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Hi everyone,

Wishing you all a fab year! i would love some ideas for our ' getting to know your name' sessions during our first week. I did google but thought there might be some here? Also need to know what tune the ditty uses cos I'm not too confident singing a made up one! ha ha :o


tune of london bridge


charlies name begins with ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, ch ch etc

ch for charlie


we play a game with a shaker. I usually start and sing xxxxx has the shaker the shaker the shaker xxxx has the shaker and passes it onto ? saying their name.


younger children tend to pass it to the person next to them where as older children will pass across the circle.


sorry cannot think what tune is not sure if we didnt make it up. sort of starts off like incy wincy spider.


their are a few games in sounds and letters i think


good luck


I used to sing

willaby wallaby woo

an elephant sat on you

willaby wallaby wack

an elephant sat on jack

willaby wallaby wegan

an elephant sat on megan

willaby wallaby waniel

an elephant sat on daniel



etc etc. the children loved it and it was good for helping them with rhymming! Not sure of the tune though! :o


Tried that willaby wallaby at lunch club today - they loved it. How about 'Peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose, peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose, peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose, and he swished and he swashed it and the fly flew away (point to next child sitting nicely etc) Joseph rabbit has a fly upon his nose etc.. then next child.. Tia rabbit has a fly upon her nose..


Sounds like you had fun- but what's the tune??


I ended up with

'oh here we are together, together, together.

oh, here we are together all sitting on the floor

there's x and x and x and x

oh here we are together all sitting on the floor.

to the tune of

'did you ever see a lassie?'



Lots of ball games are good, throwing or rolling and calling out the name of the person who has to catch.

Gruffalo2 :o


we play passing a ted and telling him or name, then passing ted and telling him the person next them names' and hen we pass things like pas the smail/handshake/silly face. Then progress to saying someones name and passing the smelly face on to them.


I'm not sure if this is the title but the peter rabbit song is a bit like the glory,glory hallelujah tune!!

I'm not sure if this is the title but the peter rabbit song is a bit like the glory,glory hallelujah tune!!


I sing this to the tune 'Johns Brown Body'

hope this helps.

Lots of great ideas here


Annie x :o

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