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Advice Please Re Dismissal

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with reference to my dismissal yesterday


My sister (who works at the nursery) informs me that tonight an emergency staff meeting was called and staff were told that i had been dismissed from work because i had breeched a policy and broke the law.... i am not sure if this is a breech of my own personal confidentiality, and they should have realised that divulging this to all staff would make my sister and mum feel very uncomfortable.


what do you guys think?, can they legally do this.... is it not blighting my name?????




Golly, Dawn - they really are putting you through it!


Please, please get some legal or union advice urgently. If they've disclosed information that they shouldn't have you need to act fast to stop it spreading. Your personal and professional reputation is being called into question.


Take care,


Nona x


For goodness sake Dawn..........................PLEASE get some proper advcie, ACAS will advise you and it's free and impartial,They will just tell it as it is, BUT do it first thing tomorrow, before this lot hang you out to dry! We can give you moral support, which is great, BUT you MUST have professional advice to get you through this, as unharmed as possible, and before your reputation is left in tatters. Let us know how you get one.....and please know that we're all here to offer the hugs and sympathy when you need it xx


Nicely said Narnia....come on Dawn we are all here for you, try not to let yourself go under with this pressure...keep positive..... :oxD


narnia makes a good point Dawn - unless anyone comes forward to say the contrary we're not experts in employment law, but ACAS will give you clear, unbiased advice about what has happened to you and whether your personal confidentiality has been breached. Finding out your position will help you decide what to do next with confidence so that you can move forward into whatever direction your career now takes you.


Good luck.




Dawn, your mum and your sister need some advice too now. Constructive dismissal sounds like a good one to look into as they are certainly making the workplace an uncomfortable place for them to be.


Take care. There is a teacher's support line---google it and see if you can access that tonight NOW.


Hi Dawn

I have been thinking so much about you today, I do hope you got a little bit of sleep last night.


Again - phone ACAS. They are the experts in these things and I have always, always had a sympathetic and understanding ear whenever I have phoned them. I urge you strongly, if you have not done so before, to contact them.



When I started my degree course we were all advised to join Unison so that we had some support to fall back on

Even though I am a Shop Steward's daughter I have never been a union member. However I am beginning to think that everyone should join one - you hope you'll never need them but in times of crisis their support could be invaluable.


Something to seriously consider, I think.




Good advice from everyone- you must seek personal advice.


When we had a senior staff member dismissed when I worked in full daycare. staff were simply told 'xxx' had left for personal reasons and any staff that had been involved in the case were not allowed to discuss it full stop.




I recently joined VOICE, which used to be PANN (Professional Association of Nursery Nurses), I hope never to use them but in the litigious (sp?) society we now live in I think its a must!


Good luck and please, as everyone says, seek professional advice. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you x


Although my union rep could not be with me for a meeting that was called by the Governors re a complaint, he was really great on the phone.


Told me what they could and couldn't do, and told me I should ask to see the report they put together.


I am in unison and have been since the start of my career and they helped me alot when I was regraded in my role as nursery nurser on a childrens ward, as were all NNEBs on the ward............... we fought all the way to national level to get the grading we felt we deserved.

They offer good support.

Posted (edited)

Hi Dawn,


I have been reading these posts over the past few days and I am appalled at the way you have been treated, it seems strange to me that your employers have waited so long since the incident to dismiss you. Gross misconduct is a serious allegation and I would have thought that you would have been disciplined immediately after the alleged incident.


Has the occupancy of the nursery decreased recently with children leaving to start school? Your salary would represent a realistic financial saving to the nursery.


Under no circumstances should the rest of the staff be party to the reason for your dismissal, everything you have told us is alleged, nothing has been proven, therefore they may be breaking the law by accusing you of something you haven’t actually done. The fact that they discussed your personal details with a third party is definitely a breach of confidentiality as it would be if they discussed your health details.


I strongly advise you to seek professional advice.


Good luck



Edited by julie 12

Well, Dawn, these are really desperate people, aren't they!! Having 'disposed' of you, they are targeting your family.


I agree about the union thing - after my nasty experience a while ago and a wobble recently I joined Voice and they have been helpful when contacted.


Their action in muck throwing to the staff is reprehensible, as well as unprofessional. It is actually (as has been said) very dubious legally. I think they are trying to terrorise the remaining staff. :o


I am very angry for all of you - is there some kind of watchdog/Ombudsman you can report these cowboy employers to??


Keep strong


Sue x

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