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Hi everyone

Just to say I have especially enjoyed looking on here over past few days as my hubby has been away skiing and although I don't know you all, I feel like I am getting to know you and that there are friends out there!!! I have missed him a lot this time, didn't sleep that well last night, and it is so nice to come on here and as the advert says it's good to chat.

That's all I wanted to say really.


Redbase :o


Hope your OH gets home soon, it's difficult to get away to ski during term time and so expensive during the school holidays, there is always someone around on here to chat to when you log on which is great. I haven't been in the chatroom for ages but that's a great place to mingle too! Gets a bigt surreal in there sometimes


Hiya redbase - I'm with you.....Mr Sunnyday used to have to go away for work....not so much now....I couldn't bear it........there were some advantages of course.....double bed all to myself - reading til all hours in the aforementioned bed without feeling the light would keep him awake, no need to cook if didn't feel like it, custody of the TV controls.........hmmm quite a few advantages actually! :oxD


true...have the remote... wonderful :D but I miss mine 2!!!


He's going away for a month in feb to argentina with rugby and again in june so expect my postings to go up in those months! haha xxxx


Hi all..

Have to say have enjoyed watching Phantom of the Opera tonight without a glum face sitting next in other chair..also had chicken salad for tea..yum!!

Miss having him to chat to.

A month is a long time Ktcooney...look forward to hearing from you more then. He,he!


Redbase :o

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