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Hi all,


I have decided to start issuing invoices at the beginning of term to parents. They can still choose to pay weekly or termly, but i am hoping it will help for those parents who 'forget' to pay, or 'do not realise' they still owed money!


Does anyone have an invoice template they use? Or know where i can find a good one!?


Many Thanks



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Hi, yes same as Sunnyday. My template is addressed to Mrs.................. re child's name...............


Then I open with a paragraph giving term details, i.e. this is a 13 week term starting on.........., half term is............, last day is.......... Then a table with how many "free" hours the child will be receiving and how many lunch clubs are needed to be paid for, so 26 lunch clubs @ hourly rate =. If the child is not receiving funding I state how many sessions they are expected to be attending. I may add into the table any refunds etc. Then a final paragraph stating when the first payment needs to be made and the second payment, these usually coincide with when we receive the funding from the local authority, and repeat that if parents want to pay in any other way to contact me so that we can discuss a plan.

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I have placed mine in the resource library, you can find it HERE


It can calculate lots of different totals and variations, which you can alter to meet your needs.


If you would like to use this but don't know how to change the calculations feel free to PM me with your requirements and I'll be happy to do it for you.



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I made my own up, I to Invoice at the begining of each term most parents pay it all then a few choose to pay weekly and some pay at the end of term!!


I have to invoice my funded children's parents to pay for the extra 1/4 hour that they have never been asked to pay for before, mm only works out to 90p a day but have already had one parent say cant pay it so will take their child out early


what joy

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We've only had it with one child in 2 year sof charging. She then proceeded to pick her child up 5/10 mins late every day- which really annoyed me and also caused problems as ours eat lunch during the extra half hour, so had to say we owuld charge for the (15 mins one day) that she was late. She then changed her mind and he stayed for the aditional time!!

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I don't find myself in this situation any longer over extra half hours or quarter hours, but I used to ask them to come in later in the morning rather than be picked up earlier, you have more control over them this way. You open the door when you want to - and if they are late, well that's their time and money and not yours.

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I don't find myself in this situation any longer over extra half hours or quarter hours, but I used to ask them to come in later in the morning rather than be picked up earlier, you have more control over them this way. You open the door when you want to - and if they are late, well that's their time and money and not yours.

That's a good tip Panders! Do many parents go for this option? Do the children find it difficult coming in later than all their friends (or any more difficult than leaving when their friends are having a good time, I should say?).



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No we had no problems after all it's not that long. It was just accepted. Parents who had children at primary school moaned a little because they had to "hang" around before coming in, but generally they found ways to spend that time, it meant that they could walk from primary to us which is a good 15 minute walk from the furthest away. Spend a little more time at reception class, or get a friend to drop off if they had to be somewhere earlier.

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