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Name Suggestions Please


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Some of you might remember that just over a year ago our much loved springer spaniel died very suddenly - he was 13 and had been with us since he was barely a year old.


The loss hit the family hard but especially my other half who was really sad xD


The last 15 months without a dog have been strange to say the least and now we feel the time is right to have another dog, not a replacement of course and for that reason we are not having another springer spaniel. We are going to be welcoming a new puppy, a little Westie (hence my new avatar) and he or maybe she will be joining us in March.


Soooo I thought you clever lot could come up with some name suggestions as we are failing miserably - I know that when we see him /her they may 'look like' a name but for now I would welcome any suggestions :o

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A boy in my class had a hamster called 'fluffybum', which I thought was really cute. But you couldn't call a dog that - imagine calling it back in the park! :o


Snowball? - NO



Scot - bit obvious!


sorry-will keep thinking. xD

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Freya - for girls

Lily Beans sounds cute


Fred for a boy


... just looking on a dog name website.


I like this. Do you know whether it's a girl or boy you're getting?

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Really depends on the day - sometimes you can choose a name and it just doesn't fit - I think your idea of getting as many names as poss is great!


Thinking hard here . . . don't get too bored waiting- my brain's not too clever at the moment . . . . hmmmmm . . .






Dougal, Douglas, Tartan, Tottie, Whisky, (I like the sound of these alcohol related ones)!


best of luck, let us know how you get on :-)

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we're thinking of getting a dog two names I like if we had a boy would be J.edgar(as in Hoover) or Dyson 'cause I remember as a teenager we had a dog and as soon as any crumbs or scraps got dropped there was the dog faster than any vac


my friends dogs are called Molly and poppy ones a westie the other a yorkie


I think its a valid point imagine yourself calling the name at the park you dont want something too embarassing (either because it's twee or gets miss heard)

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Our cats are Dennis, Minnie and Harry. We tend to use people names because they are little people to us (sad but true) We once had a hamster called Moo. She was a Russian, and so we worked backwards. Russian names end in ski, ski is a yoghurt, yoghurt is made from milk, milk comes from cows, cows go Moo.

I like names like William, Henry, Gladys, Nell.

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Our westie was called 'Sammy' (girl) and mother-in-laws was called 'Holly'.


It is heart breaking when they die - ours died in 2002 at the age of 14 - all of us were devastated, the kids keep wanting another, but i'm being selfish and saying no because I know it's me that has to look after it, even thou they promise they will (age 15 & 17), me thinks not!!! :o

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I think its a valid point imagine yourself calling the name at the park you dont want something too embarassing (either because it's twee or gets miss heard)


Remember, too, that in the vets they'll call out the dogs name with your surname!! Many times we've had to stiffle sniggers at the likes of Rambo Smith and Tyson Jones :o



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Oh Geraldine you lucky, lucky thing........I am sooooo jealous!


When I get my new dog.....apparently I'm waiting until I retire.......hmmm.......maybe not! xD I would really like to have a female Border Terrier and I will call her Trudi...........if I had a boy I would call him Flynn......


Please post some pics when you get him or her - that way those of us that are currently without a dog (or between dogs) can share!


Oh and nona's point about the vets is a valid one - we had, at one point, a huge buck rabbit - I'm ashamed to say we called him 'Bonker' - thing was he did - everything - all the time!!! :o When my youngest son and I had to take him to the vets, obviously we were asked his name - I fixed my son with a 'don't you dare glare' and quickly invented a new name on the spot! :(

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Oh Geraldine you lucky, lucky thing........I am sooooo jealous!


When I get my new dog.....apparently I'm waiting until I retire.......hmmm.......maybe not! xD I would really like to have a female Border Terrier and I will call her Trudi...........if I had a boy I would call him Flynn......


Please post some pics when you get him or her - that way those of us that are currently without a dog (or between dogs) can share!


Oh and nona's point about the vets is a valid one - we had, at one point, a huge buck rabbit - I'm ashamed to say we called him 'Bonker' - thing was he did - everything - all the time!!! :o When my youngest son and I had to take him to the vets, obviously we were asked his name - I fixed my son with a 'don't you dare glare' and quickly invented a new name on the spot! :(


I would have been 'ready' for another dog before now but knew my other half wasn't - I also knew that in time he would be ready so hard though it was at times I played the waiting game and didn't mention the issue. Just before Christmas he mentioned the first inklings of 'another dog' and that has grown since then - we have found a really good breeder and 'our puppy' is 'in utero' and all being well will be ready to leave mum at 7 weeks which takes us to March. Of course I will share pics with you and no doubt will have questions from the dog experts amongst us. I have never house trained a dog before as our last one was nearly a year old when we got him so in for some interesting/fun times.


At the moment Theo is popular for a boy and Freya for a girl but we'll see!!!

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Archie our border terrier will be 1 on March 1st and boy has the year flown. He was Archie because it was when Phil threw Archie in the pit at the garage but Archie lost an argument with Queen Victoria on Christmas day :o (eastender fans will know what I mean ) IF we had waited till we got to know him he would have been Pringle (loves um) or Stieff 'cause he looks like a scruffy Stieff teddy bear. When I walk him there are lots of Archie, Alfies, Harry's ect so really think he would have been better with a more unique name. I shout Archie and half the park come running. He's mates with 'Rhubarb and Custard' who are the same age as him and a Springer spaniel and a golden labrador ( a couple got his and her puppies as they couldn't agree on a breed).Although it does sound a bit daft when the oweners call at least only their dogs come.


Archies proper name is 'Carboncopy of Samson' so if your dog has a pegiree it may come with a name? The names are registered before you get them but you may get some input if you are owners 'in waiting' There were 2 grizzles in Archies litter so the breeder gave me the choice of the names she had registered. We've had a cluster of puppies at work so we have 'Dave' a Shar Pei, 'Gilbert' the Great dane, 'Max' the black lab and a Pug-zu ( pug Shih-Tzu cross) A trend towards humanised names for dogs recently.


I agree a Scottish name would be a good choice so from my Scottish roots I say 'Campbell' or 'Bella' for a girl.

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My Cocker is called Dexter. He was named after a band whose song we loved.


I would really like another dog but he is such a mummy's boy I don't think he would handle it!!! xD


I like the names Barker, Milo and Mayo for a boy, or Lexi, Tamara or Juno for a girl.


Look forward to seeing the picture of your new edition!!!! :o

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That is such an adorable picture !!! those eyes and that healthy glossy coat.


I think we should have a 'photo's of our pets' thread so we can all go aaaaaawwwwwwww and feel good after a bad day

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  • 6 months later...

Just a little update. The expected arrival in March didn't happen as the 'mating' was not successful.


But now I can tell you that 'Theo' has arrived :oxD:( born by emergency caesarian section along with his sister, sadly a third puppy didn't make it xD


Of course he won't be joining us here at home for a few weeks yet but I am going to see him tonight, I can't wait and am sooooooooooooooooooo excited :(:( :wacko:

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