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Be warned it is the end of term I am tired and this psot may come out as a bit of a rant! I spent my previous two years persauding my head that FSP scores could not be used for target setting for NC levels in year 1. I thought I had got somewhere until today!! She presented me with APP grids all aligned to NC levels for reading, writing, speaking and listening, numeracy etc...etc.. She very nicely (I'll give her that), asked me to highlight where the children are on the grids using my profile information!!!


I feel like I have worked hard all year to produce accurately profile score backed up with good quality observation and learning journeys all recorded in a specail book. I now feel like someone is saying mmm interesting but not what I want here fill these in. I am now sat randomly highlighting statements thinking well yes I think they can do that errr or can they. Why??? I have excellent profile data and now I am passing on rubbish!!!


Rant finished. My question is has anyone else transfered their profile data onto APP grids relating to levels.






I had a bit of a row with a strategies person the other week about this very same issue. HE was arguing that children in FS should be assessed on the APP scales if they get 9 points as it was the only way to track progress after that. I argued that the only thing you could report was 9 and that it was additional assessment! He wouldn't have it and was quite irritating.


I will be taking my complaints to the QCA EYFSP leads on thursday when I see them all.



I do use app's and other assesments for my children, but only after they have achieved scale point 9, and I do tick the additional assesments book on the profile. I have found this invaluable for a girl who finished all of scale points by christmas.


I spoke to our EYFS advisor last Thursday and she said we should not do APP as our FSP were enough..... isn't that right Lorna?

Guest LornaW

Absolutely Cherry. We have all the Obs and Ass we need already in place in reception and it is not appropriate to target set either at the end of fsp.


concrete you have my sympathy as your HT has taken advantage of your good nature at the end of a year. If you remember the EPPE project their research has shown that it is highly trained adults and quality of provision that makes the biggest and longest difference to children's future progress NOT target setting at the end of reception!


From the National Strategies website you will see


APP is a structured approach to periodically assessing mathematics and reading and writing so teachers can:


track pupils' progress from Year 1 through to the end of Year 6.

use diagnostic information about pupils' strengths and weaknesses.


My italics and my bold.


In EYFS we track all six areas of learning and we are best placed to show our primary colleagues how do do this with 30 children!


"APP reading, writing and mathematics cover Key Stages 1 to 3. The EYFSP is the statutory assessment for children at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The principles and practices of the two approaches are similar and consistent. Both assessments focus on practitioners/teachers reviewing a range of evidence of children's knowledge, skills and understanding in a variety of contexts in relation to nationally agreed criteria. The judgements they make enable teachers to identify the appropriate next steps in children's learning.


There are no direct equivalences between EYFSP scale points and APP guidelines but there will inevitably be overlaps as children move from the EYFS into Year 1. Teachers and practitioners should use their professional judgement to ensure that they support each child's learning and development using the EYFSP and APP. "




Having discussed this today with a QCA national lead it is very clear to me that this is for EXCEPTIONAL circumstances in FS2 and would be for the odd child who is exceptionally gifted in aspects of CLLD/PSRN and the use of APP would be at the teacher's professional judgment in a unique instance. However it is still the EYFSP that is the statutory assessment and requires the all round view of the child in all the 6 areas of learning.

As I argued before- where's your APP for KUW then - if the child is gifted in that aspect all you can still give is 9 points!


Being expected to use APP to "screen" all the F2 children as you said in the first post is not what is expected nor is it necessary. The EYFSP is the statutory assessment at the end of FS anyway so arguing that you need APP in F2 to demonstrate any progress beyond achieving all 9 scale points is also a spurious argument I think!




Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Are you FS Co-ordinator or Leader? I would politely inform your head that for her own professional development she might like to join you on a course next year on FSP and statutory assessments.


Tell her politely NO!


Better still get her to invest in EYFS target tracker and TT for whole school. The info merges beautifully all at the touch of a button.




Thanks for all your support. I did present the arguments to her but I have still had to do it. The only good thing is the reason I was so long getting back was OFSTED turned up! The school was graded as satisfactory but foundation got good with outstanding aspects! So I feel at least someone recognised I know what I am doing. However on the negative side they liked the APP grids and didn't comment about foundation being included on them. I didn't express my view as this is not the time to challenge your Heads thinking as we all want the best outcome for our school from OFSTED.


Finally I would like to say a big thank you to everyone on the forum as I am sure without all your help I would not have achieved such praise from OFSTED. Unfortunately I have year 2 next year and I will really miss this forum.


Many thanks




Have been following this thread with interest concrete,quite fascinating! I think you should def stay in touch though, keep us informed on how you are going to continue all that wonderful EYFS ethos into year 2! Do you feel up for some trail blazing?? :o




I am planning on running year 2 on a similar way to FS and I think I will take on board the idea of using the year 2 forum perhaps I can encourage a few more people to join me.


Thanks again for all your helpful comments over the years



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