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Planning And Assessment


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:D At last I've been given some advice on how to plan and assess for BTTM. Last week we had a planned visit from an early years co-ordinator and I managed to monopolise her time for half an hour to go through the BTTM and planning. She was actuallly happy with what I had done so far and said that I had included BTTM in my planning more than many settings were. :oxD My weekely planning on topics was fine and my daily activity sheets I designed are fine except for a few points.. I've been given the advice to break down the components and work on them over a short period of time (for how ever long is needed for all the children to achieve the objectives). Before I was planning the activity first and then adding on the sheet which components were being covered for each activity. I'm to keep a record of the children reaching each objective and use these for future planning. She said never to plan for more than a week at a time. Now I'm busy trying to sort these out but at least I have a direction to aim in. Just wish that the staff I had working for me in the 2-3 group were more co-operative. They just showing no interest in the BTTM and don't want to learn. :( I get told it's like being at college when I start trying to explain to them what we need to do. :( Anyway, she is coming back in May to see how we are doing and she is going to organise training for myself and the baby room supervisor. I'll try to keep everyone updated on here as to how its going. If anyone would like sample/example copies once I have them ready then please ask... as now I've been given the guidance I fell the need to share share and share!
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Forgot to mention before that I have also put together an assessment profile to go into the children's folders. These are based on original ones we were using and are based on the BTTM components. Each of the four components are broken down into development objectives. These are to date when the child reaches this stage of developmnet or learns a new skill. We were using a similar version before but this was based more on the ELG's. These are designed specifically for the 0-3's. When the child moves up to the 3-5's group they have a copy in their folders and a copy goes to the parents with keyworker and supervisor comments written on it, a bit like a report. The parents are then given the opportunity to come in and discuss their children progress and go through the sheets.


Also just incase anyone else is making the same mistake that we have been.. The Surestart profile books only have to be filled out when the child reaches three and moves to the 3-5 group. Not before. When they introduced the new ones with the BTTM column in it we presumed then that they had to be filled in for each child.. Wrong. :o She was happy with the profile/record sheets I had designed and said they were plenty for the 0-3's. Well that was good news for me as our group now have less paperwork to do there. :)

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Please could i have a copy too, we are all supposed to be getting training too, but the local authority have yet to appoint a trainer!!






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Thanks to all who have PM'd me. I have been working on some of the sheets tonight and have managed to sent emails to those who have hopefully with attachments in tow. xD I'll be working on the other stuff between now and after half term so over the next 2 weeks and hopefully at the end of it I'll have a fully operational BTTM planning and assesment folder. Will let you know how it is going. Also I'd appreciate feedback from anyone who I send info to along with any other ideas to make it better/easier. :D I'm on a mission now to get on top of it all and in control. Once we've had the new style plans in operation for about a month I'm going to review and maybe get further outside advise through Surestart again. Now all I need is to get the staff to work alongside me here and we'll be well away. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all. Really sorry about delay in sending stuff to those who have PM'd and emailed. I was told that someone couldnt accept the stuff as their computer said it carried a virus.. Cant remember who it was now off hand (without going back into my email).. Sorry, but a biig thanks for informing me. I have checked it out and did a virus scan and yes there was a virus, luckily not a serious 'I'm going to crash your computer one' but a 'Im going to bug you for a bit' one. xD:o

All clear now 'hopefully', as the PC says its fine now. Going to scan my email and get what I have ready over to the ones that are waiting hopefully today or tomorrow. We have now got the stuff in operation at our setting and so far it seems to be going well and has opened some of the staffs eyes as to what they are really observing for in the children. As i said before I would really appreciate any feedback from others once they have the stuff. Also anything you think after reading through that I may have missed out as I'm happy for help from others too.

Thanks for your patience everyone... :):):)



EDIT: Just had a thought that theres that thing called snail mail isn't there. lol, :( . If all else fails Send me your nursry/home address and I'll find my envelopes and stamps!.

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Oh, I did not read well your last message. I thought someone else had the virus in their PC. Thankfully everything is okay now with yours and no one else seems to have been affected. I just sent you a PM, but I see you will start sending the e-mails during the week-end. I hope you also have some rest :o .


Thanks in advance for your generosity :).

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Hi Amethyst,

If you would like to share your sheets with all the members here, perhaps you could email them or PM Steve or me, and we can make them available for everyone. You need some recognition for all your hard work :D:D

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Would love to see your BTTM, the only course available to our area is an 8 week course pm after schools out. The fact most of us have children and will struggle to find childcare to cover all 8 weeks makes it a rather un accessable course.

I understand it is difficult to arrange course to suit everyone but 4.30 is a bit ridiculous, so all help and guidance will be appreciated.

net x

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  • 2 weeks later...


:D  At last I've been given some advice on how to plan and assess for BTTM. Last week we had a planned visit from an early years co-ordinator and I managed to monopolise her time for half an hour to go through the BTTM and planning. She was actuallly happy with what I had done so far and said that I had included BTTM in my planning more than many settings were.  :o  xD My weekely planning on topics was fine and my daily activity sheets I designed are fine except for a few points.. I've been given the advice to break down the components and work on them over a short period of time (for how ever long is needed for all the children to achieve the objectives). Before I was planning the activity first and then adding on the sheet which components were being covered for each activity. I'm to keep a record of the children reaching each objective and use these for future planning. She said never to plan for more than a week at a time. Now I'm busy trying to sort these out but at least I have a direction to aim in. Just wish that the staff I had working for me in the 2-3 group were more co-operative. They just showing no interest in the BTTM and don't want to learn.  :( I get told it's like being at college when I start trying to explain to them what we need to do.  :( Anyway, she is coming back in May to see how we are doing and she is going to organise training for myself and the baby room supervisor. I'll try to keep everyone updated on here as to how its going. If anyone would like sample/example copies once I have them ready then please ask... as now I've been given the guidance I fell the need to share share and share!


