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Outdoor Classroom

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Hi all, I'm feeling a little grumpy as I've been given a fabulous new outdoor area along with a classroom move- it has a large tarmac area and grass and is just amazing....however I have no resources for outside so can't use it very effectively. The head has implied that if Ofsted come and it's not up to scratch then that is my responsibility so I want to present him with a wish list of things we need for an outstanding outdoor classroom. I have made a plan which divides the space into learning zones similar to our indoor classroom.

What I'm asking for is your opinions on great outdoor learning resources/what couldn't you live without?

looking forward to hearing from you :o


PS the outdoor area was raised as a development point in the last ofsted so the PTA bought us some bikes but we have nothing else!


Just without giving it much thought


Milk crates, bread crates, wooden pallettes, tyres of various sizes, drain pipes, lengths of decking planks, tree logs, large cardboard boxes and tubes from carpet shops, square metre pieces of cloth - all should be available free or found


To buy a full set of community Playthings hollow blocks


Thinking about it will get back to you!


on here there is this post from someone who put an attachmen on where she lists all the things she has in the different areas x x x i just no i found it searching for outdoor provision

Hi all, I'm feeling a little grumpy as I've been given a fabulous new outdoor area along with a classroom move- it has a large tarmac area and grass and is just amazing....however I have no resources for outside so can't use it very effectively. The head has implied that if Ofsted come and it's not up to scratch then that is my responsibility so I want to present him with a wish list of things we need for an outstanding outdoor classroom. I have made a plan which divides the space into learning zones similar to our indoor classroom.

What I'm asking for is your opinions on great outdoor learning resources/what couldn't you live without?

looking forward to hearing from you :o


PS the outdoor area was raised as a development point in the last ofsted so the PTA bought us some bikes but we have nothing else!


soniachris xD

I would ask for a sandpit area, 2 water trays so that they can transport water from one area to another, gardening equipment, raised vegetable and flower bed. climbing and balancing apparatus (A frames and planks are good) table and benches, a tuff tray which can be used for lots of different activites. The TTs catalogue has lots of really good ideas. Also equipment to develop topic boxes for weather, mini beasts, pirates to name a few. A quiet story area with a story chair which is screend off from the main area, a tunnel, a textured path. For the creative area, musical instruments, a stage, easels. Hope this is of some use.




You could also ask for some wellies and all-in-one wet weather gear for the children and some storage to keep them by the doors.


I like the idea of seperate learning 'zones' although I would stress that it is important not only to repeat what is inside (we are forever being told that any area inside can be replicated outside!) but to alos use the outside for things you can ONLY do outside- things related to the weather, large scale things and activities related to nature. The children will have a restricted currciulum if you simply repeat what is inside in the outside area. Get the chn to make things and laminate them so you can hang them/display them etc. Make rain collectors- use tins/yoghurt pots/containers etc, make kites/wind socks using plastic bags etc


That sounds just like us. We have tried to do our best...with little budget and have outdoor bags and boxes. The children can then select ones independenly to take out with them, unless there is something specific we want them to learn.


Bags and boxes have similar things in as indoor resources but obviously they can use things on a larger scale and make more noise!!! :-)


We recently bought a musical frame which is great! It has musical instruments attached to it which the children love! Also have digging equipment, wheel barrow etc. The drain pipes in my outdoor area are a favourite!


I have a large domino set which is great fun! Crates and planks of wood are great.


I have also laminated number cards, high frequecy words etc which are free!


Good luck!

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