, but I also have FS leader coming in to check on my planning meetings etc.


I love my job, but sometimes wonder if the children are learning as well as they should be, if we are doing the right things etc etc.


Please somebody else tell me you feel like this from time to time!

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Working as part of a team can be difficult, but as a teacher the buck stops with you which is why you must not feel guilty putting your foot down. How does your NN undermine your decision making?

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Every time I decide to do something she either comes up with problems with it, or suggests an alternative.


Then just little things like if she is putting up a display, she asks the other member of staff where she thinks it should go, and if she thinks her display looks alright, and what she should put on it, even though I am the teacher!

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I had a friend once that unless the idea started with her, then it wasn't a good idea at all. I found that everytime I thought of something then she changed it slightly and then claimed it was her idea, when people commented on it and said how wonderful it was!!! Or I found that she was doing things the way I normally did things - then one day I thought - hey, Sue, don't worry about it - immitation is the best form of flattery - as the old saying goes. It made me feel a bit better.

Little things like that niggle though , don't they? :o


I assume that the one you are talking about is an assistant. Is the other member of staff a teacher like yourself.


Sue J

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It happens to everybody at some point! I am having such a time at the moment. My staff were doing action songs with the children on Friday and they decided to do Farmers in his den. They pick this one all the time so I suggested they do something they hadn't done for a while. It didn't go down too well! "Oh we've got them in a circle now!" was the complaint. Anyway, I stood my ground and suggested something else. Later that morning one was very rude to me and the other found it very funny. I was quite upset. We have worked together for 14 and 8 years now and I see them as friends as well as staff.

It has quite knocked my confidence at the moment. I sometimes wonder if they take advantage of the fact that I am friendly. But I can't change my style of management now!


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oh i have (not for long though) an assistant who is unqualified but thinks that her way ius the rignt way. Not only that she complains to managemnet- and secretary and things that have happended in nursery become common knowldge before i can report it officially. She doesn't pass on information from the paretns and generally thinks she's in charge bec she has been longer in there.

The atmosphere was alswsys msour if i did do things her way and she would strom off and kick off. Finally i resigned but that is not always the answer but is difficult to give your best to the chidlren . Sorry for sunding off but i'm glad i'm not alone. I thought it was just me and i was beg to think it was me i who had the problem

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No it isn't just you! Constantly having to justify all your decisions and being undermined knocks everyone's confidence and I think it probably happens to us all at some point. :o The one thing that keeps me going is that I love my job and am determined not to lower myself to the level of others. :D

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Now lets all have a little think - when was the last time you all gave each other a pat on the back and said how much you appreciate all the hard work every one is doing at this time of year. Think of something positive about each member of staff, start a staff meeting with a circle time game where everyone has to say something good about the next person. Emmamur01 at least your NN does displays but perhaps she lacks confidence herself which is why she asks others for help. Ask your self why doesn't she ask for your advise. Praise her efforts, it is after all one less job for you. When things go wrong always ask yourself how would I have felt if the roles were reversed. :(:oxD

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well! aren't I the lucky one!! :DxD


All the staff that work with me are fully supportive of each other, everyone has input and all ideas are tried, if they dont work we abandon it or modify it so it does. We always find a way round it if we can but do admit defeat sometime.


(Must admit it helped by ensuring everyone undertook the approprate training, so understands why we do it that way)


For the first time in ages all is happy and going well, committee sorted (and doing as they are told!!),good ofsted, plenty of children, parents supportive and peace is all around.


Sorry, but just had to say it can work well, but it is hard work.



Have I put a gremlin in the works saying that? :o



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Thank you so much weverybody. I feel sooo much better knowing that it isnt just me.


Anyway, from now until Christmas I am going to continue in the cHristmas spirit, and continue to enjoy my job.


Thank you once again everybody!

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:D Hope things get better for you Emmamur01. I often feel the same (negative attitude is what I'm faced with at the moment) but I think Inge's advice is good-we can only try our best. Its good to hear that the grass is greener on the other side as well! If things get too tough there are always other jobs-that's what I keep telling myself anyway!!

Have a graet ChristmasX :o

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