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Doing A Performance Management Observation

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I have been asked to observe for performance management in Reception and am after pointers of what to look for. I have not taught in Reception before and would appreciate your help.


I think I have been thrown in the deep end a little.


All advice appreciated!




Could you ask to do a joint observation with the FS Cordinator (or whoever normally does early years obs) this time just for some additional input and to clarify your thoughts/help answer Q's. I'm sure the person who is being observed would be happier to know you had sought advice and were giving informed feedback. Having said that a lot of the areas you will be looking at will be the same who ever you observe, I'm sure you will be able to tell if you can see learning taking place, recognise behaviour management, adult support, differentiation etc. It may be you need to have time to talk to the person you are observing before hand to talk about what they expect you to see in their lesson, explain their plans to you and give you a summary of their class. I do feel for you as role reversed to doing KS2 observations really concerned me at first. It does get easier!

Good luck


Hi, it might be worth asking if your school has an agreed lesson observation sheet. If not, it would be good practice to discuss with the teacher you will be observing what the focus of your observation will be.

We have a school lesson observation sheet which includes sections such as; children's interaction, use of ICT to support learning, differentiation, assessment opportunities, transitions, learning environement, etc... In addition, we might agree a particular focus for the observation e.g. differentiation.

Hope this helps.


When our head observed last year he looked for children's interaction in child initiated activities, our questioning and interaction, relationships, behaviour, learning through CI activities as well as more adult directed just to give a few.

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