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Ok, I have gone and done it now! For our BA we were given the choice NOT to do a dissertation this year ( I think they made a cock-up, but decided they would have to honour it!), however, it then was brought up by our main tutor, who suggested that although we don't HAVE to, it might nevertheless be good to. It would be a 10,000 word subject, worth 120 points and i think would mean I could concentrate on one subject, rather than two others? So, I found myself saying 'yes' to it, without really having completely thought about it.Now my tutor has agreed that a dissertaion is a good idea.......and I have come up with a couple of ideas: looking at schemas or children's adventurous/risky play ( or lack of) .What do you think....and do any of you have good ideas to get me started or literature/websites/journals etc you can point me to. I have one more day to make a final decision on whether or not to do a dissertation and until December to decide on the final topic. Me and my big mouth..................and small brain!! :(:(:oxD

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Oh heck!


I think quite a bit of research has already gone into schemas, so there's plenty to get your teeth into. The risky play one could be more topical, with free-flow and the cotton wool we previously were expected to wrap children in being peeled away at last.


hmm, lots of food for thought................

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Well I can only speak from personal experience narnia and say that I learned so much from my two research projects (pink and blue colour stereotyping and how it affects children's participation in creative activities, and whether worksheets are appropriate for pre-school children). It is a real opportunity to look in some depth at an issue that really interests you, and to examine your own views and feelings about a subject to see if they stand up to scrutiny once you've done the literature review and carried out the research.


There is a wealth of information about schemas, and Tim Gill is a good place to start if you're considering risky play - he wrote "No Fear: Growing up in a risk averse society". He has his own website which offers a lot of information.


I'd say go for it narnia - you'll love having something to get your teeth into!



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Maz, thankyou for the encouragement and the information, it's something to get me started! Cait knows how badly I panic and is probably thinking....'oh no, we're in for some fun here'!! I think I will probably come down on the side of risky play........i did so much of it as a child and it's sad to see the cotton wool children today! Our local council recently did a one-day forum on risky play, so I will try to chase up who did it and what notes are available from it ( it was only for parish councils etc, sadly!) as that might give me some more ideas too.You KNOW I'm going to be begging for help before too long! :oxD

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Just a quick response, can't really help with dissertation ideas at present. I just wanted to say that for all the many, many, many, study subjects I've done in the past, my dissertation (for my ADCE) is the one main piece of study I always remember, the content and the experience. All positive, so on that note only, you GO FOR IT GIRL. xD




p.s. My tutor did keep reminding me that the dissertation was at 2nd year degree level, she just wanted me to improve my grammer, rather than subject content.


p.p.s. My subject was based on the then white paper on 'Extended Schools', extended provision, wraparound care, etc. I chose that because the research would be a double whammy, for my dissertation and to find out whether to improve/extend my own preschool provisions hours at that time. :o

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I would say go for it :oxD


I only had to do 6000 words for my final bit for BA (Hons) in early years. I had to do a research proposal and we were given four broad themes to choose from and I opted for Transitions and children with disabilities.

How we narrowed that down was up to us and I did the transition from preschool to primaray school for children with autism.


At the time it seemed like a mountain to climb, not the writing 6000 words but the searching for literature and reading/reading and more reading before I could think about putting pen to paper and at times I got a bit 'stressy' but now it is finished and gone I realise what a great opportunity and learning experience it was! :(

How long do you have to write it??

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"I didn't even think to ask how long I have to do it, this has come as a shock to me, I wasn't planning to do one, and now my mouth has gone and opened itself and spoken up for me!! "



Ha - perhaps that the best way to do it - I'm sure we wouldn't end up doing half the things we do if we think about it too deeply!! :o


Good luck!


ps - Just about to return your PM x

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I'd go for it too! I did mine last summer and it was lots and lots of work, but I was very proud of myself when I finally got there. If it was me I'd go for the 'risky play' option, but that's a personal choice. One thing I would say is choose something that interests you... you'll be reading about it for a long time!


On my course (BA Hons, CCLD) the dissertation was optional, but you had to do it if you wanted a full Honours Degree.


Good luck and we're all here for you!


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Go for it, Narnia! It'll be such a great opportunity to really get an in-depth understanding of something you're interested in, which, in our jobs, we don't usually have the time for.


Reading about all your different dissertations and research projects, they all sounded so fascinating - I wondered if it was possible at all to put them on here in the resources section? (I'd post mine but I did a PGCE so did no huge thing - my disseration for my English Lt MA was on Margaret Atwood - I found it really interesting but it wouldn't be particularly useful in the resources section!)

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