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The Weather!


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Evening all!!


Just popped out to collect hubby and it is like Winter outside!!!! Very cold, windy, rainy and got dark very quickly. I actually passed a woman wearing a scarf!! Whats the problem I hear you all say .. . . . . . . . . . . ITS AUGUST!!!! :oxD


Just wondered if anybody else was enjoying the same kind of weather or is it just Northern Ireland that has been blessed, as usual!! :(:(


I am starting to take bets that the good weather will return as soon as James goes back to school on Thursday!

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I'm so glad you said this! I thought it was only me.


We have just been playing a family game of charades and as I sat there I began to feel quite chilly and wondered if I should light the log burner. Then I though about it and remembered........IT IS AUGUST!!!! (just like you mummyspud!)


I hope we get a bit more warm weather before the trees really go brown and autumn is here to stay......pleeeeease.

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I actually passed a woman wearing a scarf!!

Yes, and I'm pretty miffed that you didn't invite me in for a cup of tea - its perishing out there!


As Beth says - once the schools are back it will be business as usual. Summer in September, again.



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no not just you. was windy which got washing dry. Had to wait until neighbour finished bonfire though. Tail end of a hurricane i believe. there was a bit of sun today went on bike with just t shirt and felt ok. tonight went to pub with bouncy castle kids outside we had to sit in too cold even with fleecy jumper on.


we were only talking about this earlier. Definatly the last 2 summer 2007 and 2008 have been cold and wet. Does any one want to expand on that.

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Yes, and I'm pretty miffed that you didn't invite me in for a cup of tea - its perishing out there!


As Beth says - once the schools are back it will be business as usual. Summer in September, again.





Sorry Maz!!


I do have an excuse though, infact I have two, no make it three!


1. I drive a micra therefore there was no room (bags in the seat beside James)

2. I didn't realise it was you until further up the road cause you looked like this - :o

3. Didn't have time to stop, season 6 of 24 already loaded in the DVD player and Jack Bauer was waiting for me!


Don't worry, another week and I will be all up to date and normal service will be resumed, well normal for me anyway, other peoples opinions may differ! :(xD

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It's quite warm here, although it is very windy. The grandchildren slept out in a tent with their Dad last night, ( 3, 5 and 34) and they said it was a lovely night. Monday was cold, but then we went to the skiing and snow play at Chill factore so were well wrapped up. Tuesday was warm and sunny for Chester Zoo, but Wednesday it was torrential rain. A typical British summer here.

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Very wild and a chilly wind here on the pennines. We are getting frequent heavy showers. I'm off into town and I can't decide what to wear-in and out of hot shops then possibly out into heavy rain. xD I'll be doing my usual strip tease in Boots :o

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Can't bear the fact that the nights are 'drawing in' - that and all the tractors on the roads (contry girl here) just means it's all coming to an end :o (summer that is)!


It is definitely the end of the summer when they are all combining like mad til all hours and it's nice that round here they've managed to get it in dry for once. I do really love the autumn. It's probably my favourite time of year and we are up to our eyes in courgettes, apples, beans and plums shared around by neighbours which is fab.


BUT I would have like to feel that there had been a proper summer first! Days on end when we had the paddling pool and the water slide out. Eating in the garden out of habit - not a treat. All that seems to be a dim and distant memory. Why does it feel like summer was a few days towards the end of last term?


I don't know - perhaps I would be moaning about the heat if it was like that. At least I've caught up with the housework and the garden's watered itself.

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The rain is bouncing down here in the north west. I have a dog sitting looking expectantly at me waiting to go for a walk, and my son has just set off to some music festival in Carlyle (?sp?) with his tent, sleeping bag and lilo!!! Rather him than me.

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I made the wrong choice :( The rain is now boncing down and I went in fitflops (wet feet) and jog bottoms (soaked upwards). I even managed to spill my coffee down my front and the rain has ruinned the haircut I had yesterday. I've come home damp and without things I went for. xD


I just wish there was consistancy.That the weather you got when you openned the curtains was the weather for all day. I really want to live in the Truman show :o

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Very wild and a chilly wind here on the pennines. We are getting frequent heavy showers. I'm off into town and I can't decide what to wear-in and out of hot shops then possibly out into heavy rain. xD I'll be doing my usual strip tease in Boots :o



I agree biccy, I think the weather here in the pennines have gone a bit silly. Its been heavy rain showers then sun then more heavy rain showers.


I am the same not sure what to wear this afternoon for my trip to town/jobcentre/shopping!




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I made the wrong choice :( The rain is now boncing down and I went in fitflops (wet feet) and jog bottoms (soaked upwards). I even managed to spill my coffee down my front and the rain has ruinned the haircut I had yesterday. I've come home damp and without things I went for. xD


I just wish there was consistancy.That the weather you got when you openned the curtains was the weather for all day. I really want to live in the Truman show :o



Oh no biccy thats not good, hope you get dried off soon.


Typical weather has I write this its stopped raining! Humph!




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It's been awful here in Somerset today. This is doubly bad because we got back from 3 weeks in Portugal yesterday where we had 30 degrees minimum and sunshine pretty much every day.


I am sooooo tempted to emigrate. Maybe in a couple of years time we will make the dream a reality.


To really go with the theme of impending autumn we have been out blackberry picking this afternoon between showers!

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Its the showers here which have been irritating, it is very windy and sunny, hang washing on line, walk inside and it pours with rain.. 3 timed done tht today, lovely drying wind it it would stop raining long enough! had to resort to dryer in the end!


Overall I have had a really hot and sunny summer, between here and Kent I seem to have been in each place at the right time... this is the first rain I have had for ages...


and it is now 8pm and rather dark, need a light on, its tipping down outside, but not cold, just windy.



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im with you suzie - would love to emigrate :o

A girl who used to work for me has now gone off to live in Australia now that her husband has a new job in Sydney. She has posted a video of her apartment and the stunning view of Sydney harbour from her balcony.


Its enough to make you spit!



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It was dry all morning here, we set off at 11.45 to go to the woodland adventure place with the kids to meet up with lots of people for picnic and it started raining. We continued anyway in the hope that it would pass as it often has, and we have changed many plans due to the rain only for it to stop and be lovely all afternoon. So we get there, it still rains and rains, we sit on picnic benches in the rain, with our rain coats and a few of us mums in flip flops. An hour later, it really pours, we are all cold and damp and fed up, so finally give in and pack up. Get back to the car as it is blue blue sky and hot sun. Was really cheesed off, cold and damp and not prepared to give it another go, so we came home and watched harry potter. I didn't then rain for another 2 hours, so we could have stayed!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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