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Fda Inquiry Help!


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Hi there, thank you all to all those whom have time to read this. I have just completeed the first of the Fda in childcare and education, and have just found out via a less than positive talk with my tutor that i have not made it through to the second year of my degree. The words she used were that i was a failure and that i would not be admitted back for the first year ( to repeat it, i mean) and could not attend that uni again but could attend others. She also said that i could appeal but told me not to bother as the board would just view me as a failure, she did not know my marks as she said; "she had no facts to hand" and kept on insisting that i had not handed in any work and had also handed in work late. They have recently removed the college blackboard so i am unable to view my current marks. As you can probably tell, i just needed to get this all of my chest. Whom do i approach now in relation to my marks? Is it worth the appeal? Should i even bother to appeal?, Can a tutor actually tell me that i am a failure? Should i just call it a day and move on? I've still got to repay back the student loan for this course, please help all advice greatfully received. :o

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Whom do i approach now in relation to my marks? Is it worth the appeal? Should i even bother to appeal?, Can a tutor actually tell me that i am a failure? Should i just call it a day and move on? I've still got to repay back the student loan for this course, please help all advice greatfully received. xD



Hi, sorry to hear your had problems with this. The tutors response sounds dreadful, NO I don't think anyone should call another person a failure.. :o that's appalling!.


If I were you, I'd contact the university and speak to them, perhaps when you feel a little less emotional, they must have access to your marks. Perhaps you could then speak to your tutor (with a friend for support!) to ask where you want wrong - you need some constructive help not a brush off.


I'm really upset on your behalf and wish you all the best. Try and enjoy the rest of the weekend then approach it again on Monday.


Good luck and keep us posted.

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It sounds like you seriously need to get some answers from the college. You have a right to know the facts that they are basing this judgement on.


You know whether you have handed work in and whether it has been late. If her facts are wrong then you must challenge the decision.


If you have handed in work late did they give you any support/warnings?


The way the tutor has behaved does not sound very professional and you must be feeling quite upset and confused about all of this. If you have not reached the required standard this year she should have been helping you to understand why, not calling you a failure!


I wouldn't walk away until I knew that the decision was a fair one which had been based on facts rather than supposition.


I hope you get some answers which make sense to you soon.

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Well done for posting here... it's such a great place to come to for advice, support and, when needed, a reality check! Clearly your experience at college has been very poor - I echo what earlier posters have said about needed to get a more measured response from the university, you need to know the facts as the college see them - you also need to have time to consider what you want to do.


I would want to know the answers to the following things...

did all your assignments fail? having supported someone through this course I know that the first year is not assessed as a single entity, it is cumulative - based on a series of assignments. If all your assignments failed did you know that as you were going along? if you did know that then what support were you offered by the college? How does your tutor know what an academic board meeting would say - they would assess the case on an individual basis, taking into account the support you have been offered... it doesn't make sense.


Something about this doesn't fit... somewhere there has been a muddying of the waters and they need to be cleared before you can move on (in whatever direction that might be). Need to arrange a meeting, take a professional friend (one who understands the course and understands you), this needs to be sorted out.


Good luck, interested to hear how you get on



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I agree with all of the above and of course you can appeal.I would have thought that you could repeat the year too, depending on what went wrong.............for instance, a different tutor might help! It also seems mighty odd to me that your tutor could not tell you your marks, but could call you a 'failure'..what a horrid individual she sounds! I would expect to see the results, find out what went wrong..where and why, and why no-one was telling you immediately if you were late handing in.Even late submissions are marked, though you would lose points.......but you should have been told! You can phone the office of the Registrar of the university and ask for your results and how you go about appealing/getting help.Good luck and don't give up. If you do decide to continue......................make sure you ask for help and advice from your tutor eg,attend all tutorials (and come on here for advice when necessary!)

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Thank you all so much for your quick and prompt replies, if only my tutor had been as helpful. Moving on i shall take on all advice received and act on it all also. Shall defo keep you all posted. Thank you all so much again, just felt so dis-heartened, was so afraid of what to do next. Thank you. xxxxxxx :oxD

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I think that you have a right to a copy of your transcripts (all your marks) from a college or university. Certainly when I was at uni (some, cough, years ago now) they told us that. Good luck.

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She sounds like a right old bully! Of course appeal! and as others have said, find out your marks. The college/Uni won't want to lose you I'm sure - and they need to know what this tutor is saying to people - who knows who else she's spoken to like this who hasn't had the support of this forum to back them up!

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My biggest shock when attending my uni was the attitude of some of the tutors! Arroggent know-it alls, with real bully-boy attitudes.....that seemed to enjoy putting people down.


Could you go to your student advisor for help and support? - they should be able to help point you in the right direction, giving you the correct contact names and telephone numbers etc.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, in response to the Fda inquiry, i cannot thank you all enough for your support.

I took all advice received on board and spoke to the directors of the board, whom were a lot more helpful as well as informative. My tutor contacted me again and this time she was a lot more helpful and even offered to help me write up the appeal ( i'm quite dubious about that by the way) Just wondering does anyone have any info on how to write up the appeal? Do i write up as if writing a letter? for instance Dear sir or madam. Or do i just get straight to the point and say i am appealing my marks? Have been trying to contact the student support and as yet have not received any feedback. All advice definitely and gratefully received. xxxxxxxxx

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You may be able to find all the appeal information that you need on your uni website via the student portal - try the student rep again and student support as they should all be back this week too.


I'm not sure whether you will want to hear this or not though - at my uni appeals had to be made within 10 working days of the results being published following assessment of the external verifier but your appeals procedure will tell you this.


What uni are you studying through?

