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Summer 'to Do' List

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Wouln't be surprised........but then there is 'chocisgood'....with a name like that...oh and the general messing about she has been doing in 'the bosses' bee thread.......reckon she could be our 'prime suspect'!


Oh and and and...she comes from Kent....need I say more!!!


What a way to use up my 100th post, defending my choc addiction from sunnyday!!!

Some of us have a diss to hand in on Monday...when that is done I'll bee back to add to the lista mania.Something along the lines of.get sloshed , eat chocolate, get more sloshed, eat more choc,spend loads of time on here( when not sloshed)

See? very productive!

Edited by chocisgood
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What a way to use up my 100th post, defending my choc addiction from sunnyday!!!

Some of us have a diss to hand in on Monday...when that is done I'll bee back to add to the lista mania.Something along the lines of.get sloshed , eat chocolate, get more sloshed, eat more choc,spend loads of time on here( when not sloshed)

See? very productive!

Sounds like a plan to me!

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Right fairs fair....I MADE Cait publish her list!!!


Now I can only deal with one day at a time........if I put it all on one list....I would 'run for the hills'!




Up,bathed and dressed before 8am...OK maybe 9am!

Paperwork - not pre-school - 'village fete' stuff

Paperwork - not pre-school - Village Hall minutes + process and send booking cheques to Treasurer

Ready for coffee break and check out forum...but will not get too sidetracked!!!

Finalise - spending of Capital Funds Grant!!!

Lunch - further forum check

Meet prospective hirer - Village Hall

Take the zillion huge boxes that are cluttering up my 'office' (dumping ground) to my daughter-in-law - ready for their big move - will almost certainly get very, very sidetracked by my beautiful grandaughters!!!

Forum check

Cook a super-duper dinner for Mr Sunnyday...well at least not anything 'mince-based'!!!


How's that?


Are you impressed with my exciting life!

Edited by sunnyday
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Guest babyjane31

in the vain hope that it may get me to start doing something productive, I thought I would join in and list all the jobs I MUST DO this summer.


archive all of this years paper work and shred anything we don't need to keep

New files and forms for accident form, permisskion slips, medication forms etc.

New profiles for all new starters

registers for september

staff rota

august wages

ordering of all resources for autumn term

first newsletter

home/school diary for each child with letter of explanation

recieved £12,000 grant to start after school club in Jan, need to order new furniture etc so pre-school can be be set out and look good in september

Finish wildlife garden and pre-school allotment in garden

Self registration name cards, and standard name cards to be printed and laminated

complete petty cash end of year returns for accountant.

lots of filing

Training funding applications and training booking forms for all staff

days attending and funding spreadsheets to be updated with new starters and new sessions

notice boards to be backed, parents notice board to be updated


parent helper lists

buy pre-school pet rabbit and hutch (yay!!!)


And probably a few more things that I will remember in the middle of the night while i'm trying to sleep, don't you just love all the longs holidays we get!

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You might think I've been suspiciously quiet about lists but I have been thinking about mine. Thing is just doing the list itself is so daunting I might give up before I start! Tomorrow I plan to read all of yours through and then use them as inspiration for my own. I did at least remember to send the wages figures to the accountant for the staff to get paid today!

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well my to do list for today being my first day off


get up

put coffee pot on

browse forum

eat choclates that parents gave me as leaving presents


I am pleased to say I have achieved my goal for the day and look at the time!!!


(if Im really good I might add get dressed and have a wash on the list too!)

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My plans for today......


Breakfast - done

Browse forum - add 'wiitty' posts - done! :o

Few pre-school paperwork items - done

Bath and get dressed - pending!

Take grandson to the library

Browse forum!

Take grandson for a long walk


Support grandson with 11+ 'revision'

Browse forum - do you see a theme developing here!

Seek professional help for 'forum addiction'!


And the big news........welcome a new baby into the family (due to be delivered by C Section today!)...he or she will be my 9th Great Neice or Nephew!!! xD



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Ok I did my list this morning before coming on here. The plan was I brainstorm my own list then check it against any on here to mop up things I forgot. Can you believe I actually forgot to put the SEF on it at first but remembered while I was brushing my teeth (my mind works in strange ways!).


BUT then I came on to check against everyone else's list and I am so disheartened at the stuff I forgot completely that I might just give up now! My list itself looks quite manageable until you consider exactly what each item entails and then it seems to be never ending. I've added all the forgotten items as "new term paperwork" in the hope that covers everything.



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[quote name='sunnyday' date='Jul 23 2009, 10:06' post='208320

And the big news........welcome a new baby into the family (due to be delivered by C Section today!)...he or she will be my 9th Great Neice or Nephew!!! :o







I have news!!!!!...........


It's a BOY........born at 10:06...weighing 7lbs 15.......mum and baby doing well! xD


P.s. - no name yet!

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oh how marvellous! brilliant. She timed that badly though - late school year child ....... :o

Thanks Cait!...it is lovely news......oh and yes poor little thing......not good to be a 'summer born' around here ...only one 'school entry'...still maybe someone will have 'seen sense' before he starts school...hmmm...I won't hold my breath for that! xD

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[quote name='sunnyday' date='Jul 23 2009, 10:06' post='208320

And the big news........welcome a new baby into the family (due to be delivered by C Section today!)...he or she will be my 9th Great Neice or Nephew!!! xD








I have news!!!!!...........


It's a BOY........born at 10:06...weighing 7lbs 15.......mum and baby doing well! :(


P.s. - no name yet!


Congratulations sunnyday


well I did find time to do something productive popped to the bank and paid in the last of this terms session fees and luckily I manage to remember to put "have a wash and get dressed" on my to-do-list BEFORE I went to the bank or it might of been embarassing! :o

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Well I've copied all the children's pictures onto disk and got them posted out today with the thank you letters for all the gifts.


I've got the cheques done for Tempest for the photos, photocopied the bills for my files and got them all ready to post.


Zebedee has been down to look at the Galt 3-sided wendy house thingy which has seen better days and we've worked out how we can resurrect it. All progress. albeit drip-fed!

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Thank you Alison!



Well.......I have had a lovely day....


Completed my small amount of paperwork - a 'thank-you' - this for our Parish magazine - thanking parents and our 'friends' in the village who give us great support!


Grandson arrived .....we then decided to pick up his cousin - my grandaughter and we all went off to the library...the children always join 'the reading challenge' for the summer holiday......


Nice walk...then home for a picnic lunch...starting to rain so it was an 'indoor' picnic - picnic rug etc. on my sitting room floor!


My grandson did 30 mins. 11+ revision/practice - grandaughter drawing pictures 'quietly'....


A little TV for them ...while nana did a very small amount of housework....


Looked at their library books together....


Grandson collected, grandaughter still here - she is writing about her day - in her 'scrapbook' - I have just printed off a couple of photos for her to stick in......oh no it's not a 'Learning Journey' honest!


She will soon start to ask "can I stay for dinner".......which of course she will be able to do!


All in all a lovely day! :o


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Congratulations sunnyday! I don't seem to have got much done at all. And then I went for a run - the first of my new "must get fitter and thinner" regime. That has just about finished me off for the night, and I'd had such high hopes for progress for this evening. Must put the wages through online before I collapse.....

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Where has this week going. I am now panicking that there is only 3 weeks left because i am away for 2 weeks. this week I have acheived 1. new list of children 2. read 3 units of degree 3. just done keyperson list and milk return. 6 weeks is not enough when you have your own children to entertain. it takes me until 11.00 to clean up sort out breakfast and get dressed. How do we work aswell.


fed up hearing about swine flu


all the best

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