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Crb Checks


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How often do you renew CRB checks? Mine is over 3 yrs (Sept 2001). I had thought they need to be renewed every 3 yrs, ( don't know where I got that from though). I phoned Ofsted and the lady said that they didn't have an actual time scale required for renewal but as it is over 3 yrs I should think about having another one done.


She then went on to say that because I am the owner (registered person) my I.D. has to be verified by an Inspector. I remember doing this for my first CRB, the local social services social worker had just become an Inspector and endorsed my CRB ( just at the time of the ofsted takeover, and my application for starting my business/ registration)


I said to the lady that I had been waiting for over 12 mths to see an inspector ( long story) so she said "oh, Can you pop into the woking office then? I said, sure what day & time I've only got to travel from kent :oxD


I asked if any other professional person could do it, like for a passport, but no she said it has to be an Inspector.


What I don't understand is that this will not be a new, original CRB but a renewal of one which has already been endorsed by an inspector, and I am remaining in the same setting, not moving on or changing jobs.


What experience has anyone else had with renewing their CRB's?



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I think its a bit of grey area. As far as I am aware there is no limit on validity with the exception of if you move jobs.


I have to provide confirmation of mine for my latest OU course and it states I have a "current CRB" I told them It was done last april and applies to my current setting and that's fine by them.


Maybe you got the three years idea from first aid certificates?


I am all for checks being carried out but really think we need some sort of better system,


Sorry probably not alot of help :o

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A little bit of beside-the-bye info:


There is no record kept (anywhere) of these CRB disclosures. The CRB only keep records for 3 months. OFSTED destroy all records as soon as clearance is notified.


If you lose your confirmation of CRB enhanced disclosure (or shred it, as I did), then you cannot get it replaced .... without going through the entire process again.


I was told (by CRB) that disclosures are only valid for 3 years. And, of course, they are setting-specific. So, if you change settings (or start work at an additional setting) .... off you go again!



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I have owned my Pre-school for over 20 years and was 'police checked' as it was in those days (and approved).

I then heard, about June last year, that everyone had to have confirmation of their CRB (enhanced.)to show OFSTED when they inspected. I enquired about it and was told that from September 2004 all the 'old' confirmations or acceptances would have to be replaced and re checked every 3 years. I duly filled in the form (except for the bit where your employer confirms your identity by checking your driving licence, passport, wedding certuificate, birth certificate etc.) Of course I couldn't check myself so our mentor was allowed (OFSTED suggested it) to verify that I was me!!:o

That was last July/August I sent it off...........about 2 weeks ago I received a letter from OFSTED stating that I was a suitable person (Thank God, I thought, as I have been running the Pre-school for a long time) :)

I'm sure they are not setting specific as one of my staff has been officially checked and accepted though a Church she attends and that disclosure was seen by the inspector in September and OKd.


Sue J

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I employed someone last year who had a CRB from her previous setting. I contacted CRB they said she didn't have to do another one and then I confirmed with Ofsted and they said they were happy with her current CRB but on looking at her file they hadn't done their other checks on her. I asked "What other checks?" The man said that Ofsted check on their own database to see if she had had any complaints made against her and that they also check with Social services. Apparently social services hold lists of people who have had children ( their own) placed on the at risk register but without any conviction that would show up on a CRB. The man said that they had not received a reply from the social services, but she was still ok to employ!!!!


It is after these checks we should receive a letter from Ofsted saying the staff member is suitable. I said I have only ever received one confirmation letter from ofsted regards "suitable person".



Has anyone else received letters from ofsted to confirm the new employee is suitable?


As for my out of date CRB I shall reapply and keep you informed if an inspector appears to verify my identity :oxD



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Sue J, just seen your post. Is your mentor from the EYDCP, College or where?


The Ofsted lady told me that some EYDCP's have CRB surgery's ( like MP Surgerys) go along to a surgery and see an inspector xD:( to sign your CRB :o


Is this who you mean?


I asked Ofsted lady can I just go to my EYDCP and get someone to sign, NO she said It has to be an inspector :(


Will let you know how I get on. :(



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Peggy one of my volunteers also helps at the school be she still had to be C.R.B'd again. Ofsted also told me that I can employ new staff at my discretion whilst awaiting their check as long as they are always supervised. You should receive a letter for each staff member/volunteer confirming that they are a suitable person.

