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Summer 'to Do' List

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yes - that's a rather large hole in the wall that you may want to close up or you may get some unwanted 'visitors'. Before you say you are on the third floor, let me mention that my son watched some squirrels playing on a roof in edinburgh - on a building that's 5 storeys high

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What is a post it on a roll? I think I want one even though I don't know what it is :o . Going back to my SEF or lack thereof, I do lots of reflecting, etc and I don't think we do need the actual Ofsted but it is my LA's latest hobby horse and rather than spending the next 12 months trying to argue with them I thought it might be quicker to just do it. I might regret that soon!

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Okay, it's almost Thursday and I've spent just under a week planning my to do list :o


Here it is. Drum roll for the list of lists please.


Not quite sure when I'm going to do any of it as spent most of today on bathroom floor trying to toilet train my two year old who will happily sit on the toilet reading gardening magazines (don't ask) only to get off and say "oh no" and wee on the floor, or my favourite earlier, "mummy wee shoe, wee leg, wee baby" and held out her doll and shook her head at it as if it was all the doll's doing.


Okay, drum roll again....


Things To Do


Make a Staff handbook

Tidy kitchen cupboards at hall, re-home paper and junk modeling stuff (but where?)

Peg labels for new starters

Make new name labels for snack, envelope for each day

Organise key person for new starters

Entrance hall display

Newsletter for September

Register for September – one for each week day

Parent visitor register for September, update and print

Risk Assessments, check updated and filed properly

Sort out filing cabinet

Archive leaving children paperwork

Talk to M. about screen printing bags

e-mail updated logo to committee

Print a pile of blank weekly planning sheets

Update allergy register to include new starters

Finish gifted and talented online course

Send off safeguarding training form

Send off crb stuff

Complete a book audit, make list of texts we’ve got and type of book

Write to liaising settings introducing myself and looking forward to working with them in the future.

Make list of resources, with photographs and where they’re stored. Attach list to each storage area, and have a copy for each staff member and for the children to aid planning

E-mail LA advisor introducing myself as new Preschool leader so can alter records accordingly

Update information booklet – turn into welcome booklet/prospectus – positive spin, add our philosophy and vision, discount for parents at Beauty place, why your child has a key person etc. Include section for child and parent handbook

Write a staff questionnaire – we ask parents and children but what written evidence of staff views? Prepare self for answers.

Check have staff induction paperwork for September

Set up compost bin

Look at mission statement does it describe our setting? Is it clear enough? Is everyone aware of it? Ensure it is displayed appropriately (website, parents etc)

Welcome pack – evaluate what currently there

Redesign new starter paperwork so of more use/relevance


Overview of resources – gaps, what not used? Why?

Overview of how we assess quality (OFSTED)

Sort out photos on camera

Sort out and set up printer for children’s computer

Set up cleaning rota for toys – tie into resource list

Update duty sheet expectations

Consider calendar idea (important dates in advance)

Email toy library

Look into mobile book library

Book safeguarding training

Order sand

Update my key children list

Plan welcome meeting for new parents perhaps 2? 1 afternoon and 1 evening?

Set up folders for new starters (check spellings of names)

Share new policies with staff

Write a wish list if we ever get a grant!!! (Wheeled trolley, outdoor book/pen storage, toddler clipboards…..)

wash dressing up clothes

Look into online management course




Am sure every time i tick something off something new will get added to the bottom. Yep, it is now Thursday, another day gone but hey the list is written!

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yup the hole is being closed up, was for the tumble drier tube!



post it roll, is about a foot wide with post it sticky on the long edges, chop off what you need, useful for those posters that we need to put up instantly! hehe




got mine in staples but cannot find on their website now

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it was special offer in Carlisle store when i was last in - but I'd spent my budget!!! ;o(


Just had a browse about, Viking, Staples, Ryman, ebay, Amazon. Not found it - but Ryman had the cheapest Post It flip chart!

Edited by Cait
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Little steps and we get there! Have sorted the filing cabinet, well bar the stuff I moved into a box marked miscellaneous because I couldn't decide where to put them. You know the "might be useful one day" type things so I don't want to throw them out!


