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Here I am again asking a huge favour - would anyone mind sharing their 'student' policies with me please - mine needs tweaking I think.

What do you all do when approached by school students (age 14/15) looking for 'work experience' placements - do you interview? what do you give them as means of introduction - completely new to this role (as a former colleague had this responsibility however, she has moved to pastures new).

Thanks - relying on you all as always


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I treat them as any regular volunteer and use similar induction process. I got a wonderful handbook from here which I adapted for our setting - sorry can't remember where but it contains details of safeguarding, confidentiality, fire drill, routines and expectations. We don't interview as we have a good relationship with the school (our landlord as we are in the grounds of the High School) and know we can talk about any problems. I always send student an introductory letter outlining dress code, attendance times, need for packed lunch etc. I think I'll add mobile phone policy to induction leaflet. We allow them to find their own level but if necessary we will instruct them in how to use activities and interact with the children if it seems needed. Most have been more than adequate and some have been excellent. We have only sent one away in all the years we have done this. ( She didn't want to be there and made it very obvious) We only ever take one student at a time as we have found they will talk to each other rather than interact with the children.

They usually come with some sort of feedback form for us to fill in.

Hope that helps


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we didn't do interviews, as most were only there for a week, sometimes 2 but that was rare.


we had a leaflet with all the dos and don'ts in a simple to understand format... including things like confidentiality, fire drill etc.


a letter sent with dress code ( no bare midriffs or thongs on show etc, minimal jewellery, full shoes not sanals or flip flops etc.. often very basic stuff but if you don't say it they will wear it!)


Only one at a time . unless you have several rooms and can keep them apart or they will sit and chat all day and do little. even if from different schools and don't know each other.


we had a small list of things to look for that they could do, like mopping up if they spill water , or reading stories in book corner if they feel lost.. not that the children lever left them alone in our setting.


a teacher would always visit for a report while they were with us , and to see if they were ok. and we always had a written report to do when they left.


we made sure they knew who to call and by what time if they were not coming.


we occasionally had problem students.. one never turned up except for the first day.. but the school thought she was attending, as she had told them she was... we ended up with a policy of if they did not turn up or call in we called the school to let them know. one did come until her teacher had visited and then never returned.


another we came a target from one 16 yr old students parents who said 6 hours was too long a work day and it should be shorter, ( they do have 20 min break!) . That we never offered her any food or drink while she was with us ( she refused all offerings) that she went all day with no food.. (she had the letter with the need to provide a packed lunch bit) and we never let her have a smoke break.. ( we never knew she smoked but then nor did the parent until then! - but do you give your staff smoke breaks! ours was in official 20 mins lunch only and away from setting! which she had..)

and this student had friends call to say she was ill for rest of the week! Needless to say school was informed .


think this is a big key to it working or not... good liaison with the schools you are working with.



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Would definately mention the mobile phone issue, and if possible ask them to place it in a basket in a safe place rather than keeping it on them. We have had students before who have had lots of 'toilet' breaks just so they can text their friends!!!!

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We thought we had my daughters work experience sorted months ago for Oct 12 then got this one line e-mail from the company last week.Its proving impossible to get another one. No wondered the ones we get in school really don't want to be there-they probably wanted something completely different but couldn't get it.


"At this time it is not possible to accomodate any work experience candidates"



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Hi i give students this handbook which i cannot take the credit for ideas from here. we only have a max of two at any one time. some have been good others clearly dont want to be here.



Thank you so much - exactly what I'm looking for - hope you don't mind if I use bits and pieces from it adapting it for my setting.

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Doh, I can't open that Student Handbook.... can anyone sort that for me?


We said no mobile phones during sessions - especially after that recent case with a nursery nurse taking photos of the children on her camera phone.... we made it a blanket policy for staff and students.

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