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You may be able to find all the appeal information that you need on your uni website via the student portal - try the student rep again and student support as they should all be back this week too.


I'm not sure whether you will want to hear this or not though - at my uni appeals had to be made within 10 working days of the results being published following assessment of the external verifier but your appeals procedure will tell you this.


What uni are you studying through?


Hi sue i'm studying through Roehampton uni

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I know i'm gonna sound like a nuisance, but i have checked out my uni board as to how to put this appeal together and have emailed, phonecalled left messages you name it in regards to someone even giving me an idiots guide (excuse my choice of words) of how to start the appeal as i so have no idea, and don't want to look like a fool does anyone know where else i could go to receive this info or any books or websites that i could turn to. So, so sorry guys just not sure what to do. :o

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Hi there


I have had a quick look at your appeals process and you should be appealing in a letter format.


You need to know on what grounds you are going to appeal and they are valid before you can begin to layout your appeal letter and also have copies of any supporting evidence.


You also need to know what you want your appeal to achieve.


When you are sure you can then start off with your letter.


Section 7 of your appeals process gives you a name to contact for Roehampton's appeals letter format but it will run something like this.


Dear ?????


As per the Roehampton appeals procedure I am writing to you to advise that I wish you to consider my appeal against ???( what it is you are appealing against)?? with a view to ???( what you want to achieve) ????. (If 10 days have elapsed since your results you may wish to make it clear that you have extenuating circumstances at this point).


In support of my appeal I am enclosing >>>>>> as supporting evidence.


I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Yours etc.



In the meantime you need to try to see some one even if it is your personal tutor - would also recommend you be prepared with printed copies of the appeals stuff to cross check against.

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Hi there


I have had a quick look at your appeals process and you should be appealing in a letter format.


You need to know on what grounds you are going to appeal and they are valid before you can begin to layout your appeal letter and also have copies of any supporting evidence.


You also need to know what you want your appeal to achieve.


When you are sure you can then start off with your letter.


Section 7 of your appeals process gives you a name to contact for Roehampton's appeals letter format but it will run something like this.


Dear ?????


As per the Roehampton appeals procedure I am writing to you to advise that I wish you to consider my appeal against ???( what it is you are appealing against)?? with a view to ???( what you want to achieve) ????. (If 10 days have elapsed since your results you may wish to make it clear that you have extenuating circumstances at this point).


In support of my appeal I am enclosing >>>>>> as supporting evidence.


I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Yours etc.



In the meantime you need to try to see some one even if it is your personal tutor - would also recommend you be prepared with printed copies of the appeals stuff to cross check against.

Hi sue, you are the best. xxxxxxxxx Shall keep you posted. xxxxxxxx. Thank you again and again. xxxxxx.

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Are you doing it at Roehampton or at Carshalton? I got my transcript from Roehampton quite quickly after the first and second years. I had nothing but positive experiences with them so am shocked on your behalf that you are having to go through all of this. Hope it gets sorted soon.

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Are you doing it at Roehampton or at Carshalton? I got my transcript from Roehampton quite quickly after the first and second years. I had nothing but positive experiences with them so am shocked on your behalf that you are having to go through all of this. Hope it gets sorted soon.

Hi there, i guess every dog has there day. lol. And mine is now. I am studying at carshalton but it is validated by Roehampton uni. Hoping to get it all sorted soon too, thanxs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all, i'm back again in need of more help and advice. P.S. hope everyone is well, and thank you all again in advance for taking time to read this.

I have received a reply in regards to my appeal from my uni, the outcome was that they are asking for me to repeat the first year again, as they say i only have 40 credits, my upset is, is that i only had four re-subs to do as i had passed all the other assignments yet my transcripts has it that i have only passed two, this goes to further confirm what my tutor had told me which was that she had not bothered to hand in my work as she had felt that i had handed them in all late. The uni has asked me to contact the covener of the course in regards to repeating the year, i have left messages but she is not returning my calls, and would also like me to not do the appeal just to rather meet with the covener to resolve the situation, i also re-handed the death certificate for my family member when putting for the appeal, there questions were who is this family member to me? and why was i not asked any questions, again further confirmation that as my tutor had told me she had not bothered to hand in my form for mitigating circumstances. Should i still bother with the appeal, or leave it as they have suggested, could my work not be re-submitted agin to be re-marked? as they still have my assignments, and if i repeated the year would i not be charged again for that year? All advice gratefully received. xxxxxxx

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Oh my gosh, what a struggle you are having! still feel you need to find someone to champion your cause! Sorry have nothing concrete to add, just wanted to wish you well.

Hang in there!


Thanks. Plan too. xxxxxxxxxxxx

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Is there any sort of student body in your uni who could give you a little bit of support? It feels like you are really up against it and the people who's job it is to support you are really letting you down.


Surely you should have someone who knows the system to support you through this process and inform you of your rights and the tutors' responsibilities.


It doesn't seem right that a tutor can decide to withhold your evidence for mitigating circumstances unless they can give you some rules or regulations which show that it is not relevant.


Is it worth looking at starting again at a different uni? I don't know how the system works but you might be better off somewhere that is more committed to supporting students who have difficulties.


Good luck and hang on in there.

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Is there any sort of student body in your uni who could give you a little bit of support? It feels like you are really up against it and the people who's job it is to support you are really letting you down.


Surely you should have someone who knows the system to support you through this process and inform you of your rights and the tutors' responsibilities.


It doesn't seem right that a tutor can decide to withhold your evidence for mitigating circumstances unless they can give you some rules or regulations which show that it is not relevant.


Is it worth looking at starting again at a different uni? I don't know how the system works but you might be better off somewhere that is more committed to supporting students who have difficulties.


Good luck and hang on in there.


Thanks sue.

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