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Feely Tray/senses Table Ideas

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Do you have a feely tray area in you setting? We have a smaller tuffspot as a feely tray and im quite limited for ideas on what to put in it so thought thos thread could be used as inspiration for us :o


We tend to use the following in ours:


Cooked pasta/rice/cous cous and spaghetti


Jelly, ice


Gloop, stones, fir cones etc


Any other ideas welcome xD


Also, do you use shaving foam or gel? This was suggested to me but i wondered about their skin so not sure :(


How about things like- different fabrics- fur, hessian, cotton, foil, bubble wrap etc.


Different toys...


Also as an alternative to a try a feely bag or box so children are just using their sense of touch.


I used shaving faom last year and had a child with servere eczema and he was fine... we just made sure he wahed his hands well afterwards- also worth talking to the parentsof children with skin conditions.


I put those kinds of activities in mine, and use others like Gelly Baff, soil with plastic bugs and magnifying glasses. We also have BeeBots mats that fit into the Tuff trays (which by the way are available in Wicks for a fraction of the price you pay through a school catalogue!) and my class last year loved paying with the Beebots and they don't fall off of a table if they're in a Tuff tray!!


I found this book burried in a cupboard at school and it's so useful. Not all the ideas are do-able because of allergies etc, but they can be adapted and give you some ideas.




Amazon is always my first port of call, but it may be available cheaper elsewhere :o


ice cubes, warm and cold water, sand paper, tin foil, cotton wool, shave foam, (these are all good for feely feet) soil. :(:(:o


For feely hands (items hidden in a box): sponges, balls , hair brushes, pens, hole punches, bean bags, cars, - well the list is endless xD


We don't use shaving foam, we use a product designed for children's baths, it's called bath foam it comes in a spray can like shaving foam, you can get it from Tescos etc., it's gentler on the hands and smells a lot better too!


Paint! The children love it - even the parents do. I just place different colours of paint to create a spiders web in the tray and the children blend the colours together. They really enjoy it and it is a great observation tool.


We also have BeeBots mats that fit into the Tuff trays (which by the way are available in Wicks for a fraction of the price you pay through a school catalogue!)



Do you mean Wickes the building material suppliers? Or is the a school supplier called Wicks?


We have little baskets with touchy feely things including pine cones, ribbons, wooden cotton reels, enormous seed head things (like in posh pot purri) shells and river stone pebbles. Also put out magnifying glasses so they can examine items.


We have a tuff spot which we used as a beach which was great (from Wickes) have ordered another using our tesco vouchers including the one with the mirror bottom - am going to try the paint in that one me thinks!

Posted (edited)

Thanks Jess, parents bought us a couple of beebots at the end of summer as a gift from the leavers, will pop into Wickes and get one. Does anyone know if you can just buy the pictures to go in to a tuff spot on there own? Would like a dinosaur mat particularly

Edited by Panders
Thanks Jess, parents bought us a couple of beebots at the end of summer as a gift from the leavers, will pop into Wickes and get one. Does anyone know if you can just buy the pictures to go in to a tuff spot on there own? Would like a dinosaur mat particularly



Hi we have a clear bee bot mat with a grid marked on it. This means we can use any pictures in the tray, then the grid mat holds them down!!


The grid is brilliant - my most able children last year were using the grid to explore positional language - Beebot was the jolly postman and we put pictures of the characters under the grid. The children really got the hang of using the grid to program the robot. (Sorry - this has nothing to do with being a feely tray, but it was great!) :o


Today we had babylotion in ours, then the kids added glitter.......... fun, fun, fun and lots of markmaking from children who don't do the conventional pen/paper sort - RESULT!!!


baby lotion is a fantastic idea - we'll be doing it very soon!

Griffalo2 :oxD:(


Cornflour gloop! my favourite!


Jelly with sequins in (you can get number and letter ones from KCS) - pick out with tweasers!


Spaghetti cooked in water with food colouring in!


Old playdoh mixed with water


oh the lists are endless! x :o


We take in turns to freeze a large ice cream tub of water into a block of ice. We put different things in it like plastic toys or fruits so they become more visible and accessible as the ice melts through the session.

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