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Fed Up With Same Old Books


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Hi, as usual for the Autumn Term we doing the topic 'Myself' and I want to use new books, I fed up of Owl Babies, Titch and Peepo, I know they are good books but they so old and I'm a little bored of them now . Has anyone come across any new ones that fit in with the topic that i can check out please...

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as usual for the Autumn Term we doing the topic 'Myself'


We've been working on the titles of our topics to make them more open ended and we can be more child led while following whole school requirements so we have retitled this to 'Through the keyhole' and its helped open up new ideas.I can't remember all the stories but term starts with.


Elmer-part of a larger family but allowed to be different, valuing others for their differences

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I like to start this topic with ELmer too. But please remember that although you might feel that the books are old, the children wont think so!

There are lots of lovely stories about that you could use to support this topic, sometimes its the topic thats straightjacketing your thoughts, we're going for "Marvellous ME" this time.(Yr1!)

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Theres a lovely book called "I'm special, I'm Me"

its about a little boy who always has his roles chosen for him during imaginary play at school but one day he has an idea that all his friends want to play too

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Myself leads nicely into inclusion, and for that there are some brilliant resources eg Ringo the flamingo, Big books Lttle books, The scarecrow who couldn't scare etc. When we last did this topic, we also looked at growth from babyhood, l;ooked at our senses etc, and diabilities. The topic can just grow and grow!! We also did a fantastic project on where all the children came from, and extended this out to where there parnets/carers/grandparents came from, plotted all on a map we made, and included welcomes in their languages...mrs O loved it!!

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we often felt the same ahving read the same books for many yeas, but we did always remember that they were new to the children so always used them and then tried to add a couple of differnt ones each year.. must admit we found the local library the best resourse for different books.


we had a setting ticket , 20 books for 6 weeks, but must admit to using my own a lot of the time as mobile library stops right outside my house once a week.




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Thank you for your replies and i agree re naming topic will open it up more and we do mind map topic first with children and plan from what the children suggest. I do realise that the old books will be new to the children, but would still love to hear from anyone who has come across new books as i read these books to my girls over 10 yrs ago . I will take this all on board and look at books suggested and thank you all once again

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once a week! ours is every 3 weeks! and right outside my house too



yep once a week.. others have it once a fortnight in this area, guess we are lucky... and they play this lovely loud jingly music to say they are here, bit like an ice cream van.. they change it regularly ..


I know its raining when they play raindrops keep falling on my head playing :o



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I love 'Once there were Giants' by Martin Waddell, always brings a lump to my throat when the baby girl grows up and has her own baby. I have a time line of me, from baby through childhood, teenager, getting married, my babies...fascinating to see how long it takes them to realise the person in the photos is actually me.

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Iri, that a lovely idea and I too am going to dig out my photos, and will definately look out for all books suggested, think I going to have a lovely time in bookshops in summer hols....

Inge - Loving the mobile library and jingly music wish we had one

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