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Staff Grievance Policy

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Ours contains the procedure for logging a grievane eg in writing within 14 days to your line manager who must reply in writing to accept grievance within 5 days and has to respond to grievance within 28 days if not happy with outcome can be taken further up the line of command up to the final stage of the director whose decision is final. I am sure someone will be along with more information on what is theres that is all i can remember from ours at the min.

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Here's ours



The purpose of this procedure is to provide an employee, who considers that he or she has a grievance, with an opportunity to have it examined quickly and effectively.


Most complaints and grievances are best resolved informally and in discussion with the employee’s supervisor. Where the grievance can not be resolved informally it should be dealt with under the formal grievance procedure




This procedure has been drawn up to establish the appropriate steps to be followed when pursuing and dealing with a grievance.


First Stage

If you have an unresolved grievance relating to your employment you should in the first instance raise it, in writing, with your supervisor. The supervisor will endeavour to resolve the grievance as soon as possible and in any case within 5 working days of the time the grievance was first raised. Your supervisor is the Preschool Leader.


Second Stage

If you feel that the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved, or if the grievance involves your supervisor you should write to the Chair of the Management Committee, the Secretary of the Church Council or the Minister in Pastoral charge. In your case the designated person is (Chair of Management Committee)


On receipt of such a request the designated person shall make arrangements to hear the grievance as soon as it is practicable to do so. At this hearing you may, if you wish, be accompanied by a fellow worker or Trade Union official. Were this is not practical you may, at the employer’s discretion, be accompanied by a friend not acting in a legal capacity.


In your application you must specify the nature of your grievance and the reason for which you are raising the grievance after it has received attention at stage 1. It is the responsibility of the designated person to make arrangements to hear the application within 10 working days of the grievance being raised with him or her.


As soon as practicable but not more than 5 working days later, the designated person who has heard the grievance should respond in writing. If this is not possible you will be advised in writing the reason for the delay and told when a response will be given.


Final Stage

If the matter is not resolve after stage 2 you may appeal to the Superintendant Minister. The Superintendant will arrange for the appeal to be heard by a panel of 3 members made up of him or herself or another Minister and 2 lay people. The panel will meet within 21 days of receipt of the appeal. You will be able to present your case at this meeting and may be accompanied by a fellow worker or trade union official. The chair of the panel should give a written decision within 10 working days or if this is not possible should explain the delay in writing and state when a decision will be given.

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There were legislative changes that came into effect in April of this year. ACAS is a good source of info including a policy proforma.

Thanks for that SueJ - had no idea there had been any changes. Will need to have a good look and see if I need to change anything!


Oh, and the link worked perfectly!



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it is a good site the acas one- changes have been made to make the process of greivance and dicsiplinary easier, trying more to resolve on an informal way

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