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Anyone Else Closed Again Tomorrow?


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I'm wondering whether anyone else has taken the decision to close again tomorrow?


I've had to do it because all the local schools are closed and therefore all my staff have older children at home with them. Also most parents have older children at local schools so wouldn't want to bring their younger ones in anyway. At least the council is still paying the grant so we're not too badly off.


I'm determined to get back open on Monday though, even if I have to do into school and shovel the snow off the playground for them!!

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We have taken the decision to close until next week as we can't confirm if the local schools will be open or not. Three of the staff are snowed in so unless something changes drastically we are planning to open with a reduced service next week, offering all the children sometime in even if it's not their full hours. Mind you it depends on my getting a confirmed decision from the schools as to whether they are open as otherwise I won't be able to maintain the ratios, and if anyone even wants to come in!

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Surely its not the snow on the playground though?

Isnt it about health and safety of needing to travel.


There's been a lot of bad press about schools shutting today but the bigger picture has to be looked at.


My head refused to close at all.The drive to work this morning was scary, we were all a bag of nerves.But she is still adamant she wont close even though all the schools on our area are closed til monday. :o

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Definitely think the bigger picture needs to be looked at. When it snowed a couple of years ago we had great fun making snowmen and investigating the snow as appropriate to the age of each class in the school. However this time we are closed as are all other schools locally and most across the County. This is not due to health and safety of the playgrounds but thinking about the safety of people both teachers and parents and children whilst traveeling to and from school. It is also about the lack of heating in some places, frozen water pipes and the ability to provide a safe environment for all whilst in the school building.

:o I would love to be at school and have fun with my class especially as on Tuesday we put out bowls of water to see if they would freeze during the day or whether they would be frozen by Wednesday. xD HOWEVER I would feel terrible if a parent/child/ teacher/staff member were injured on their journey to or from school!!!!


I do feel we are being used as a scapegoat by certain aspects of the media. The hospitals that are limiting their services don't get criticised but we always do.


Nicky Sussex :(:(

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We generally have children who walk to us anyway and to be honest it's not too bad walking around here short distances. That's why I'm considering opening with reduced hours so they have something else to do. But I will be telling them not to drive to the setting as the approach road isn't safe for driving on. We're only a pre-school playgroup so we aren't relied on for childcare purposes. But I do agree the safety thing is the main one. I was shocked to read that last Feb DCSF stated they considered travel to school to be essential, as in when the authorities recommended only essential travel! I agree education is imprtant but it isn't so important I'd want people, staff or children, putting themselves at risk.

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We have been open this week, but pipes now frozen so unlikely tomorrow. (unless there is a big thaw)


I made the decision yesterday not to make staff come in, only if they wanted to. I would feel really terrible if they injured themselves if I made them come out. As there maybe some legal 'duty of care'. All staff are able to walk to playgroup though, except one can't because of asthma and one bad back.


Most children haven't been turning up until 9.30 if at all. This morning the biggest problem was parents wanting to stay for the session with younger / older siblings. Our building is very small and gets very crowded with lots of group up + we already had 3 staff children in. I felt guilty staying no, it would have been a nightmare.

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We will be closed tomorrow........there is just nothing I can do about it........staff can't get in.......have to say, when I rang parents to explain they were all very supportive - which made me feel much better about the decision.


Our Primary school opened this morning and then closed at 10:45 - parents find that far more frustrating.......

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Me too - no staff (either stranded - buses not running and cars iced in or schools shut and they have children. Bless him hubby just tried to move my car and it slid down the hill on the ice. With the hand break on. He's put all the snow back under the wheels)


I have taken my own children to school one of the days and the parents reaction was amazing. They were furious they were open!!!

