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Change Of Title


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In the latest edition of 'Who Minds' there was a letter suggesting we vote on a change of title to better reflect the equal role we have in delivering the EYFS and providing both care and education

The following suggestions were made and I'd be really interested to hear what others think:


Childcare provider

Early Years carer and provider

home based childcarer and educator

day care supervisor

early years provider

child day carer

family based carer and provider

home based child educator and supervisor

home based family carer and provider

home based early years foundation stage carer and provider

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I feel that these titles are either far to wordy or make it sound like we work in a group setting. I know we do a lot more than minding children but I'm not sure that a change of title is necessarily the best way to let parents know that.


The problem is that I can't think of an alternative either - at least not without the budget for a large tv ad campaign!

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The problem is that I can't think of an alternative either - at least not without the budget for a large tv ad campaign!

Well if they can do it for EYPs (which they're about to, apparently) then why not for childminders?


I think there is a case to be made that the term 'childminder' doesn't really do justice to what you do. What's that CACHE childminding course called? Certificate/Diploma in Home-based childcare?


Hmm. Will need to give this more thought, dcn!


Mind you, couldn't you just call yourself an Early Years Professional?



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Its a bit like the debate about the name 'playgroup' and the perceptions that people have regarding it. I think that even if you change the name, people will be initially confused and then declare "Oh, so you're a childminder!"


To be honest I don't think any that have been suggested are any good! Anything with supervisor in it seems a little misleading and no better than minder to be honest! Perhaps simply Childcarer would be more apt and less wordy if you felt a change was needed?

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Tricky isn't it...........peoples perceptions of what any of us do/provide are so varied.


I take the bookings for our village hall (where my pre-school is based) - I remember being highly offended once by someone who when making a booking said "oh we can't use the first floor room can we, there's some sort of creche thing in there isn't there"........


My answer - "that 'creche thing' is a pre-school and actually I run it"


When I took time to think about this - I realised that it was quite unreasonable of me to expect that this lady (no children) should have any better idea about any form of pre-school provision.


Sorry, rambled a bit there - the point I am trying to make is that everyone recognises the term 'childminder' - but only a very few will have any idea what that job involves - I'm not sure that a name change would serve any purpose........all very frustrating isn't it!



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I too saw the article in WHO MINDS. We've had this discussion before a few years ago.


The only way to change your title is to gain more qualifications ie. Early Years Practitioner,


Senior Practitioner etc. It doesn't really matter now as home based Childminding is


on the way out. Once the government have all the Children's Centres in place (End of next



they will say no more home-based Childcare (they will site 'possible abuse' as the reason, as they


have recently done with home educators) Parents will then be panicked into using a


Centre or Nursery, they will have no choice. It has already happened in New Zealand, Spain, Belgium, Germany etc.


The fact that they want the WORKFORCE to be Level 3 by next year means that current


Childminders will be able to transfer to jobs in Nurseries? Children's Centres etc.


So if you want to continue in Childcare get yourself qualified whilst the funding is still available.


Don't kid yourselves that parental choice will come into it - once the government have made the


decision, it will become LAW. (That is the reason they are stopping recruitment of new Childminders)


Childminding is a brilliant job - but the end is in sight - DON'T GET LEFT BEHIND




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sorry to hijack the post but just curious to the mention of renaming EYP's that maz mentioned. Any more information on this not heard of it before. Thanks



I was wondering that too - don't think it's thread hijacking so much as 'sidelining' after all, it's still a change of title, just for someone else :o

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Laura, I'm a bit concerned that people will think your post is all fact, whereas I have heard or read nothing concrete on this front. Certainly, your post reflects a possible reading of the situation, but where did this information come from? Could you provide a link, so we can all have a read, and think about possible responses.



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Quote :Once the government have all the Children's Centres in place (End of next



they will say no more home-based Childcare (they will site 'possible abuse' as the reason, as they


have recently done with home educators


What's your source for this information?


Very interested to hear all your replies - it seems there is not much agreement for a change in title. and yes, I agree, some of the suggestions are ridiculous - anything with more than three words in is silly and "supervisor" has the worst connotations

My thoughts are that even with a change of title that better reflects out role childminders will still have to prove their worth.

perhaps you're right Maz - I should just call myself an Early Years Professional - but perhaps I'll wait till the tv ad campaign so peopla actually know what i'm talking about

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I think Early years professional is what childminders are and if there was a change of name how about 'Home Educarer'.


'Educare' was a term bought up before but I can't think or remember why it didn't catch on for workers in day care settings.


Laura, I don't understand your comment about the government not recruiting anymore childminders, as childminders are self employed. Also the NEG is already enshrined in law, parental choice of setting, including childminder so this should ensure the future of this valuable service.


I can maybe understand that you may 'feel' that everything is against childminders, I'll confess I've felt this way about the small business preschool, viability is difficult due to many reasons one of them being the continuous new initiatives from central government, but on the flip side an extensive amount of funding has gone into the early years sector, including for childminders, from government too.



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sorry to hijack the post but just curious to the mention of renaming EYP's that maz mentioned. Any more information on this not heard of it before. Thanks

As AlisonP says bell06 I was talking about the upcoming advertising campaign highlighting the benefits to children's learning and development when an EYP is leading delivery of the EYFS.


I'm sure Laura will be along to tell us about whether her post is a factual one based on evidence, or her own opinion based on her own feelings and views about the challenges childminders face. We all go through times when we feel a bit pessimistic about some aspect of early years or other!


I really don't think 'they' will be able to do away with childminders for the reason that parents simply won't stand for it. Childminders fulfil a need that we in daycare settings can never hope to - that's their Unique Selling Point.


And dcn - don't wait for the ad campaign. Start marketing yourself as an EYP now and start to spread the word about how all your hard work and dedication is benefiting the children you care for each and every day. We need to start banging the drum!



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The issue of name change came up a few years ago.

NCMA Members were asked to vote either by post through Who Minds or in person at annual conference /AGM.There was a very lively discussion at the conference (sorry dont recall exact details) and non of the suggested names were successful ,though it was as I recall suggested that we lobby parliment to change our name in legislation to Registered Childminders ,

(sorry this was a while ago and I dont recall/cant find exact details-maybe some other member can help)

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