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Behaviour Management?


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hello everyone

has anyone heard of the give me 5 behaviour management strategy? its something like 1. eyes looking 2. ears listening 3. minds awake etc...

trying to think of my own but having a severe case of empty head!!! if anyone else has got nay strategies especially for carpet time and lining up please help!!!

i'm really struggling managing my YR R classes behaviourThanks

AEk xD:o

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oh dear! Sorry to hear that.

I would take soemtime out fronm your timetable and start again with circle time talking about the good listenung, sitting, looking etc that you want and move slowly into the other routines that you want in your classroom. Make small achievable steps and praise continually. DO not accept behaviour that you do want by giving yourself plenty of time to return everyone to the carpet etc if they do not line up acceptably. Send children to line up or whatever in small groups. You will find this easier if you have another adult with you but if you are firm and consistent you will get there. Talk to someone else in school who can support you in this and tell your head or coordinator what you are doing. Time spent establishing these rules and routines will be reaped in the learning that will take place later.

Good luck>

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Don't feel you are alone ... i have yR and Y1 and the Y1 boys are being absloutely awful and completly stressing me out. The don't listen, they are rude, they annoy other children, the run around and today they threw sand all over each other. I have tried ignoring them and talking to them about how they are effecting everyone and also resorted to getting really cross and shouting at them which i hate doing but nothing is working. I have spoken to their parents but they are continuing to be really disruptive and they are not learning anything...they think that school is for messing about and not doing any work. they are always moaning because they don't get any independent child initited learning and that because they don't listen and i have to explain everything 15 times and then they mes around when they are supposed to e working!!! Sorry to go on but it is driving me nuts, especially becaue i have YR chn who only started in January who are much, much better than them...but i overheard a converstation between my YR chn who were saying 'i don;t liek it when Mrs Bloxsom gets cross it makes me feel scared and i don't want to come to school any more.' It made me feel really sad because i know i am winging all the time at the Y1 boys and as much as i am praiseing the YR chn they still have to see me getting cross. I don't know what else to do...HELP!

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wow sarah me and u must have very similar classes its nice to know i'm not alone. today we set up a bear cave and within 10 minutes it had been knocked down. i'm exhausted having to whinge at them all the time when it has no effect whatsoever!!! they break everything, fight, even try to stab each other with the plastic knives from the home corner and are so used to free choice if i try to do a teaching session most just sigh and say can we choose yet.although they have been good this week (touch wood) i've not given them an inch and hate moaning at them all the time. have ordered a book - tried and tested strategies - behaviour management in the early years. i'll let u know if it's any good. keep smiling i'm trying too


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are you usre you're not in my class? :(xD

I've had two chidlren play doctors' which now has led to pierced ear drums ,

another who wants to f*****and Sh***another

and a children wo have no respect or fear of anyone and kick and hit cidlren and adults.

All this in yr 1.

I'm tearing my hair out. :wacko: :(:(


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Summaries of Effective Practices for Supporting Children's Social-Emotional Development and Preventing Challenging Behaviours.

It's American but makes for an interesting read.


I have a large picture of a smilie with a smile (!) and on the other side one with a sad face. Usually works quite well.

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In my class Reception - we have tried "Reception give me five". "one on your bottoms legs crossed, Two fold your arms. three face the speaker, four ears and eyes open, five lips closed". The children love it and it works (most of the time!!!!)

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I've been really strict today and tehy have been a bit better except for one of them who had to go and sit in Class 4 - Year 5/6 this afternoon. It was the shock the others needed and he had to be carried and was crying...i felt really mean but he wouldn't stop poking and annoying other chn on the carpet...was suitably sheepish when i went to get him back and knew exactly why he had been sent there...he was angelic for the rest of the afternoon!!!


What was in the water 6 years ago? I've heard from loads of people that year 1 are a nightmare!!! I thought it was just cos i have 11 year 1 boys and only 2 yaer 1 girls but obviously not! It makes me feel better to knwo i'm not alone!

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We teach the children 'body basics' and 'line basics' at the start of each academic year. On the carpet, 'body basics' means sitting legs crossed & arms folded, eyes looking & ears listening and 'line basics' means standing behind one another, arms by their side and looking straight ahead with no talking!


Life is simpler because I just say 'body basics' or 'line basics' when they are not doing it. I also have a picture of a child from the class modelling the correct position which I can point to if necessary!!!


Sometimes we chant, "eyes looking, ears listening, brains thinking, concentrating" and point to each part of the body, folding our arms when we say 'concentrating'.


Do you use a time out chair/area? I use mine frequently, it helps to stop me from getting cross with the sort of behaviour you are referring to and gives the child a chance to calm down. I sometimes give them the choice of going there voluntarily if they feel they need to.


We also have golden time every day (15 mins) and the children lose this if they have misbehaved. It works well with the majority of the children. If you don't know what 'golden time' is, let me know and I will explain the system!!


I have also heard about teachers using a type of 'stress-o-meter' to show the children how they are making you feel. e.g. calm, agitated, stressed (!) with pictures to show the emotions. Emphasing that you would like to feel calm/happy is supposed to encourage the children to behave accordingly......not sure if it works though!!!!

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