We too had to collect them at 1.00pm . :o


Starting again on Monday all nice and bright and freezing

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We are closed again tommorrow as our site is within a school and they all are. But our gas for our terrapin has now run out anyway and our supply is not guarranteed to arrive for Monday even if the school did open. We have use of the school hall as we had it booked Monday morning, but after that who knows if they can accomodate us. This is, if they all manage to open anyway after the weekend. Our council has issued a statement about closing the schools http://www.wokingham.gov.uk/children-youth...re-explanation/


Clare x

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We're a school with a nursery on site and we were closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Today all but one staff member managed to get in to school because we were supposed to be open, only for the school to be closed at 8.45. Parents who had already brought their children in for the breakfast club had to come and collect their children again. We're definitely not open now until Monday, but unless there is a lot of snow at the weekend or sunday night we'll be open then, some volunteers are going to clear the school car park and paths over the weekend.

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Most children haven't been turning up until 9.30 if at all. This morning the biggest problem was parents wanting to stay for the session with younger / older siblings. Our building is very small and gets very crowded with lots of group up + we already had 3 staff children in. I felt guilty staying no, it would have been a nightmare.


Yes, we had this problem last year - and I'm not allowing it to happen again. It ended up with staff looking after all the children while the parents all had a 'get together chat'!!!



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we are closed again today as the school who's site we are on is closed. Buses aren't going up the big hill we are on and I would be very worried about driving and its too far to walk. Forecast not good so I am worried about monday. So far I will be refunding over 200 in fees and we are a very small setting so things are difficult . Following advice and discussion on here I've been giving staff things to do from home via email which has proved effective and not unpopular

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Not sure if anyone alse was unsure of this but I have just spoken to Essex Early Years with regards funding and have been told that if the setting is closed due to circumstances out of our control then the funding still stands!! That's one bit of good news now all I need to do is work out refunds for fee paying children!!

We are also closed for the second day running as the school we operate from is closed.



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Does anyone know what the insurance situation would be if staff bring their own children into the setting? We are quite accessible as we're on the main road through the village which is clear. The main reason I can't open is that staff are having to stay at home with children who can't get to school, which is frustrating.

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Does anyone know what the insurance situation would be if staff bring their own children into the setting? We are quite accessible as we're on the main road through the village which is clear. The main reason I can't open is that staff are having to stay at home with children who can't get to school, which is frustrating.

Hi Suzie - I think we have discussed this before.....would a forum search throw something up?


I suppose the only way is to ring your insurers - sorry not a particularly helpful comment! :(


I'm so glad I made my decision about closing today.........has been snowing solidly since 7am and shows no sign of stopping anytime soon! :oxD


Primary school are closed too! :(

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we are closed for the third day running. School opened that we share a site with but I thought it was still too dangerous. If you say your open parents then feel like they have to bring the children. Our paths and roads are still covered. Not sure what to do monday. If it stays the same I will have to open cannot afford another day. We are suppose to have more snow so will have to wait and see what happens.



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Can i ask what everyone does about paying staff? I remember last time we were forced to close because of snow, the committee paid 1/2 pay but it was only for one day and i wasn't sure it was right but didn't know if it would happen again. Obviously this is an extended spell, our third day of possibly a lot! Your responses would be appreciated.

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I have had to make the decision to remain closed tomorrow (Monday 11th) we have over 12 inches of snow on the ground and it has snowed on and off all day........


Main roads are 'slushy' but passable.....side roads - forget it! :o


Really, really hope that we can get back on Tuesday.........parents have been excellent.........but I feel we are not providing much of a service xD

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Really, really hope that we can get back on Tuesday.........parents have been excellent.........but I feel we are not providing much of a service :o



I am quite sure they know that you have no choice Sunnyday. If you usually offer a good service and are reliable, when your back is against the wall most people will be very understanding.


We are all going to be back to normal tomorrow by the looks of it. Unless the heavens decide to open on us tonight and make the roads unpassable for the school busses again.

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My little sis in North Yorkshire has well over a foot, and more promised apparently. We've not got much here at all, but we're well below freezing. The washing up liquid is frozen in the bottle at Preschool and the kitchen tap (we only have cold taps) is too. So far the sink in the toilet is working ok, so fingers crossed that it still is tomorrow and that the frozen pipes don't burst!

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I did a search on the insurance thing but couldn't find anything, i could try to travel to work tomorrow, but may have to take my children! Has anyone found the info i need!!!! I want to get back to normality (what ever that is)

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