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Committee Members Leaving!

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Hi I am manager of a small committee run preschool and have just been told that the 3 trustees of the committee are all standing down at the end of Summer Term-they have all cited different reasons for doing so but I am not convinced by these.Anyway the question I have now is if anyone here has had a similar experience and what they did. Myself,staff and parents are determined to stay open but am not sure what steps to take.I have spoken to our PSLA lady who is coming in next week to talk to me about what can be done but am really after some positivity after a bit of a day which has left me overwhelmed and facing a lot of tasks. Our numbers at the moment are low but I think if we can hold our nerve these will pick up again as we have started to get new children in albeit not quickly enough for the departing trustees!! Thanks in advance for any nuggets of wisdon

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Put it to your parents. Tell them that you need committee members and the reasons for this. Start by being very nice and saying how much you welcome parents being active mebers of the group and wait a bit.

If you get no response put out another letter telling them that without afunctioning committee you will have to close. Have alist of the roles ready for any who ask and something about volunteering for your pre-school.

You can get these from the PLA. I'll try to upload my copies for you.

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We will have the same problem this year Chair, Secretary and Treasurer all leaving at the same time, and only have 3 parents staying in September none of which have ever been to a committee meeting and have no desire to do so!!

We have been in this situation before and luckily because our AGM doesn't happen until mid September new parents have stepped in at the crucial moment!

No words of wisdom I'm afraid just fingers crossed it works out.

Amazing there is still a lot of committee run groups about really!

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As well as talking to your parents, if one of those leaving could be relied on to speak positively about the need for new parents to volunteer, I would advise asking them to help recruit. This really worked for us as for some reason the parents believed the other parent more than us!

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I think I might be missing something here. I would expect to lose committee members who's children are moving onto school. I find it best to single people out that you think may be good at a role and ask them. It hasn't failed for me yet.


If you adopt the new pla constitution you can have a member of staff on committee.


Or do you mean to trustee's as this I think needs sorting legally and they may have to find someone to take over themselves.

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The members of the committee who are leaving aren't parents they are trustees as we are a charity,they are all retired and i think have simply had enough. Have been told to call an extraordinary meeting with parents to explain what is happening and asking for them to join the committee.This will have one of two outcomes I feel-either they'll rally round because they don't want us to close or they'll panic and remove their children anyway.Feel a bit like I'm in a no-win situation though thats probably because am tired and worrying about it all. Think early night in order and see what I can accomplish tomorrow,can't do much tonight.

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The members of the committee who are leaving aren't parents they are trustees as we are a charity,they are all retired and i think have simply had enough. Have been told to call an extraordinary meeting with parents to explain what is happening and asking for them to join the committee.This will have one of two outcomes I feel-either they'll rally round because they don't want us to close or they'll panic and remove their children anyway.Feel a bit like I'm in a no-win situation though thats probably because am tired and worrying about it all. Think early night in order and see what I can accomplish tomorrow,can't do much tonight.




I know how difficult it is, but we are also a Charity and our Committees leave nearly every year, we spend months getting CRB's sorted, bank signatures etc only to do it all again after a desperate search for a new Chair, Treasurer etc. they start, input changes and then the same thing happens again.


I don't know what the answer is any more.


C x

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Sorry I was a bit confused. I think you need advice about this one. Can the PLA lady help you. I'm 99% sure this involve's legal paperwork work. I think your current committee need to appoint someone else ie someone that has had long term involvement with the group.


You have started me worrying now as our trustee's are elderly and one terimally ill.


I don't think this is your problem anyway, it's like owning something, you can't does forget it when you don't want to do it anymore.



It may be to your benefit, if they no longer want to carry on, maybe you could take it on as your own business!!!!!

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You register trustees and committee members online with the charity commission, before you register get all committee details, they even wanted dates of birth which I didnt know so they are all 1.1.70!! until I get to change them :o

Even our trustees change every 2 years at most, which is why I might buy a T shirt, I cant see myself ever giving it up or, being allowed to.

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Your other option is to ask advice from PSLA about how to approach the committee and other parents about dissolving the committee and you run it as it is but as a privately owned business - will avoid this prob again and PSLA rep will know all you need to know and support you in process , if thats an option for you .

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Me too Rea.


I'm chair and I stood up at our last AGM and stated bluntly: if we don't get a treasurer and a secretary, the preschool closes. It really is as simple as that - you can't run without a committee so if parents want their children at the preschool they have to step up to the mark.


Luckily 3 people stepped forward. Phew.

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Hi...we have been in this situation at the pre school i am a trustee for....i find that if one of our trustees steps down, the best way to go is to get all the parents together...and basically beg for new member.....also, we found it works well if the old trustees can stay in an advisory capacity to the new committee to help them get started. PLA are definately the best plae to start tho....they can advise you about requirements and how to cut red tape!

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I spoke to a lady from the charity commission today. Either way if fine, long standing trustee's and a committee or a committee who are trustees.


We work with long standing trustee's, which I think is better as the committee make everyday decisions but the trustee's step in at times ie renewing the lease etc. It also means that they are there long term, but the committee change annually.


I think either way you will be ok, ask people directly if you think they will be good at a role. Or dispand and set up as your own business. PLA will be able to help you.

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Well lucky you for having parents at an AGM!

None of ours bother to come and I even tell them playgroup will be paying for the first drink.


We did it straight after session Rea so they would have been embarrassed walking off! I've tried to avoid evening meetings, all our committee meetings take place during session time and we get in cover for the leader so she can attend.


It's a perennial problem I guess.


This year I've managed to achieve a situation where the old and new officers had a hand over meeting which worked really well. Luckily we have supportive parents.


Rea, we are saints! :o I had a situation in the last staff meeting where staff were moaning about something and I said to them - at least you get paid, I do all this for free!

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Rea, we are saints! :o I had a situation in the last staff meeting where staff were moaning about something and I said to them - at least you get paid, I do all this for free!



Its true suzie but I cant say it, its all I ever heard from the chair when I was the playleader and it drove me nuts. She never took into account all the things i did for free, only ever harped on about how much she did.

So, its a nice thought but I cant bring myself to say it. They know anyway.

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