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New Minimum Qualifacations, Guidance Needed?


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Am i right in understanding that from September 2012 all members of staff that work in an EY setting must hold a minimum level 3 qualification or be working towards it?


We have a member of staff who is unqualified but has worked at our setting for 20+ years they are refusing to do any form of training..


I understand that we cant count this member of staff in the ratios etc..


What are our options if any. She also gets the same pay as qualified staff and it is now causing a few problems within the group..


any thoughts.

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Why does she get the same pay as qualified staff?


I believe it is going to be a legal requirement for a minimum level 3...............


I think there are many pros and cons for this!!

Money and experience being a big one but thats another thing......


However I would have thought that in your policies somewhere there must be something regards training........ and when you say refuses any training is that really ANY training at all or just to get a qualification????

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Why does she get the same pay as qualified staff?


I believe it is going to be a legal requirement for a minimum level 3...............


I think there are many pros and cons for this!!

Money and experience being a big one but thats another thing......


However I would have thought that in your policies somewhere there must be something regards training........ and when you say refuses any training is that really ANY training at all or just to get a qualification????


I'm new into the group and have worked there since Jan, having worked at other settings prior since 1997. I can fully understand why the rest of the group are feeling disgruntaled. but appaerntly its the way its always been (pay) and the leader only gets 50p a hour more than the rest of the staff.. I do feel im rocking the boat a bit, But have just started studying my foundation degree in EY and more and more issues are coming up out of it!


She hasnt attended a single course this year and says she doesnt drive and cant get to them! so wont go it means two buses etc..


If its a legal requirement then we wont be able to employ her will we, we cant afford to carry her! and its hardly fair to the rest of the staff....


I'm at a bit of a loss the leader keeps asking me whats the best way to tackle this problem and i dont know know where to turn too!!!!! HELP..


Also they dont have a training policy and its not in the contracts about training!

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I don't know if this is the most up to date stuff but this white paper is suggesting that the minimum qualification for early years workers should be level 3 by 2015.


I haven't come across anything more recent than this perhaps someone else on the forum has - page 37 is where the main stuff on early years starts and page 43 is the stuff to do with qualifications.


Below is the link to the whitepaper download



New Opportunities Whitepaper link

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As far as I was Aware the Supervisor must have a level 3 and 50% of remaining staff must hold minimum of level 2.


I have recently started my own Pre-School and when speaking to Ofsted this is what I was informed, in fact I was even told by them and by my PLA advisor that a deputy can hold a level 2!!


Any comments welcome!!



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I am happy to be corrected if anyone has anything up to date but as far as I am aware there is no actual requirement to make all practitioner level 3 by 2015, it is only a possible recommendation.

I think it is an aspiration in the Children's Plan mundia, but as yet has not been made mandatory. However I know that our workforce development officer is convinced it will happen, whether by 2012, 2015 or another date is a different matter.


Given that we're entering the pre-election period I'd say all bets were off on this for a good while yet.



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what a wonderful aspiration, and it worries me as to how these staff are going to be trained to level 3 .


Currently many have staff at various stages of training aiming to reach level 3, and beyond we hope, but if all staff have to be level 3 to work or be counted in ratios where will these people train?


who will be able to employ staff when they cannot be counted in ratios to allow them to become trained to the required standard...

will all training have to become college based,

what will happen to the NVQ which is designed for work experience and other on the job qualifications...


so many questions with unknown answers.


Yes it is good to have all level 3 staff, The setting I ran had this for many years,


It was only because we were able to offer them work while they became qualified , all started as parent volunteers or apprentices, worked their way up and really enjoyed the boost it gave to realise they could actually do this ( deprived area so my staff came from a background of leaving school at 15/16 without any qualifications believing they could not ever get any. One now has an honours degree and runs the setting!).


good idea. so many flaws and issues to be resolved, how many settings will close because they cannot find the staff to employ..




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