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Starting Fd In September

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I have known this for a while now but put it on the bottom of the list.....now it seems to be creeping up and I hope I will be able to cope with time etc.


Am doing the course through Chichester University but through my local college which is great because I wont have to travel far at all. Had interview back in the beginning of the year, was accepted and so the story continues. My friend and colleague is also doing the course as we thought it would be nice to have each other to lean on!!! she has now told me she is thinking of not doing it as she feels it will be too much for her (she has a 2 year old, 12 year old and 15 year old) and a hubby but she doesnt think they will be understanding for her need to have some time out to concentrate. I think its a shame but told her it was her decision and she was the only one who could make it.


I hope she thinks carefully and finds a way to continue, I think its important to be able to do things for yourself....its kept me going over the years but i am lucky enough to have a supportive hubby and family.


Good luck to everyone who is taking on a new challenge in their life x


Hello Mrsb,


I thought i would say Good Luck to you as well, you will get an awful lot out of attending a college throughout your Foundation Degree.


I started mine in October 2008 with the OU, and i have just found out i passed the first 2 sections (it is done slightly different),


Just to give you a bit of support and faith in yourself - Since last July, I have been working 46 hours a week as a childminder with 2 children aged 3 & 6, I also attend committee meetings and various other training courses as we do. So, if i can do it and get a C (which for me is amazing!!!) then it can be done, bearing in mind that i am rather a ditzy scatterbrain too!!!!


It has been hard work, but i love it, and at times i have struggled but like you, i think it is important to be able to do things that we would like and need to do plus i do have a very supportive hubby.



Good luck & go for it.


Hi Mrsb,


I just wanted to add my good wishes to you. I have just completed my first year and it has been an incredibly positive experience. I can understand your friend's concerns. I feel much the same at this time last year but my family have surprised me with how independent they have become.(That said, I have spent most of these holidays giving the house a good spring clean and catching up with all the little jobs which were put to one side.)


You are so right about needing to do things for yourself. I was nervous about returning to study but the college have been amazingly supportive and I have made some really good friends amongst the other students.


Like robbiefan I have had times when I found it hard work and I have had to make sacrifices but the feelings of achievement you get when you have completed an assignment or got a decent mark are SO worth it.


I am sure that you will really enjoy this experience and, like you, I hope your friend manages to find a way to do it too.


Good Luck!


Good luck Mrsb, I too am doing my FD but with the OU, I can't believe how intellectual i sound at times :o


It is hard work but managable too, I have 3 kids (11, 6 and 2) who have busier social diaries than anyone I know and i work full time as an lsa in a school and am a childminder too.


Enjoy it its great


Hi Mrs B,


Goodluck for September. I have just finished my first year through Worcester Uni, which also outreaches in Somerset. I loved it, although I found the deadlines a bit daunting at first, as I also manage a pre school and am a single parent of four and have a lively chocolate lab. However I really enjoyed it, I was voted student rep and set up a website for my cohort, I believe how much our whole group bonded and the camaraderie has been brilliant. I have also learnt so much, you really do get bitten by the study bug, so much so I have now enrolled for my GCSE Maths, feeling less confident about that but thought I would give myself two years to get it before I actually need it for EYPS.


Claire x


well done cup cake. I started with ou in July really thought i was doing the wrong thing. summer hols 3 children similar ages to yours how would i do it. Just finishing my first essay but have already learnt loads.


good luck and enjoy


message for vickyk

i assume you did 123 and 124. I am mad taken apel route and doing both. any way can you help really stuck on theorists. have used piaget and vygotsky and heuristic play and scaffolding for research. am I right every time i read it it sounds wrong. now stuck on two more did start with piaget and steiner but i really do not think these are theorists and do not know what research to put. please can you help.

thanks and thanks

  • 1 month later...


i have also started my foundation degree with westminster and brookes university

i have attended 2 sessions and feel totally out of my deapth at this presemnt time i think i am in total panic mode


I have also completed the first 2 weeks at college doing the foundation degree,came away last week thinking oh my god what have I done, but feel a bit better now. I am excited to be learning again! Not sure how I will feel when I start the 4, 3000 word assignments I have to do before Dec 15th :o


i have also started my foundation degree with westminster and brookes university

i have attended 2 sessions and feel totally out of my deapth at this presemnt time i think i am in total panic mode

Hi and welcome to the forum - you have found just the place for lots of support and advice!

I have also completed the first 2 weeks at college doing the foundation degree,came away last week thinking oh my god what have I done, but feel a bit better now. I am excited to be learning again! Not sure how I will feel when I start the 4, 3000 word assignments I have to do before Dec 15th :o



glad i am not the only one feeling the same. i just don't know where to start it all seems overpowering observations eyps and theorists

glad i am not the only one feeling the same. i just don't know where to start it all seems overpowering observations eyps and theorists

Hi Ive also doing mine through westminster and Brookes and also feel this way, but hopefully it will get easier once we start to really get into it, I think the hardest part is actually believing what you are writing is the right thing :o

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