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Whatever Next!

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Hi everyone,

Just trying to rack my brains over half term and failing miserably!! I have a lesson observation on the first day back and in desperate need of some ideas linked to the book whatever next? or just general ideas for the topic of space?

Any help for the 6 areas of learning would be fab?

Tinky :o


We had some great displays. The attached one was sponge printing with a circle cut out of a card and laid on top of their card before printing. I used a dinner plate for the size of hole. We did lots of other planets using the mask system and using different colours - the displays were great and the children were really 'into' it.


We tasted dried fruit for 'space food' dried strawberries (actually out of my sister's special k as I couldn't find any anywhere else!)


We had an orrerey that I got from ebay which they were fascinated with.


Made rockets from junk


Made spacemen using corks and did some floating and sinking (in zero gravity) in the water tank by adding just enough plasticine to his feet to make him stand on the bottom!


It was a great topic and I'm hoping that one of the children will express an interest in space so we can resurrect all the stuff again!



We used carpet rolls to make space rockets which were hung from the ceiling.

Space Rock cake - normal recipe with addition of green or blue food colouring

Space walk -Moving like astronauts very slowly to electronic music

papier mache planets which were also hung from the ceiling

We read 41omHNy+SDL._SL500_AA240_.jpg and discussed how we would get home from space and wrote a class story.


Loving those ideas may just pinch a few, as doing space next half term - anything to accomondate star wars!

We read whatever next, and wrote lists of what we would like to take to the moon on rocket shaped paper.

We got all the props and acted out the story

We had a space rocket as our role play, and made small rockets out of small tubes


WE'll be making and have made with a different group, a big box rocket, like baby bear which took the whole session to prepare (paint etc) and then we flew to the moon where we had sandwiches already made in session having undertaken a survey of who wanted what as fillings. Oh, we also told the story and this time will probably transfer the play to the garden as my pm group are all boys and have already started showing interest in the climbing frame being a rocket. May also use parachute..... :o


Whoa tinky - you frightened the life out of me there! :o I only read the 'Whatever next' part of the title and thought you were about to reveal some new initiative!!! :(


Some fantastic ideas - I am preparing to steal! xD


What on earth is an 'orrerey' ref. Cait's post..........is this something everyone knows about except me :(


can I suggest a forum search, this has been discussed before with many ideas, as has space , Book suggestions and other ideas..


Always worth checking previous posts when looking for inspiration.




Hi there,


Just to let you know hawkins bazaar are selling freeze dried space ice cream at the minute



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