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Hi amethyst

sorry about copying your topic again i was trying to reply to you and somehow I copied what you had wrote anyway i just wanted to let you know i think its brilliant that you have done planning on the bttm this is what i am trying to set up in our nursery but no one seems to be able to grasp it I would love to see your planning so that i could show other nursery staff in our setting. we are having training 4 sessions training on this starting after easter hols but somehow I think we will need more


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Hi again.


we have had some training on BTTM now and they stated that our planning does not have to be anything long or elaborate, for the long term planning all we have to do is a BTTM policy to go in our policies and procedures and also in each room that uses the framework. medium and short term planning includes weekly session plans and a wall planner, because especially with babies, you cant plan to do something at a certain time of the day with all children, as some may be sleeping, some may be not up to the activity due to teething etc, so on the wall planner you write on what you actually did and why it had to be changed. also we take photos of the children's work and put these in the planning file to show what we actually did.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi amethyst, can I be cheeky :D and ask you to send me your BTTM paperwork, pretty, pretty please

cheers in advance, Alison

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again all... Firstly a HUGE GREAT BIG SORRY to all who have asked for the stuff I have on BTTM.. I've had a lot of family problems to deal with as well as keeping on top of things at work.. But all settled for now so I am back. :o I since had another visit from the Surestart coordinator and run through some of my paperwork with her. I have readapted a few things and she has kindly supplied me with some sheets to use for planning too either along with or insted of mine. Not quite up to date yet but started these as of this week and hopefully they will work. She also gave me pictures of Observation boards that have been done in other settings. She informed very kindly that Ofsted are looking for thigs like the planning we have and the observation board.

My scanner is down so I'll try to describe it.. Very simple really.. Set up a display board into 4 sections... back each section in relevant colour i.e purple for strong child. Put up relevent headings. spilt these further into 4 sections for each component. take photos of the children achieving different statements, i.e one of a child in the role play area put in the competent learner, being imaginative section.

Add a few photos to each section .. maybe with small captions underneath.. The picture I saw also had a border round the display using gingerbread 'people' lol and in each cut out was one of the statements i.e playing imaginatively with materials using all the senses. These were round the edge of the relevent boxes.. I have to say they looked very impressive the pictures I saw and they were only in black and white! Lots of typing to do all the labels and headings but I think it will be well worth it when its finished. If I rememeber I'll photo it and post it when done. For the statements we are using starfish cutouts as the board will be displayed in the baby room which is the starfish group, even though it will have photos from that room and the toddler room. Hoping to get round to doing 2 boards.


Hope this is of some help and will start emailing people again over next few days (hopefully) with the planning and assessment sheets we use. Please will you let me know what you think. :)

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The board idea sounds really good as a reference for parents. But should we do all this extra work for the benefit of inspectors? Can they not observe the planning in practice, with real children?


I would use my time in training the staff in contributing to the planning ( doing, being the best way to learn all the areas of the BTTM).


I do use photo's which I put in my planning book, mainly to evidence the child initiated, spontaneous activities that are not planned by us, therefore showing evidence of both planned and child led learning and experiences.




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The board idea sounds really good as a reference for parents. But should we do all this extra work for the benefit of inspectors? Can they not observe the planning in practice, with real children?


I would use my time in training the staff in contributing to the planning ( doing, being the best way to learn all the areas of the BTTM).


I do use photo's which I put in my planning book, mainly to evidence the child initiated, spontaneous activities that are not planned by us, therefore showing evidence of both planned and child led learning and experiences.



Hi Peggy..

We have started doing our board today and it has proved a useful training tool as the BTTM staff are able to get a better understanding of what they are working towards with the photos and it being broken down.. It stands out o=lovely on the wall and the parents are asking what it is going to be. Yes.. I have to admit that we did have the ulterior motive of the inspectors too, :o but at the same time it hasn't taken too long and the benefits will be great. The pre school team have now taken on a similar idea with the ELG's which will have both photos and childrens work in the six sections. :D I like the idea for the photos of the child initiated activities.. Bet you have some lovely pictures to show the children at play!

EDIT: I've sent you some of our stuff on the BTTM.. I hope you have received it ok.

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Received and thanks a million!  Let's see if the BTTM teacher is interested in it :o.  I will pass it to her.  Okay?



Glad you recieved it ok.. Let me know what she thinks of it and any other suggestions you, her or other staff may have.. xD



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Hi Amethyst,

If you would like to share your sheets with all the members here, perhaps you could email them or PM Steve or me, and we can make them available for everyone. You need some recognition for all your hard work  :D  :D


Hi. Thanks. Sorry I didn't reply beforehand.. I'd rather give it a little bit longer and receive some feedback from some of the people I'm emailing them too before I put them on here properly, just incase people don't like it or find too many problems with it. :o Give it a bit though and let me finish of my new assessment sheet for those who are nearing 3 and getting ready for pre school and a couple of other bits. Once these are done and 'hopefully' I have received some positive feedback then I'll be happy to share with everyone who visits the site. At the moment I have a few positive feedbacks and plenty from the staff at work. :D I'll be happy to email you what I have so far though in the meantime if you wanted to take a look and perhaps hold onto them for future sharing?

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