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Tracking Throught Fs1 And Fs2

Guest Greenhouse

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Guest Greenhouse



I need a bit of help I have been look at the forum posts but could not find anything relating to tracking across FS1 and FS2


How are you all doing it out there? what sort of form does it take?


At the moment we have a table that is filled in each term with the months 40-60 for example, the tricky bit it marrying these up to ther 13 scale points in FS2


if a child is secure in 40-60 in Nursery should we begin using the profile to assess?


Any formats that stretch over the 2 years would be a great inspiration


Thank you

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I am also looking for exactly the same thing as at the moment all the recording I do in pre-school seems to be lost in the move to school.

It's a shame schools don't carry on in the same learning journal in the way that they do with a child's profile as they move up the school.

If I was teaching in Reception I would welcome a sheet like this that shows where the children are at so far so I don't have to start right from the beginning again.

i suspect the lack of replies you have had so far is because nobody is doing this yet.


Or are they.........??????

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I think what you are both doing sounds wonderful and no, not a huge amount of data colection is going on out there (although I bet many of those people who are signed up to this lovely website are doing more than most).


I wondered if either of you or anyone else is collecting cohort data and looking at the implications, i.e. are boys in the 40-60 months doing less well in CLL than the girls of the same age. I know that Ofsted are going to be looking at whether nurseries know about these trends with their own setting and what they are doing to address the differences.


Thanks and keep going with all your hard work.

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This previous discussion might help Tracking


I think many LA's have been tracking children's progress through the Foundation Stage for a long time and in different ways. My last LA required this well before the DLO's were introduced and it has developed over time to fit in with new requirements. I have worked for two LA's who have produced their own tracking sheets for this purpose, which are used alongside Learning Journeys and teacher records. Progress would be key to OFSTED scrutiny to decide how effective a setting is, and to be judged good or outstanding progress would need to demonstrate that. Whilst I wouldn't condone a tick-list approach if that is all that is done, it is necessary to keep some kind of summary record of where each child is for entering into a computer databank. I would expect this to be done each half term, and progress to be monitored in a variety of ways. I know that the progress would be looked at as regards gender, ethnicity, looked-after children, SEN, summer-born, etc.

It may well be worth while talking to your LA to see if they recommend anything.

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If a child is already really secure with 40 - 60+ in nursery then they are working well above national expectations, but EYFSP is primarily designed for end of key stage assessment of attainment not tracking progress.

Would it not be better to be looking at how well the child is attaining across the aspects of the 6 areas and to track how they deepen and widen those linked skills using the dev matters etc??



Edited by catma
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I have been thinking that it would be more useful to have something like this as a reception teacher. What I currently do is to vsit all the pre-schools and nurseries and chat to the childrens key person's - I look through their learning stories and photocopy the childs most revcent PLOD (individual plan) which goes into the front of my learning stories and I use them in the 1st half term. I do still spend the first half term making lots of observations to feel secure in what they know. Would highlighting the development matters statements work?? 40 - 60 months would link directly to the early learning goals in the profile which I would expect only a very few children would be meeting/working at during nursery/pre-school.

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