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Tidy Up Music

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Hi! Does anyone have any ideas for what I could use for tidy up music during the day please?




For a couple of years I used 'Circle of Life' - great uplifting song everyone learnt to sing along to. I now used 'Hi Ho' but had to edit it as the original was a bit to short


We tidy up to "Angel" by Lionel Richie. It starts slowly and when the children hear it playing they know to stop what they are doing and wave their hands in the air. When the music livens up the tidying up starts. The music then starts to slow down and they know that they haven't got long to finish off before they have to be sitiing on our mat. Usually start it playing again whilst we clap to the music or hand jive whilst we are waiting for the last couple of tidiers. It does work well.

Guest Wolfie

I watched a group of children tidy up to Aleesha Dixon - The boy does nothing - and they LOVED it! :o


We have used most of the above at some point, we also use, Thunderbirds are go, Don't stop me now by McFly, Mamma Mia etc. we always played Hi ho and Whistle While You Work, but this summer we mixed it up a bit and the children loved it.


Thanks everyone have been inspired!!


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