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Star Wars Topic!?

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The children have chosen star wars as our weeks topic, does anyone have any good ideas for star wars activities, i'm stuck!!


thanks :o


Construct some star trooper helmets.


How can we make our light sabre appear to 'light up'?


Also stuff on space generally - stars, etc.


Create your own alien (look at Yoda, chewbacca, etc.)


If you're as old as me, watch out as there is now a 'new' version called Star wars the clone wars which confusingly has some of the same characters but some different ones.


I downloaded some great superhero tunes from itunes and made a superhero cd for the children to dance, warm up or just use their imagination to. It included the theme tunes from Batman, Spiderman, Power rangers, Superman and Star wars. It is great to see how they react when you put it on but probably best to use a large hall space! Our class bears had a make-over and became superbears. Maybe one of your class bears/toys could become Darth Vader - let the children see what they can come up with!


thanks for all the fantastic ideas everyone!!!

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