Just realised reading this forum wasn't on my list, shall slip it in at the top next to SEF, for which I have some scribbled notes, but do I dare type them up? They become real on screen! Not so bad though as Mrs O read my notebook when she came so I know I'm on the right track.


Right off to try and tick off another item! Good luck with your plans Bridger!

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Hi ,


Amazed at how long your to do lists are!! Delegate to others during the term. I know some things have to be typed up by one person but lots of things can be shared around.


Before I break up I make sure all key persons have made up new folders for their new key children.


Deputy makes the name tags and name cards for new children.


Committee update the policies and website each term.


Parent volunteer updates the prospectus and committee leaflet.


Registers for lunch club and session are done in the last week of pre-school.


Reflection on practice is done at staff meetings and yes this has to be updated into the SEF for Ofsted.


That's it, relax it's holiday time!

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Doris darling you make it sound so easy! Next Summer I shall look back on this list with interest and see if I've managed to follow your advice! Hopefully a lot of this will only need to be big jobs once and then can be adapted in the future making them smaller jobs.


Tonight have sorted key people for new starters and typed daily and lunch registers. Two more ticks!

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Oh finsleymaid that made me laugh, just chilling before i have a meeting and then go to messy play.

Doris Darling did lunch club and daily registers, name cards, sorted key groups, made folders for newbies with whole staff team, but there is always so much you want to try and achieve during the hols. Never mind love it really and what else would i do oh yes go on here again ha ha.

Have a good day everyone.

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Sooooo..........here is my list! :(


1. Allocate children - key person (trying hard to ensure that i have less than staff :o ) DONE


2. Write and type up Summative Assessments/Next steps for my 6 remaining key children (covering May/June/July)


3. Prepare new registers hmmm STARTED


4. Review and update SEF


5. Review and update Policies (I am aiming to seriously 'cut down' on these)


6. Prepare name cards for self-registration


7. Prepare new labels for drawer fronts


8. Visit Staples (YAY!) and buy new folders and lots more 'essential' items! :wacko:


9. Visit setting and tidy and clean - at the same time bringing home all role-play outfits, cushions etc. for washing


10. Write Autumn Term 1 Newsletter - well HAVE MADE NOTES


11. Update Accounts


12. Collate and write response for Parent Survey


13. Update 'Action Plans'


14. Review and update Risk Assessments


15. Add new children's reg. forms to folder DONE


16. Book entertainer for Christmas Party DONE


Whoa - how scary is that xD:(


Well....it's a start! :(

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Hi Sunnyday


When its all done you can call it your "tada" (I've done it, as in drum roll) list!! :oxD



:( :( :( Trouble is.........I wonder if it will ever be 'all done'.........have added even more items to my list here - didn't want to bore you guys with the 'additions' xD keep looking at it and thinking........hmmm wonder if I could leave some of that! :rolleyes: With Ofsted due sometime in the next term - probably not!!! :wacko:

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:(:( :wacko: Trouble is.........I wonder if it will ever be 'all done'.........have added even more items to my list here - didn't want to bore you guys with the 'additions' :unsure: keep looking at it and thinking........hmmm wonder if I could leave some of that! :ph34r: With Ofsted due sometime in the next term - probably not!!! xD



Well that's not on is it???!!! :rolleyes: You know I need help making my list grow :oxD:(


Actually I handed over my 56 point 'to do' list to the relevant person last week - with your help I might have made it grow even longer...........


I did notice you haven't achieved item 8 yet............. 'visit to staples' that would be my number 1. I may even make my own personal list - and that will be the only thing on it!


We too have Ofsted due - whom I am totally convinced will turn up on the very first day back...... somehow I think I may end up working through the long list myself - just so I know it is done on time ;):ph34r::ph34r:

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Cant delegate its my business.



Exactly! :(


This maybe the only time that I think a committee would be a good option! :(xD


Good luck Buttercup - can only send empathy, sympathy and good wishes...........


Have to admit I can't claim to have 'done something everyday'......far from it - I slipped into holiday mode very easily this year! :o

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