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I have had a horrible weekend as have been worrying about this since Friday.


Last year I was an NQT in a reception class. They were quite a bright cohort, but during the year several had big changes, illness/parents splitting up/long periods off school. Most made good progress.


This was the first year I had properly used the e profile (during my training had brielfy observed it being used) and I was aware that the types of assessment had changed to 80% child initiated 20% adult led. Bearing this in mind I carefully completed the e profile during the year. I found it hard to know if to give some children certain points, most had acheived them when working with an adult (for example attempt writing for different purposes), but I did not observe them doing this during their child initiated play (especially the boys). I tried hard to plan opportunities to encourage them to do so, but they were more interested in other activities or did not choose to write. I found this to be a problem for several of the different points and in different learning areas, so struggled if to give them the point or not.


After completing the e profiles my Headteacher told me that they were low scores, and on friday told me that now she has evaluated them and they are some of the lowest they have had, even though she knows they made good progress and where a bright year group.


Now I feel awful, have I completly messed up and been too strict? Did anyone else find this to be the case as a result of the child initiated assessments? I am so worried about it.


I would be grateful for any ideas on this


Thank you.

Guest eagleeye

Don't worry about it too much, it is so hard to get every profile point from child intiated activities, I moved to a new school last year and the results have gone down slightly, but that's because I am a stricter marker than the previous teacher and because I am mainly looking for the evidence in child initiated learning. But there are certain profile points that I get evidence for, that come from adult led activities, there is meant to be 80% child initiated evidence which does mean some evidence can come from your adult led stuff. Is there another early years teacher in your school that could help?




Thanks for replying. I am the only Reception teacher in the school. My headteacher was understanding about it, and told me not to worry, but I feel that I have made a massive mistake. As you say it is down to how each teacher marks it, and maybe the teacher before me could have been less strict than me, but I feel it looks bad about me and don't feel very confident right now about my judgements, even though I did at the time.


Oh well, I will have to evaluate my practice and see where I can make changes.



I know exactly how you feel; I really messed up my e profile, my first year as a Reception teacher and with no training for e profile I thought I had completed it - when making figures speak came out - something had gone completely wrong and I had not done Summer's results accurately and everyone had their points missed off - my school came 25th out of 25 even though I had the brightest class they had ever had, and had gone through Ofsted and moderation and been graded as good with elements of outstanding. My head was great, but you still feel incredibly guilty so try not to worry, after teaching year one for 10years, I have realised its not as easy as giving a 1c or 2a, the profile points are much more difficult to award.



nutleywombat try npot to wrry too much what is done is done but you can do something about it.


If you feel you have been too harsh with your judgements it may be worth sitting with your Y1 teacher and just going through each child and give her / him a pen portrait of that child in case they read the profile scores and assumed the children are less able than they really are. Remember there is no correlation between FSP scores and end of KS results so they cannot be used to predict sub levels or end of KS1 results.


Also gathering evidence is 20% can come from adult directed and the other 80% should come from Child Initiated, parent contribution, child contribution and other sources so it DOES NOT mean 80% from Child Initiated time only.


See this as an experience and please don't beat yoursefl up about it.


Don't worry about it - your headteacher should read through and check your scores before it is sent off to county - i know i panic each year and this year even though i had a fairly bright and able class my results were the lowest they have been in 5 years - maybe i'm getting strickter on the marking i don't know. my head isn't that bothered about it as i can explain my assessments. aslong as you know you are right in your assessments it doesn't really matter. well thats how i like to think about it anyway!


I know how you feel, but in a slightly different way!!

My head has suggested that I try to make sure we don't have as many 9's next year!! Not well done, you have worked really hard with them!!

Apparently the SIP told her that these children would have to make Level 3 in KS1 SATS. Didn't think this was supposed to be the case?


So I thought this year I will sit back and not try to move the children forward, see what happens then!! LOL!!


Jane x

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