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Well 4 weeks ago I was told by a father that he was taking his son out because he didnt believe what I had said about his child's bad behaviour and he was making a formal complaint to Ofsted, I thought as they hadnt come by the end of term that he was just letting off steam and hadnt done anything. Well how wrong I was I have just had a phone call from my chairperson to say she has received a letter from Ofsted with regards to a complaint. He has said that we do not care for the children properly, we do not provide learning opportunties and we are not meeting any of the requirements of the EYFS.

Ofsted have said that we have to send them learning journeys and lots of other documentation by the 1st of august. I have told my chairperson that if they want this information then they will have to come out and have a meeting as I am not prepared to post it not sure if this is usual but I do not want alsorts of confidential info getting lost in the postal system. It was just as well I havent gone away for 2 weeks!!! oh sorry we dont get paid enough to go away lol

well sorry for the rant but this is just the best place to do it.



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I'd ring up Ofsted straight away if I were you

I agree. I found them very helpful when a parent complained about me: they explained all my options and whilst they can't tell you what to do and how, they are there to help rather than 'catch you out'.



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that sounds awful...

im sure OFSTED have dealt with a fair few unhappy people that can distort the truth.

hope it all works out for you.

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Oh dear what a bummer! I am sorry there was just a breakdown with this man.


I really wouldn't want you posting out confidential and personal stuff about my child as a parent or chairperson so I think Ofsted really should understand that.

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sorry to hear of the problems... not what you want at this time of year...


and I agree about sending confidential documants in the post.. i think you would need permission from the parent to do this anyway... or it would be good practice to do so...


all I can add to others is to make sure your evidence about the child in particular has been documented and backed up with observations etc... plus any conversation had if possible about the child with parents etc... I know easy to say in hindsight.. but since being caught in a similar way I always documented these mini conversations with parents even if not needed... a good practice thing I developed...

also did you do a complaint form at the time.. they will probably ask to see one...



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Well I have been in to work today and photocopied and collated all info hopefully needed blanked out all names. I phoned Ofsted and the said that they have made the decision not to come out as there is no need and if I want I can scan and email all the info. they said its not a problem sending throught he post as there are no names or addresses on the documents so I must send it next day post to be signed for the other end. So now I play the waiting game. I still dont like the fact I have got to post this info but hey ho we will see.


Thank you all for your support I will keep you informed of the outcome.



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Hope it all gets sorted soon, seems as though there has been a "run" on complaints lately! Aren't we lucky to be able to rant about them on here :o


Brings to mind the "it's not the children, it's the parents!" saying about the downside of working in Early Years xD



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Just wanted to say good luck with the outcome - what a shame the dad did that, after, I'm sure you had bene looking after his child perfectly well, there's just no pleasing some people. We're just not paid enough to deal with such stress and hassle!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well although you knew you had done nothing wrong, it is great to see that Ofsted agree with you, isn't it?


I wouldn't worry too much about what he'll do next - Ofsted are the ones you need to worry about. As Beau says, enjoy your summer!



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So glad you've got the thumbs up from Ofsted - even when you've done nothing wrong you can start to doubt yourself sometimes as I did in a recent incident. Now you can relax and enjoy the lovely summer weather!!!

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Great, thanks for letting us know the outcome, as others have said, chill out now and enjoy the rest of the summer. Dad, no doubt, will disagree with even Ofsteds decision, his perception of how things are for his son is now his problem, so try not to give it another thought. :o



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