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Hi everyone

Wondered if any one was able to help. I am starting home visits again for children starting Nursery after abreak of a few years and wondered if you had ideas of subjects to discuss as i often found it difficult to know what to talk about and probably didn't get as much useful information as i could have.


Any proforma or ideas would be really helpful.




We have been doing home visits for about 5 years now and they are one of the most useful parts of the settling process. Far less anxiety from parents and children having had that 1:1 time. We have a questionnaire which I go through with the parent while my colleague plays with the child. I can't attach the form as it's on the work computer but I can list the questions if its any help...

Siblings/ family set up/ siblings not living at home

When born were they premature/any probs at birth?

Has child had recent hearing/eye checks?

Can they dress/undress independently/use the toilet?

Any medical issues/medication in school?

Which languages are spoken at home?

As a family do you celebrate/recognise any particular religious festivals?

Does child attend any out of school activities?

How are parent/child feeling about starting?

Who will be collecting?

If collected by childminder/other adult are you happy for us to discuss any issues with them?

Check on snack/milk

Anything else we should know...!

we also explain the achievement stickers to the parents to try and encourage them to complete them at home too


It sound slike a long list when typed like that but it is usually right at the end when they sudenly say "oh its prob not important but maybe I should mention that...!"



Thanks that's really helpful - I will set to work!




Hi Helen,


There was a similar post in May which you can access here: Home visit


You will find some of the documents I posted which I use on home visits.


I have updated the development questions which I mentioned in the post (they are attached). You could leave them with the parents, or go through the questions with them depending on how much time you have. Each question ties in with an aspect of the EYFS development matters.


Good luck with whatever you decide to do :o


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