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OK, as it's the season of eating chocolate until it comes out of our ears when we wouldn't ( in my case) ususally touch the stuff, :o ( causes headaches), :( we have been having this long discussion about which is actually the best chocolate.


I'd go for Green and Blacks,although my chocoholic brother declares that you can keep all that fancy stuff and goes for Cadbury every time.


Any thoughts????????????????


Kate xD

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Asda and Tesco own brands are actually very good!

Lidll have some pretty good stuff too--and many of their chocloates are repackaged for "Chocoholics" if you've been caught out by that organisation :o

We're becoming addicted to chocolate in this house as my husband swears by it as an expectorant and this has recently been scientifically validated!! Ive also found it good as a mood enhancer(or at least thats my excuse) and my son was told by his doctor to eat it to treat migraine in preference to pain killers. It works for him although he wont touch anything other than Cadburys Dairy Milk!


For something really special Lindt is pretty good and I'll eat anything that isnt dark and strong.

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Not keen on POSH CHOCS bar of dairy milk for me but like Rea I no longer buy any Nestle products which means no Kit Kat for me and this is our nations favourite chocolate bar.

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My fave is cadbury any time! I'm very partial to orange creams in tins of stuff like roses (its great cos most people don't like those ones!)

I can't stand ''proper chocolate'' e.g. green and blacks and all that jazz. I like my good old fashioned fatty milk solids!




Actually, now I think about it, my fave chocolate isn't brown at all its white!!!! yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy

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Oh Rea!!! YES YES YES :o

I think they used to cost about a shilling in old money and the art was to break one off without snapping it in the middle so the gooey middle went everywhere!!! Mmm not a great description but sure you know what I mean

Never quite managed it but then hey it was chocky so who cares :D and ok so I had 'lime barrel fingers' many times xD

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cat among the pigeons- :(

i can't stand cadburys' chocoloates. it's just sugar and fat. I like the 90% cocoa lindt chocolates, Ferroro rocher AND thorntons' truffles. Any choc that contains alchohol is another way of combining the two things i enjoy consuming ( they do talk about food combining et al). xD


Rea- why don't you eat nestles- is it bec you don't like the taste or bec you object to their world domination, business tatics etc etc. explain please!! :o

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Don't eat it much, but if pressed I like Green and Black's dark.


I have been having Soooooooo much trouble with this rotten computer yesterday. I'm amazed it's still here to tell the tale! New Year's resolution - New Computer!! (It'll probably behave impeccably now - it better, I've got a lot to do!!!)


Sue :D

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I don't buy Nestle products because they have an unfair policy in Third World Countries. They produce baby milk which they give new mothers in hospital but they don't tell them that as baby gets bigger they won't be able to aford to feed it. Midwives are paid a bonus for every mother they get to take up the baby milk. Babies die from malnutritian and or from poor hygiene.

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Leo, I revised my reason for not eating nestles. Mimi, thats awful, but so like western countries, you only have to look at the miniscule amounts pledged to help the recent tsunami victims. I read on the TES site yesterday that the amount offered by America is 1/4200 of the amount they have spent on the war in Iraq, and that if all premiership footballers gave up one weeks wage they could more than match the UK Gov. contribution. Now, if these countries had oil methinks things would be different as the people of Sudan and Zimbabwe can no doubt testify.

Ok off soap box now going back to chocolate box :D

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About 2 years ago i recieved a free box of Lint Lindor :o chocs from boots when I spent £15 and I have been hooked ever since!! But any choc is lovely - I am giving it up for new year though (I will loose a stone!!!! Yeah right!) xD

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If you like Thorntons, have you tried their chocolate covered toffees? They're our favourites.


A Happy New Year to everybody. We are off tomorrow to spend it in Amsterdam.

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No Anita I still haven`t watched Chocolat and I can`t think why because there isn`t anything else that I want to watch. I don`t know about everyone else but I think television programmes have been very poor - to put it politely!!

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About 10 years ago I was hanging out in a town in Bolivia and there was this fantastic demonstration by women from villages all around, against Nestles because of the baby milk policy, the women had placards with slogans like breast milk is best etc (In spanish obviously!) and it was aimed at protesting and educating women in the area. It was a stirring sight.


Give me Bendicks bittermints with the highest cocoa solids percentage going!! :o

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