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I Can Booklets

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Hi everyone


I am after a little advice/information, please!


I have been discussing with my sons nursery a way of involving parents more in their child's assesment. I had been asked to fill in a parents story which asked me to observe my child at play make some notes, possibly include a picture, what the child says then put what i thought they were learning, how I could extend this further then what social aspects was the child displaying such as sharing, concentration etc...


I did all this but thought that it was very formal and scary, especially for parents. It does state please speak to your child's key worker if you are unsure what to write and the key workers are all lovely but I have reservations.


In my feedback I suggessted an 'I can' booklet used by both parents and practitioners to record new skills and to celebrate successes that will make a fab record of achievement for later years. My original thoughts were just a scrab book type document either bought or self made, but I have been told that some areas have a 'produced' booklet and wonderered if anyone would be willing to share the sort of information that is included.


Many Thanks for your tips and advice



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