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About lunchtime in playground

anybody got ans opinion about 1 NVQ level 3 classroom assistant on duty in playground at lunchtime alone with 30 children for more than 20 mins

Children are age 4/5.


Hi rolopolo, welcome to the forum - congratulations on making your first post, first of many I hope. Can't say that I would be happy with only one adult to 30 children at any time - I know we are born with eyes in the back of our heads, can see round corners, etc. but if adult engaged in one incident, how could they then supervise the rest of the children? Hope it's not you who is being asked to do this!


Have an opinion but dangerous to put it into print. xD


This is so unfair on the adult and not exactly the best situation for the 30 children either.


With this age group 20 minutes is a long time and even the smallest incident means taking your (many) eyes off the rest of the group leaving the other children to their own devices.


Obviously this playground has no hazards of any type e.g. climbing aparatus, balls etc and is covered in spongy safety surface :o


Thank you for your advice. I will approach the senior manager about my concerns.

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