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Hello everyone, just about to start writing my first essay on The role of the early years worker in the changing context of early years services and within relevant regulations and legislation.


Where do I start....have made a spider diagram on the things i want to include in the essay but can't actually put pen to paper and get going.


Where would you start? any advice please



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Try writing the introduction which should refer to everything you are going to talk about in the main body of the essay.


Then write a heading for each section and put what you already know under each heading.


I usually keep the headings in place until the essay is nearly finished and the delete them. It helps me to keep each section focussed and to find bits I'm looking for.


Good luck!

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Well my method of writing assignments might not be overly helpful to you since I spend some time formulating my arguments in my head and then just sit down when its all ready to come out and I start at the beginning and don't stop (other than for the occasional cup of tea and chocolate break) until it is finished.


If you have lots of things on your spider diagram, can you use them to make headings which you can flesh out later? If you could sort the headings into a logical order it might help you to get your flow. Even if you're not using headings in the assignment, they can be used to give it structure and form and then you could remove them once you're happy.


I'm sure once you get it under way your ideas and arguments will flow. Its just the first words are often the hardest to write!




PS Just noticed I posted the same time as Upsy Daisy and she put it far more succinctly than me!

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Hi mrsb



Well, seeing as you can delete, cut and paste etc with these wonderful computers, I just write down random (well, on topic!) thoughts. Look at them.


Then sort them a bit...


Hopefully, you can then start to organise these thoughts into your assignment format.


I really struggled when I recently sat an exam!!!!!!!!


That doesn't really help you, does it?


Seriously, put ideas down on your computer - save them - they may be useful later in your course!! if not now.


Then, when you start to write your assignment, you'll have material to cut and paste ideas together - does that make sense?




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Great minds think alike

There is a next line to that saying in my family, UD - "fools seldom differ". I prefer to consider that we both have great minds, however!


I think this thread just goes to show how different we all are and that once you've done it a few times you find your own rhythmn and the method you prefer. I know that people find my own style hard to understand (and a colleague even said that I couldn't have written my assignments in the way I describe because it was too haphazard a method to get a good result), however it works for me.


I'm sure that once you find a way that suits you, Mrsb you'll wonder what you were worried about!



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I know how you feel !


I had a bit of a mental block last week. I just set about doing as much research on the topic as possible that I needed to write about and then thought about it for a few days. I then did a few spider diagrams to consolidate all my knowledge,thoughts and views.


This morning I sat at my computer and wrote down those ideas, still not quite there yet but I'm going to come back and probably alter/change round and delete bits I'm not happy with.


I have to write a report so a bit easier than an essay so got my headings to help with my flow of thought. Hoping to complete it by the end of the week but then I've got to produce a powerpoint presentation which is going to be a first as I've never used powerpoint before.


Then its onto my next assignment which I totally don't get !


Not sure I've really helped much !





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I don't really have a way of doing an esay but I would say the headings idea is a good way to focus the thoughts from your spidergram!!!!


I tend to read around the subject, write down quotes/ with loose references so they are easy to find and in front of me on A3 paper.


Then having said that I often find I witter on too much in one section so don't have enough room in another section..... so maybe headings and a general number count to guide you for each area!!!


It will be fine once you get going.



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Thanks everyone for your replies and ideas.....I will use my spider diagram, make headings and start, deleting headings when I feel happy.


I know what ive got to do but it is putting the first words on paper, I have my indivdual tutorial tomorrow where I can take what I have already in to see my tutor. Will feel much happier when I have done that, she will be able to put my mind at ease......I HOPE !!!!! :o

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