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First Day Back


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I had a brilliant day today. No bad behaviour, no upsets at being left, just friendly, chatty children engadged in co-operative play. The whole day was brill, and I can only wish everyone else the same level of satisfied children, parents and staff. Here's to a happy last 7 months (or am I being to optimistic!????) Oh well here's to the rest of the week then :o:D

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I can only only echo what you are saying Rea :D


We have been back for 3 days and as i am walking around it feels like a different nursery.


Every member of staff is happy, enjoying their time, interacting with the children, the children are laughing and are fully engaged.


Finally they seem to have listened to what myself and the my deputies have been saying for the past four months.


Am i speaking too soon..... i really hope not :o


Anyway, enjoying it :)

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Guest Sycamore

Me too! I had a great first day back with lovely well behaved children and smiling staff! It is scarey that maybe its us and the stress of everyday demands that cause the unsettling days? I even smashed into another car on the way to work this morning (no one hurt) and what would usually put me in a very bad mood was lifted by the chatter of excited children.

A benefit of school holidays I am sure.

Here's to many more! (holidays and happy days!)

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I have really enjoyed today too!!! I think a combination of well rested staff and children have contributed to the harmony!


Also had a child explain to me that she knew how to find the number 14 by finding ten and then counting four along (what a genious!)


Big smiles today :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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I am all :D:D:D:D too! Lovely children, lovely staff and lovely day :D



It was a little spoilt on the way home though when I popped into the supermarket. A little chap probably 3 or 4yrs was having a major screaming session at the till next to me. No idea why but he had a good pair of lungs and managed to reach that ear piercing level :o Mum was ignoring him so I presumed it was some sort of tantrum ( judging by the accompanying highland fling type stamping that accompanied the screaming)


The lady in front of me at my till rolled her eyes just as mum decided to not ignore him any more and said " if you dont shuttup I am sending all your presents back to Father Christmas" the cashier then rolled her eyes at me and said "If he was mine I would give him a good slap then he would have something to cry about!" xD:(:(


Nonetheless It was a great day at work today :D

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Rea, thanks for this positive topic, as my new year resolution is to see everything positively, I have had a great start to the term.


Tues 1st day, we all sat in our group shut our eyes and thought about all our lovely xmas presents and why we got them ( for being good children!!) then after a count of three shouted THANK YOU very loudly so that Father Christmas could hear us.


All the children have settled back very well, enjoying each others and the staffs company.


Found out today that my end of year accounts (self assessment) need to be with my accountant on Monday, well I spent 2 hours sorting the receipts from "THE BOX" into 12 envelopes, one for each month, yes 2 hrs just sorting, haven't added them up yet :o also need to do whole years income / expenditure accounts.(2003-2004) Long weekend ahead.....


Positive thinking though, I know I will succeed because I have a dead line, then it will all be done :D:D yippee....


or should I start on 2004-2005 accounts :(:( ...call me Mrs Crisis Manager, everything at the last minute xD


I love paper work, I love paperwork, I love paperwork, I love paperwork.... positive affirmation = positive thinking.???????....not sure yet, I'll let you all know on Monday.


Have a Fun Friday everyone....and a good weekend.


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It was my first day back today and the children were absolute angels. After all the excitement of Christmas I think they were all ready for some normality. Long may it continue!! :o By the way Peggy - me and hubby decided the positive resolution was a great idea and adopted it too. :D

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xD :wacko: xD:(:o

just met my class. I have my job cut out for me!!!

Panicing about planning for a differt age group that i'm used to Nursery to Yr 1 is a big jump and this is a job share.

And planning is taking forever as i'm not sure of the chidlren i'm planning for.

But i'm sure it will get better.


I HOPE :(:( will keep you posted

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:o Good first week back. 10 new receptopm children and no tears in the mornings...2 chn cried during their first lunchtime because they didn't want to go home at 1pm!!! Thye wanted to stay all day! New chn VERY tired by Friday but all siad the enjoyed it and would come back next week! Just got to tackle the planning now...not looking forward to the next few hours! Going out with some if the staff to see MIss Siagon on Friday was a godd end to the week....may it continue unitil halfterm! xD
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