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Ideas Needed - Christmas

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Has anyone got any ideas of how to enhance the water and sand areas at christmas? Im sick of putting the same enhancements in e.g. glitter, sequins etc


Also any sparky ideas of enhancing the outdoor area at christmas- we only have a small space available as the builders are in :o


Thank you for your help :)




A few days ago I found a thread that someone had posted who had been on a couse about water play. It had some fantastic ideas in it, sorry I don't know how to do a link but if you do a forum search i'm sure you'll find it.



A few days ago I found a thread that someone had posted who had been on a couse about water play. It had some fantastic ideas in it, sorry I don't know how to do a link but if you do a forum search i'm sure you'll find it.


I'm planning on putting some ice cubes in a tray, probably with the dreaded glitter in the cubes(!) and then putting some arctic animals in there. Could lead to melting/ habitat/ climates discussions.


Also, some shaving foam with glitter for children to use for mark making.


Water with laminated Christmas pictures in the collect in a net. Could maybe turn it into a type of pairs game.


I hope these are of some use!


We have baubles and fishing nets in the water at the moment and children are enjoying it.The sand tray has farm animals and the children are daily making stables in DT area to use in the sand.


I had some old scraps of tinsel all different lengths/colours etc which I put into the sand this week. The children have loved it- today they were pretending they were snakes/caterpillars and were digging holes and tunnels for them. Ok not massively Christmassy but they enjoyed it! Tomorrow I'm going to add some baubles and see what happens!

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