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My Wedding


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Well today our parents met for the first time and it went really well, so I'm really pleased about that.


Today the mums, me and Joe went to look at our favourite venue and we've provisionally booked it for the 11th August 2006!!!!! :D:D:D:D We have to pay the deposit within the next 2 weeks to confirm our booking, so as long as things are ok then we will be coughing up the money!


I'm sooooooooooooooooooo excited I just had to let you all know!

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You'll be sharing my wedding anniversary then Nichola. :D The only difference being I will be 22years ahead of you when you get married. :o

Aww cool! We're sharing the same month as my parents, but not the same date as theirs is the 27th August!


There just seems to be so many things to decide upon! I'm going to spend 2 days in half term dress shopping as I just dont have time in term time!



In reply to you Susan, the visit was ok but didn't teach me anything I didn't already know and the woman had full time support and her class was the opposite to mine, 20 Rs instead of 20Y1s. Ahh well, was a morning away from work!

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o0o0o seems like we've picked a popular day eh?!

Reason we chose that over the 18th (other option) was that Joe's birthday is 11th March, so he felt he could remember 11th August easier!!!

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Yup, jolly good fun, especially when it's your daughter's and you know everyone and their uncle !!

My own was in the dim and distant past - nearly 32 years ago, but I still remember it well, the glorious sunshine at the church, the indentations on my dad's hand from my specially long nails which were cruelly driven in by nervous grip, the uncle that got lost on the way to the Reception, the terrible thunderstorm during the Reception which caused localised flash- flooding :o .........



Sue :D

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Thanks to all of you for your kind messages!

I'm really getting into the whole planning thing, even though there's 19 months to go!

Not made any other decisions except the date and place, going to do some more dress shopping over half term with a couple of friends, as I just dont have the time during term time.

Going to a wedding fayre next weekend at the Gmex, and Joe says he will come with me, infact it was him who suggested it! :o (well his best friend (who is female) told him about it and he asked me if I'd like to go with her and him and her partner!)


Just very excited still!!!

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Hi Nich

Even though you have 19 months to go they will whizz by so quickly that the wedding day will be here before you know it-so it is best to get organised and do as much as you can now so that you don't have a panic nearer the day.

I can understand how excited you must be! We have been married just over 28 years and I can still remember the excitement so well!


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Well today we went to the venue and booked it officially, so the date is set and the deposit paid so we can start organising :)

I'm just so excited. Now its official it seems weird but in a good way. Means we can start to get quotes and stuff.

*jumps about excitedly!* :o:D:):D:DxD:(:(

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Good for you Nichola! The months will wizz by.


We have been married 35 years in a few weeks time. I can remember our wedding day clearly (well, most of it). Anyway, enjoy the preparations and look forward to the big day.Hope you will be as happy as we are. The words 'for better, for worse' are so true, but the good times outweigh the bad!!! :):):)

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