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Hi everyone,


I just had to share, cant believe it! Have just received my maths results for the data handling module on GCSE maths. Our tutor entered us all for the higher tier and I got a B 81%, I am speechless.


I also wanted to say, anyone worried about doing their maths, really if I can do then anyone can. I got ungraded at school and am absolutely petrified of anything to do with maths, but I pushed and pushed myself, my son kept saying to me 'mum just feel the fear and do it anyway' (a book I bought years ago, nothing to do with maths, but all about facing up to our fears and just doing it).


I am so unbelievably chuffed, this in so many ways means more than a good assignment grade.


Thanks for reading


Claire x


Well done you, its really something i should do but i never get round to it.I did my level 2 maths, so i could do HLTA, not sure how it compares tho xx


Well done - clever you! Must be a real sense of pride and achievement :o


Amazing how 'maths' can make us feel this way - Well done cupcake. I am a complete duffer at maths, and if I get anything correct I am always chuffed! I know a lot of maths is about confidence and I try my best at pre-school to give the children confidence with their counting and to have a go.


You have my undying admiration.


You have brought a smile to my face..well done on all your hard work and for encouraging us to face our fears!


redbase :o




Congratulations on hating it but pushing ahead anyway - I'm in awe!




Thankyou everyone for your kind words, I am still in a state of shock. I have phoned my mum about 6 times ( I am 41) and we have both been crying on the phone, her telling me she always thought I could do it and me saying 'I wish I had listened to her' :o The buzz I am feeling is just so totalling amazing and yes I will now be recommending to everyone to just 'feel the fear and do it anyway'! My signature quote is also resounding in my ears as well....how true was Edison!


Claire x

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