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People Who Help Us


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Can anyone help me! After Ofsted my brain has turned to jelly and i need inspiration for next term. Hopefully my theme is going to be People Who Help Us. Any ideas would be appreciated. :o

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Nice plans Hali, but just one thing...Do the fire service visit you? I've asked in the past and been told they dont do visits to our age group (they do schools though) The reason given was that the children wouldnt understand the safety aspects! xD I only want a fire enging for them to clamber on :o

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At my Pre-school we have lots of visitors for our topic People in our Community.

Here we not only have a visit from the Fire Service - the children climb up into the cab and then the firepeople let the children use the water hose (with help from them - and at about a quarter pressure). They talk to the children about their uniforms and also what else they do - not just putting out fires - they rescue children who get locked into the bathroom, rescue animals, etc. We used to visit the Fire Station which was a wonderful experience but they stopped that about 6 years ago, because of the safety aspect.

We have visits from a nurse (one of the mums), musician, paramedic with an ambulance, policeman with vehicle, Akala (cubs and scouts) she told us all about camping and what they do at their meetings. We had a few days with a large tent pitched indoors with sleeping bags, cooking pots, etc and singing around the camp fire. A postman comes to tell us about his job and what happens to the letters after we have posted them in the post box. We have a lovely Deacon, she is really great with the children. We even had a local basket ball team visit - that was fun - the children dressed in the teams vest tops (they came down to their feet!!) and played basketball up and down the hall. The local library sends out one of their librarians to read stories to the children, lollypop lady, etc. - oh, there are so many people in our community that can visit - just ask them.

We have in the past also had a chef who helped the children make little pizzas - there have been so many other visitors.

This is one of my favourite topics. There are so many activities that lend itself to this topic and I love all the visitors - as do the children. I also make a book for our book corner, using all the photos I have taken. The children love looking back and recalling the visits. :D:D We did this topic earlier this year and as we follow a 2 year planning cycle - I will have to wait a while for another visit from the Fire Service!!! :oxD


Sue J

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We were told a year or so ago that the firemen wouldn't visit us (as we were a preschool) but decided to ask this year anyway, and they came! Worth a try!


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We've just done this topic - but in reception. We did much the same as everyone else has suggested - we had the school nurse to come in to talk about going into hospital, and paramedic with an ambulance. The fire service came and brought a fire engine and a fire truck - they were fantastic and the children remembered so much about the visit. Last year we had asked them to visit but they were on strike so couldn't. We turned our role play area into a post office - useful for all the Christmas cards. We took the children to the local post office, they wrote letters and then we went to the nearby post box for the children to post their letters - when the post arrived with their letters the children were SO excited. We started the topic with people who help them in school.


Have fun with this topic.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for the great ideas on People Who Help Us. We are also doing this topic when we have our inspection. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to use the sand and water trays to make them topic related? I was also going to make some "play boxes" using shoe boxes, and cut out one side and make a small world play hospital and fire station with lego people/ playmobil. Fiona S

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Hi Fionas and welcome :D


There are probably some wonderful ways of using your sand and water trays to be topic related but short of lifeboats Im not sure I can help. Will you be concentrating on one particular person when Ofsted arrive? If so, who? If not how will you be pacing this as that might help?

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We did People Who Help us during our last ofsted (Reception class about 3 years ago). Off the top of my head I remember that our outdoor role play was a post office, which linked very nicely to indoor writing activities, so we had a post box and a bicycle for the postman etc. We did lots of weighing and measuring in the post office and (slightly spurious link in a way) we put lots of brown money in the water for magnetic fishing (counting, adding sorting etc). The coins lost their magnetism very quickly, but you could adapt it for the sand tray.


Other activites that might link with the topic - how about dumper trunks and diggers in the sand, or building brick walls using sand and water "cement"? Painting and decorating with big buckets of water, paint bruhes and rollers?

Outdoor garage with valet service for cars? (lots of bubbles...)

Outdoor cafe with washing up activity in the water tray?


The topic is so broad really that I'm sure there are endless possibiilities, it all depends on how you interpret the remit!


Good luck with the Ofsted :o

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thank you for all your ideas with the sand and water. I have to admit that I struggle to think of great ideas for these areas on a regular basis. We only have small sand and water raised trays ( receptiona clas)so its tricky to do everything on a small scale. has anyone got any books for ideas for sand and water?

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