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  • 2 months later...

Came across this topic whilst doing a search for my Superheroes topic. I know this is an old post so probably won't be any help to you Titchy but thought I'd add this list that might be useful to others.

I jotted down this list at my local Early Years Conference recently and was able to find all the books by doing a quick search online.


Super Daisy

Nat Fantastic

Eliot Jones Midnight Superhero

George saves the world by lunchtime


Superhero ABC

Super Sue

Super Sam

Charlie's Superhero Underpants

Traction Man


I think there is an article in Nursery World recently about it. As we have made our own Superheros resource box with books, masks and costumes. The article is called this. Learning & Development: Superhero Books - Zap! Pow!


Helen Bromley, 06 January 2010, 00:00am


I cant access it as im not a subscriber, sorry


Hope this helps.

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