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After speaking to an ofsted inspector recently she admitted the checks are not worth the paper they are written on :o


Anyone can offend the day after they receive clearance!!


As for letters from ofsted i didn't recieve any for over two years then suddenly recieved 47 letters on the same day (all in seperate envelopes) stating how the named staff were now suitable. 36 of these staff had since left the setting!!


But i must say CRB's are now taking approx 4 weeks to clear and ofsted's letter normally arrives within two weeks afterwards. How efficient!!


Also as far as i am aware disclosures do not need renewing and they belong to the person not the setting, so once clearance has been received thats it ~ Ofsted wont spend another £33 to get the same person checked again.

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You know I really must go to bed, but I keep having a last look on here and then find I reply to something!!

My mentor is from Sure Start, Early Years and Childcare Services and her title is Partnership Quality Mentor.

OFSTED also told me where my nearest 'surgery' is and when I phoned them they said that my mentor was qualified to verify my paperwork (passport, certificates, etc). As she was visiting the Pre-school the following week I phoned beforehand and asked her if she would do the necessary and she agreed. So I didn't have to travel to the surgery or post the documents.

Where other members of staff have been CRBd I have had replies to say they are suitable.


Sue J

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Sue J,

Thanks for delaying your snooze time to reply, I shall look to my EYDCP when I receive my form.


Lucy P,

Your settings staff turnover in two years is even higher than mine was.. I don't feel so bad now and know it's the sector we work in rather than my ability to manage :o



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  • 1 year later...


can anyone help me i need some advice,


I am the regersted person for a playgroup and my CRB is about to run out.

It is from my previous employer for which i left nearly 3 years ago. my employer says i dont need a new one but i want to be sure as they are a bit tight with money as they are a charity.




















How often do you renew CRB checks?  Mine is over 3 yrs (Sept 2001). I had thought they need to be renewed every 3 yrs, ( don't know where I got that from though).  I phoned Ofsted and the lady said that they didn't have an actual time scale required for renewal but as it is over 3 yrs I should think about having another one done.


She then went on to say that because I am the owner (registered person) my I.D. has to be verified by an Inspector.  I remember doing this for my first CRB, the local social services social worker had just become an Inspector and endorsed my CRB ( just at the time of the ofsted takeover, and my application for starting my business/ registration)


I said to the lady that I had been waiting for over 12 mths to see an inspector ( long story) so she said "oh, Can you pop into the woking office then? I said, sure what day & time I've only got to travel from kent  xD  :(


I asked if any other professional person could do it, like for a passport, but no she said it has to be an Inspector.


What I don't understand is that this will not be a new, original CRB but a renewal of one which has already been endorsed by an inspector, and I am remaining in the same setting, not moving on or changing jobs.


What experience has anyone else had with renewing their CRB's?





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Hello Little Owls and welcome to the forum,


I am a little confused about your post;

1/ normally when changing jobs a new CRB should be done.

2/ in the case of the Registered person, this should be done via Ofsted

3/ Is your "employer" a committee, being that you work for a charity? Should they not be the "registered person"?


Your best bet is to phone Ofsted and ask them direct, they are friendly and helpful on the phone.




p.s. My favourite animals are Owls and my all time favourite book/story is Owl Babies.



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My first CRB was in September 2001 too, Ofsted knew I was employed by the Committee but still put me as the registerd person, we later changed it when we had new chair. I worked for a brief while for the council, they said I didnt need a CRB for them as I alraedy had one, they werent concerned that it was an old one for the playgroup. I do think there is still a lot of confusion in some areas about what is/isnt acceptable.

When you phone Ofsted be sure you make a note of the persons name though, just in case you have to phone back later. :D


Oh and a belated 'hello' Little Owls' :D:D

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My first CRB was in September 2001 too, Ofsted knew I was employed by the Committee but still put me as the registerd person, we later changed it when we had new chair. I worked for a brief while for the council, they said I didnt need a CRB for them as I alraedy had one, they werent concerned that it was an old one for the playgroup. I do think there is still a lot of confusion in some areas about what is/isnt acceptable.

When you phone Ofsted be sure you make a note of the persons name though, just in case you have to phone back later. :D


Oh and a belated 'hello' Little Owls' :D:D

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