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Ragged/ragging?- Anyone Heard Of This?

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Hi, it has recently come to our attention by accident that on top of an ofsted inspection the PLA now do a ragging on your setting to tell you if you are red, amber or green. PLA didn't tell us this we found out via someone else but PLA have said they'll do ours soon. We are trying to figure this out, what it means, what is needed to get red amber or green so if anyone could tell me more I'd be very grateful! Jo

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Yes we have this - it's a set of statements which you are either...


Red - not doing

Amber - working on

Green - doing well.


They range from a lot of things.......like doing your sef, meeting training needs ect


Not as bad as it sounds -honest!!

Edited by louby loo
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Is this only in your area?


Our county do annual reviews with us and we self evaulate with our EYAT


(I'm afraid if PLA then coming knocking - it will be a no-thanks. Don't want a third review).

What's the point ? I am hugely reflective - but this is getting a tad silly.


Does anyone know more.

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Ah..... so do they visit?


Well, I was supposed to go to a meeting/briefing session, but I didn't go because the owner never told me about it.. anyway EYAT came on a routine visit- I invited her!! While with me she told me about the 'rag' sheet, we went through it together took 10-15mins max.



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Well, I was supposed to go to a meeting/briefing session, but I didn't go because the owner never told me about it.. anyway EYAT came on a routine visit- I invited her!! While with me she told me about the 'rag' sheet, we went through it together took 10-15mins max.





I have a meeting arranged with my SIP - she has replaced my EYAT who has retired (very wise!) perhaps this will be something she will be looking at!

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i don't know if it is just our area and to be honest we very rarely see the PLA, the thing that concerned me more was apparently OFSTED pay a lot of attention to this ragging and anyone on amber or red become more of a top priority for them to visit, we have nothing to hide what you see is what you get but still could do without the overhanging threat of OFSTED coming again soon if we are a red or amber!

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OK........so what does SIP stand for then xD:(:(:(


session improvement person


sad interfering person (sad wasn't my first choice!)



I'm sooooooo tempted to be naughty.......resist, resist.......it's Setting Improvement Partner........we have been given supply cover for this meeting :o so officially worried! :wacko:

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Def sounds very like our annual SEJAR (self evaulation joint annual review) that we do with our Eyat or childrens link bod (pla lost the contract to supprt settings in Hampshire).


I like our SEJAR - but that's probably because as it is a chance to evaluaute the progress we have made over a year.

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the pla still support settings in southampton so is it different to those in hampshire? we havent had a SEJAR but have had ECERS-R which put us on levels of support red- lots , amber - medium, green - little - tess as you are in southampton - do you work in a pre-school - if so when and who did this SEJAR /

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Yes we have this (Essex authority) we even had an information evening which we could attend.

As we are a new setting our EYFS advisor has put us as red, our Senco team have also put us as red (staff member in training) but out PLA advisor has put us as amber/green.

Basicaly we have been told those settings in red will receive more help/visits and less visits for amber and only when needed for green.

We have been told it is normal for new settings to start on red and then we will have more frequent visits to ascertain if there are any problems. As for Senco although my member of staff has already completed some of the required courses she hasn't finished them all. This is why we are red for this, however it also means we get priority for places on the courses etc, so I am quite happy for this.


Hope this sheds some light!!



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RAG reviews are what we have in the LA to show how we are meeting the EYOD (early years outcome duty), and area also used by CLLD consultant when they review LA practice. It isn't surprising then that it is creeping into other reviews or evaluations although we don't use the term ourselves with settings.

Most LAs will have some system of evaluating the support you will get, this could be based on your last OFSTED, but could also be based on other issues eg change of manager or significant change of staff; new premises; etc. LAs should be transparent with how they have made this decision, so it isn't unreasonable for you to ask your EYAT or other advisory body.

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Thanks for that info. mundia - very helpful and very clear.


So I'm wondering now - am I 'green' - I did ask my EYAT once why we get so little support.......she said "because you don't need it" - good answer!


When this SIP rang to make an appointment - I said is this a result of our ECERS (2006) and she said oh no I'm replacing your EYAT........


So here's hoping I'm green - will let you know - when I do!!!


So what does RAG actually stand for? Doh! RED AMBER GREEN! Just worked it out!

Edited by sunnyday
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Just to clarify although my setting has a Southampton address - we are actually under Hampshire LEA.


My area is a bit of a mess, I am Hampshire - yet all my children will go to Southampton schools .


I will give all of you in southampton a wave - I can see you from my Kitchen.

So don't panic I that's why I am different. I am actually going along with my EYAT to sit in on another settings SEJAR next week as support, so I will see if we have any plans to go ragging.

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I think there a lot about different names: consultants; support teachers; EYATS; development officers; SIPS. We all seem to call them something different.


Jodse80 I'm interested in what you were saying regarding OFSTED visiting if you are red or amber. The RAG system is one way for LAs to decide how they offer support to you. This info isn't passed to OFSTED (or certainly shouldn't be) as they are completely independent of the LA and so being 'red' does not mean (or at least should not mean) you will get an inspection any quicker than anyone else.

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Mundia - we found all this out through a couple of our staff attending an equal ops course and getting asked what there "rag" was. They had never heard of it, nor have any of us until now. The staff got told that OFSTED pay a lot of attention to your rag setting as it gives them an indication of who is need of an inspection and helps them grade you too. As I say this is via someone who attended a course and heard this and we are trying to get to the bottom of it and find out the truth ourselves so don't take my word for it, it's just what was heard. Thanks for your responses they have been v.helpful

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Does your SIP - hold QTS status?


Only ask, because I've always wanted to be EYAT - and already support them through my LFSP status. But don't want to do PGCE as love early years and feel I would be a fraud.

No she doesn't tess........ I asked her what her background was (wrapped up as a friendly conversation!!!) but I do like to know just who is 'advising' me!!! She was an 'Under eights officer' (back in the good old days!) and then .........wait for it........an Ofsted Inspector :o ........... I really hope we get on.....I really liked my EYAT and she had been at the 'coalface' - she had taught reception and nursery.........

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  • 5 weeks later...

Our local authority organised a consultation to decide whether the RAG system should be used as a way of managing support. Decision was to have annual reviews that would identify key improvement plans unless a setting was known to be in breach of requirements.

RAGs should be transparant so LA's should be open with settings.

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We are going through the Rag Rating process at the moment, ours was due in on Friday and i am having a meeting tomorrow to discuss with my QTS whether my predictions are justified or not...EEK...ive said that we are mainly green wwith one amber and one red. so lets see if she agrees.


Our Rag is going to be used to assess our future support needs as well as being used towards our single funding formula, and our education funding amount may vary deopending on our outcome.


I'll let you know how it goes, but in the mean time i will try and upload our blank rag form i'd be interested to know if yours are similar.





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