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Fitting Everything In?

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Hi everyone,


Please can you tell me how you manage to fit in teaching phonics and CLL? Are you doing shared reading and writing at the moment? I'm teaching Letters and sounds phase 2 at the mo and then wondering how long to spend and what are the right sort of activties in Cll for Reception children.

Sorry if these are ridiculous questions.


Thanks in advance




j holmes on here there are no stupid questions! I do alternate Literacy and Numeracy mornings and everyday i do phonics before lunch. x


I'm worried what I'm doing isn't enough, but here goes. Letters and sounds everyday. CLL at the moment is shared reading of captions based on Letter and Sounds, writing their names and letter formation of letters covered, listening to stories, writing/mark making in role play and continuous provision. Tend to do some number rhymes or counting each day, and a couple of more focussed whole class or group activities in the week. I have a small class (only 23) but lots of 'problems', poor social skills, poor attention/concentration/listening skills and low entry scores.


I feel I'm never going to get any further!


I'd love to know what everyone else is doing.


Hi - ask away!


We do Pie Corbett daily oral storytelling from 11.05 to 11.25. then we go on to do some whole class shared reading or writing, then we split into 4 phonic groups for teaching at own level - a range in our socially deprived school. About 20 mins


Our CLL work goes from letter to word to sentence level - this is also reinforced in reading because I have rejigged the order in which I do tricky words - they suit our needs, not the other way around! I create my owm mini reading books for children to take home.




Great question!! I'm having the same problem, since introducing phase 2 in reception. I'm doing phase 2 first thing every morning, and then trying to fit it in evetry afternoon first thing aswell, for consolidation. Proving o be quite difficult though. PSRN & CLL, seem to have een neglected slightly, but i'm doing 2 PSRN'S A WEEK AND 2 CLL per week aswell. Before phase 2 this half term i was doing daily psrn and cll. Now I'm finding there really is not enough time inthe day to teach KUW etc. Just gonna rejig itaslightly next week see how itgoes.


hope that helps xx


Thank you for all your replies. I'm glad i'm not the only one who worries about fitting it all in.

I find teaching phonics takes up a big proportion of time (I enjoy teaching phonics and know it is so valuable) and then fitting CLL in as well, just wondering how to organise it better.

Could anyone share a weekly plan for CLL so I can see whether i'm packig too much in.


Thanks again.


We do our phonics every morning, straight after our target work and then a mental and oral game everyday for 10 minutes before lunch. We found it hard to fit in a CLL and PSRN session and still manage to work with all the childrne between us on their activities, we are now trialling doing and CLL/PSRN/KUW/CD/PD day where we, the adults are focussing on these areas. WE do of course have activities that link to the different learning areas set up within each of these days. This measn that the children still get three inputs a day on each learning area and then the chance to consolidate over the week!

Hope this makes sense!

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