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Confidentiality...parents... And Tearing Hair Out...


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We have Swine Flu. I confirmed member of staff and 1 suspected child so far- although it must be noted that I have an awful lot of staff questioning the sick policy and how many days etc...me?? cynical??? come on!


anyway- We have done as reccommended and in accordance with our policy- notified parents we have the cases- passed on what information we have been requested to do so by all the LHA, HPA etc both to parents, staff and authorities. On top of this i have reissued the sick child policy- you know the one- the one many of them choose to ignore as it clearly doesn't really mean them-their child's sickness and diarroeh isn't the same as anyone elses- and I have provided sources for further information.


I now have a posse of parents demanding I give the names of the people who are infected. I have politely refused citing confidentiality yadda yadda yadda only to have a very snotty e.mail saying that by not informing them I am putting the children at risk- as I've pointed out we are a setting, all staff move between rooms for various reasons and many of the staff meet over lunch breaks i have said to the parents that there is a high chance that their child may have come in contact with the people concerned and that we have done everything that we are required to do and more. And that I am not going to pass on confidential information and yet they still persist in demanding the information.


Let is also be known that one of these parents told me she wouldn't be bringing in her son as there was too great a risk only to call me an hour later asking if we had a spaces tomorrow as she'd decided to get her haircut... I've also been told to re write my staff sickness policy and I've also been asked why I allowed it to be in the setting... I've also been told to close and I've been asked when I will be arranging for the anti viral to be prescribed, I've been asked "shall i bring her, my dr says might be wise to stay away for a few days but what do you think do you think i should? shall i bring her? will you will be able to keep her away from it?"


Now, don't get me wrong- I understand their concern and I understand it is their children they are thinking of. But I now have to stand and justify protecting staff and child confidentiality! Am I wrong?? Should I be handing over this info?? No i shouldn't- my brain is telling me no as is my heart and in fact every other fibre in me body but you know how they make you question .... I'm right aren't I? Am I?

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thanks- tomorrow I shall say "The forum told me not to tell you"...


another policy to distribute tomorrow then!


Does anyone have a "Don't Hassle the Manager Policy"?

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Does anyone have a "Don't Hassle the Manager Policy"?


Try getting swine flu - then you too can stay at home for a while. It sounds like you deserve a break!!!


You have done the best you can and what is being asked of you is not reasonable. I would have thought that any half competent network of parents could have worked out which children were off sick anyway.


As Panders says, stick to your guns.

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No i shouldn't- my brain is telling me no as is my heart and in fact every other fibre in me body but you know how they make you question .... I'm right aren't I? Am I?

You already know the answer to this - but I hope you feel better having got it off your chest.


Can't remember what your situation is. Are you the owner? If not, I would refer these requests upwards.


Stick to your guns - and ask your Local Authority for support too.


Good luck



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Does anyone have a "Don't Hassle the Manager Policy"?


I would like one of those please



Ive had a phone call thie evening to say one of our parents has it their child has been absent from the group for the last week and they where phoning to let me know why the child hadnt been in the parent never dropped off and so far the child hasnt got any symptoms we discussed it and agreed since we are so close to the end of term that they just keep the little one off untill the parents simptoms have gone and as long as the child doesnt start displaying sign she will be able to start the summer scheme after that. is there any kind of incubation/quaranteen periode?


so as far as I can work out no one in the setting has had direct contact with the parent or child for over a week which was before the parent caught it so do Im thinking, who (if anyone?) do I need to inform? luckily we are closed thursdays so I can do some phoning around and checking if we need to be doing anything and Friday is the end of term anyway.

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We offer "emergency care" (you know when the parents normal childcare falls down), we had a call yesterday from a parent who has never used us before, asking if we would take her child for a couple of days as she (mum) has swine flu? I'm sure I dont have to tell you of my answer, particularly as we are fortunate enough (touch wood whilst typing) not to have had it yet!!

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ziw - you have my every symapathy - I had a little taste of this two weeks ago - so have some idea of what you are going through.


As others have said - stick to your guns - you know that you are right.


If I can offer one tiny piece of advice - keep records - log phone calls and advice given - keep copies of all letters for parents - you are probably doing this already - I did this in case anything 'unthinkable' happened - I wanted to be able to show how I had dealt with the situation.


Good luck with it all


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Today I received a letter from our county council, apparently they had already written to me with a letter to copy for all parents giving guidelines on swine flu just in case it arrived at our setting. This letter never arrived.

In today,s letter the county council have re-written the letter & asked for it to be passed on to the parents with the updates. This i can do, however the letter states "we may well see more in the run up to the end of the summer term" I think this letter is way to late as our setting is not open today so we only have friday left.


There was a second letter to copy for the parents, this gives the web sites etc and basic hygiene tips. The wording on this letter is very misleading & you would think that our playgroup has had a confirmed case, i'm not going to give this letter out but i will passs on the web sites and phone numbers etc.

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